should I blame these
Friday Pretties
as the cause of my grumblings of the moment?
yes....bluebird is 100% out of sorts
I have a fear.....a big fear.... one of my top 4 worst fears....
and it has arrived on my doorstep
I have been putting this terrible task on hold for a while now....
years to be exact...and it has caught up with me...
and now it is double the trouble...YES DOUBLE!
Serves me right ....I should of faced this fear years ago....
but no....I just went along my merry way avoiding the problem..
hoping it would magically disappear....
I have faced this fear twice before and believe me it was
not a pleasant experience....some of you will laugh at my silliness....
but I do know many of you will sympathise with me ....
Yes....I have a dentist phobia....
and the crown I should of had a year or so ago...has now turned into
double trouble....2 side by side..meaning Mr. Dentist wants to do
both at once...lucky me...the wee cracks of yesteryear's have
turned into the grand canyon's of today...
so do I unfairly blame all these sweet pretties for my misfortune?
I think not!
It was that mean fat healthy carrot I ate on Monday that
broke the camels back {in my case tooth}...
Why did I have to eat healthy that day?
oh well....it was going to happen sooner or later...
just wish it was a lot later...
the worst thing is I now have to wait a whole 10 days before
I can get this done....no more hot or cold drinks for me..or even real food
Mr. Dentist was so kind to give me some pain killers
Warning....for the next 10 days could you kindly remember I am on drugs and
so whatever I post can not be held against me.....
Any advice on how I can get through the 2 hours+ of drilling would be
so kindly appreciated
I keep telling myself not to be such a baby..but its not working!
{note....I think this is the longest post I have ever written in bluebird history...
proving that I am nothing but one big CHICKEN when it comes to the dentist...and
that I sooooo need a shoulder or two to cry on.....sorry...I'll stop whining now}
On a brighter note...
Friday Pretties
visit Joyces blog here to see more pretties
Oh Koralee....I love your long post:)) And I am so sorry it was a carrot that did this to you. Stick with the pretties!
I hope you do ok over the next 10 days...I can't imagine. Oh - but I can imagine how you feel about the dentist:(
Hugs to you!!!! Take care and stay away from the carrot....
Oh me oh my! I'm not the one to coax you through the thing I am most terrible at! Ask them if you can have a baby instead... :)
We will be holding your hand!!!
I can't say I'm afraid of the dentist - but I have a tooth in back that I need to get off my behind & go on in and get a crown done... So, you're definitely not the only one!
It's always the healthy food that gets you, isn't it? Carrots :D
I'd just do it and get it over with... because the longer you wait the worse it's going to get.
My Dr. Hubby is TERRIFIED of the dentist. As in...has to be medicated to go for even a CLEANING! If you are in alot of pain I would call the office and tell them that if there are any cancellations that you would love for them to call you because you are in pain and unable to eat. Might cut off a day or three of your wait. Hope the pain meds help until you get in. {{hugs}}
Oh sweet one, I'm so sorry, but I am smiling over your post. For starters, I think you must write this kind of long posts from now on, I adore your writing style! You poor thing, how will you get through the next 10 days, I am wondering right now. I suggest you go surrounding yourself with all the Christmas loveliness in the shops and perhaps {back} massages to get the attention away from the double trouble. Let us know the date and time when you will be in that chair, I will think of you and lit a candle for some extra comfort. I love love the way you write about your fear. I'm lucky to have good teeth, Mark is less lucky, everything is oh so sensitive.
Much love and hugs to you my friend xoxoxoxoxoxo
I knew, I knew... all that sugar was going to catch up to you.... But, the good news is.... there is life on the other side of a dentist visit like this. I'm living proof as you know. I just survived gum graft surgery, last week and my stitches are now out.
Ah...to get old. Isn't life fun.... I would if I could live in your SugarLand forever and just dream, dream, dream to be a kid again.
I for one, am waiting for a pain-med-filled posting. It should be fun to see what you will create.
Seriously, take it one day at a time. And remember, to breathe every so often.
Try to get out and have a great weekend,
Hi koralee, ok you have convinced me no more carrotts! See what they can do to you. I have a app. to go to the dentist next week, but I am going to give myself a little break after all of my treatment and followup doc. visits. Even after ever thing I have been through I still dread the dentist. My advice to you for your 2 hour app. is to ask for a happy pill, before chemo I was never one to take anything, but let me tell you a little zanax would always relax and put me to sleep during long loud MRI's. I will be praying for you!
I agree with Sherrie-
Oh Koralee I am right there with you! I have been putting off a dentist visit for ages because of fear.
Fear is the great equalizer, as humans we all fear something. I have a friend who is scared to death of mice, I think they are adorable and will catch and handle them with zero fear, while she will be cringing in terror.
I guess in the end our triumph is how we overcome those things that frighten us.
I send many positive thoughts your way!
Tina xo
I definitely do not look forward to the dentist either. It seems like I am always getting a crown or something else. I am due for a crown as we speak.
Anyway...you deserve to whine!!! Plus, getting it all out makes you feel so much better!
I will be thinking of you.
Oh sweet friend I understand. My husband got a new crown on Tuesday and I told him I'd rather have another organ removed than dental work (I've had over 10 surgeries so I know what I'm talking about). I am in need of some attention to a back tooth (or 2) but waiting for the new year - will avoid all carrots and other such healthy foods as best I can. My best advice is to take your Ipod and listen to either a good book on tape or some soothing music. Hang in there.
This might not have happened had you bit into a cookie! I hope all goes well...my dentist is very gentle and I never have had the slightest bit of pain...given that it is numb. I'll be thinking of you.
your so not a big chicken..
you know how you hear people say they would rather go to the gyno than the dentist..
well... THAT'S ME!!
like you i hate the dentist.. everything about it...
i'll be thinking of you--- but you will be fine!!
koralee... finally... we can be here for you!
why don't you fly to denver and my family can take care of everything...
father, brother, sister all in dentistry... gentle, sweet, loving... and you will not feel a thing.
if only... but i am serious... if you can do it... i will be there to hold your hand the whole way... when you are in the chair, think of my dad... and know your are in good hands...
i will be praying for you to be calm... and all to go well.... xoxo
I think Jeanette is right about the ipod. I can relate (and my husband is a dentist, and he does really great work!) I also think it is really great if you can have someone there to hold your hand. Sadly, since my husband is the one doing the work I can't get his help with that.
oh, koralee...
you will be in my thoughts. i'm not crazy about the dentist, either. i do feel very lucky that we have modern dentistry, consider the alternative...
sending you big hugs!
For the last month my mental to do list starts with...make family dentist appointments. Have I? No! I try not to use the word hate...but I do :) Sorry dentists :)
LOL Join in the fun with me Koralee!ha.I had 3 wisdom teeth pulled a few days ago.NOT FUN! Its the yr. Of the DENTIST I guess LOL.I hope you have a pain free couple of days.I do, along with you really really hate the dentist.When I was young I used to cry just when my mother told me I had an appointment.
Alls well that ends well, is that what they say?? I hope for you its a good end and a good beginning.seriously you may not have pain.They do a fantastic job nowadays numbing the area and it stays that way for hours,like 5 maybe.;)
Oh Koralee I am sorry, I know what you mean, I have had a panic attack while in the dentist chair, I hate it so much!! My problem is if I get any novacaine at all I start gagging, uncontrollably... when I was pregnant with my 5th child I had to have 3 root canals!! the only thing that got me through was the baby kicking, I was just 5 months pregnant and starting to feel the kicks, so I laid there with my hands on my belly and waited for kicks. You don't suppose you could get pregnant real quick before these visits??
Well I suppose not, just pray, pray, pray!
Oh my - I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. My dentist keeps issuing dire warnings that I will need three done at some point and at over a thousand dollars each I'm not wanting to go there. I wonder if the dentist would allow you to take something like an i-pod so you could listen to soothing music??
i knew when i started reading this we were going to end up in medical land.
i have veneers on my front teeth and when one came off i told her...i am NOT doing this cold turkey...like we did before. i am not. so she prescribed ATIVAN too take in the morning before i got there. a 2 hour procedure...and i don't remember a thing :-)
i was sleepy the next day...but it was so worth it...so in a word. ATIVAN
sending good wishes, my friend
Ohhhhhh that is so sad for you! I know there are sooooo many people with this same fear. Fortunately for me, I am not one of them. As long as I am good and numb, I get so relaxed in that dental chair that once I even fell asleep during a root canal. I have always found a really good dentist which makes all the difference. (Do you have a really good dentist?)
I wish you much luck to get through these next several days ... there is almost nothing worse than tooth pain! If you can't bear it, just march into the office and I am sure they will seat you sooner! xoxoxo
I don't enjoy going to the dentist either. Does anybody know anybody who loves to go to the dentist? Chin up. You know you must do this and it will be OK. I'm sending big cyber hugs to you ((hugs)).
Oh Koralee I know exactly how you feel!!! I fear the dentist too and have been told I need two crowns as well that my molars have cracks.YIkes!
My two fears...Dentist and child birth!!!
I will be sending you positive healing thoughts!!
After all is said and done this was a funny post!
Pamela xo
I am so sorry! I hate the dentist too.
Poor you! I do empathise and sympathise. The suggestion someone made of phoning and asking for a cancellation appointment is a good one -I find its the waiting that's the worst. Reading your blog would calm me....! Oil of cloves might help? Or a homeopathis tincture? Look after yourself.
Oh, I feel for you Koralee. I've often said that I'm pickier about my dentist than I am my gynecologist...that's how fearful I am. If it's major work, my dentist will give me nitrous oxide. It does really calm me, and you're still able to drive home yourself as it wears off as soon as they stop it. I know it might be a little extreme, but so is dental fear.
{[Hugs to you my sweet friend}}
Tell Dr. Dentist to KNOCK YOU OUT!!! bring an ipod, play it loud..have some sort of aromatherpy to bring along, Lavender or something to calm.
Ooooooh, sweet friend, i 'm sending you healing vibes and love! Things like this are so bad when they happen but then - my way to get over it is: Imagine you lived 200 years ago. Or not even that long. And imagine, what people had to go through when they had toothache in those days. After that, a nowadays dentists appointment seems like - not so bad. And also, deep breathing helps. If you do it on a regular base, 5 minutes every day. Breathe in - hold the breath a little, breathe out. It really changes the energy. Love to you!
Koralee...do you see me hiding behind the chair!!! i'm staying out of your way until Mr. Dentist does his magic...hope it's sOOn :)
Oh my Koralee...maybe you should go to a dentist that has an anasthesiologist, perhaps that would help if you are feeling fearful. Try bringing an ipod too for some distraction too. It will be okay though, and you'll be all fixed up and ready to eat Christmas cookies :)
You poor sweet lovely Koralee.........affraid for the dentist.....o my........this ladu here is also affraid for the dentist !! really !!....i wish you a happy friday pretties darling.......lovely long post !! i like it !! love Ria....
awww... poor Koralee... why do dentist exist, why? why? why?
Sorry that you have to go through that, hope it makes you feel a tiny bit better to know that you are not alone! (dentist - big no no for kirsty!)
Oh, Koralee dear. So sorry to hear that a healthy carrot was the culprit of your problem! That's so ironic! Well...I think most of us fear going to the dentist. You are not alone.
Blessings, my friend.
Oh no!! I am so sorry you are in pain, and full of fear. Listen to some uplifting music to help calm your nerves. That always puts me in a better state of mind. I am praying that your fears will ease for you.
I had a bite from a carrot yesterday that my granddaughter gave to me, plucked fresh out of her garden! They are quite hard, I agree. I like my cookies soft-baked! :)
Sweet blessings to you for a happy weekend, dear Koralee!
xoxo Gloria
Dear Koralee,
I am your fear sister! I am afraid to the point of terror. I have a dentist I love and whenever possible, he knocks me out (conscious sedation...pricy but worth it !) Other than that, I have lots of nitrous and some Klonopin (sedative). I have tried so many things and that's where I am! I need to have an implant, which I have been putting out. No biting surface on my left side, otherwise I would forget it. Must get the job done. They plan on doing everything else while I am under.
Big hugs, dear woman. I will be thinking of you!
I am certainly not a fan of dental work myself, but when it is all done, you will be glad and back to eating sweets in no time, I sure didn't waste anytime getting back to my daily chocolate routine :) xoxoxo
Oh, sweetie, I am the same way. I will avoid the dentist at all costs and then I'll be force to go when I need a crown or a root canal. Hang in there. Soon it will be over - but I'm surprised you have to wait 10 days!
Feel for you so much Koralee..I have the phobia too and last year I had a tooth absess and had to have root canal and then a crown fitted.Maybe you can get hypnosis,I've heard this is very effective.Good luck with it all! :0)
I can relate. I too have a dentish phobia. But, have found a wonderful dentist so I am doing better. I just got back from having my teeth cleaned and now "keep up" on my dental health. It is the only way to deal with it! You will do OK.
Have a restful weekend. Dogwood
Oh Koralee, you poor dear! Shhh don't tell anyone I have a horrible fewar of dentists too! I always put it off til it's to late and I have to go. Why I'm not sure. Hang in there you will feel better after it's done. Enjoy the drugs! Traci
I have been going through much of the same. I have been to the dentist so much this year including this week. I hate the long sessions. Kills my mouth to stay open so long. Before I went this week I took an
Alieve.......I don't know if it helped. You might try that or see if they will give you a relaxer of some kind. Most of my problems this year have been repairs of teeth that have been fixed long ago. It is important to not put it off but with costs and fears it is hard to go. Good luck. Just remember it is 2 hours out of your life and it will be over.
Hi Sweet Friend!
Oh Koralee....how I have missed you! I know how you feel...I'm a chicken too and I'm walking a thin line myself before trouble comes my way as I have a tooth that needs attention.
I have two words for you: Laughing Gas! Thinking of you and you can cry on my shoulder anytime!
Big hugs to you,
Just remember:
You've had babies!
This will be small,
small potatoes compared
to giving birth!
You CAN do it!
Make sure everyone
at home waits on
you hand and foot : ) !!
Good luck, sweet friend....
xx Suzanne
oh koralee! That is too bad! I am hoping you get better soon! sending you hugs!
Oh, I totally understand. I once told the dentist I would rather give birth to a baby than to come and see him. I had so many bad teeth years ago, it took a year to get them back in shape. I did learn my lesson and eventhough I hate it I go. I do still give the dentist a bad time though. I can't help it. Hold your breath and remind yourself, this to will pass.
Hi Koralee~
I'm so glad to visit you tonight ♥
I've been kind of quiet this week because I just miss Muffin so much.
Last night we buried her and my tears flowed ~
Chris worked so hard on our hard, clay and rocky soil to make a sweet spot for her just along our garden space. I thought of you this week too, Koralee, knowing that shortly after I "met" you, you posted about losing your dog too ~ It's so hard, isn't it?!
I dread the dentist too... even the hygienist as she comes toward my mouth with that vacuum thingy and cold water spray thingy ~
I broke a molar filling recently eating almonds. I faced my hour and a half {first visit} and extra half hour {second visit} because the broken filing left was really hurting my inside cheek.
I also always keep in mind that healthy teeth contribute to a healthy heart.
My dentist and his nurse always have interesting and funny conversations that make the time go by quickly...
If they weren't like this, I wouldn't hesitate to bring a headset and listen to an audio book or music.
You are in good company with your teeth, and with dental anxiety. hang in there... plan a treat {an amazing one} when you're done...
Get the best latte ever ...
God bless you dear ♥
*Enjoy the weekend*
It's okay, really...I spend 2 and 1/2 hours in the dentist chair Wednesday morning (my birthday!!). I had two crowns, right beside each other also, and a small filling. It really wasn't painful, only my jaw was sore from being wide open so long. That went away by the next morning. Dental work gets easier all the time because of all lasers and new stuff they use. I find the most painful part is paying for it!! You'll do fine!
Oh No! damn that healthy carrot!!! xox
Fear sister overhere ! I'll be thinking of you !
KORALEE! KORALEE! I AM HERE AMONGST ALL YOUR OTHER SISTAS!!! Oh dearest, no need to tell you how grueling and tiresome my conferences were...so that explains my tardiness or else I would have been here sooner...but what a bummer that you cannot have TEA!!!! OR REAL FOOD! No more carrots for you dearest...THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME about 3 months ago biting down on my healthy breakfast of granola and nuts. So, that little canyon I have going on is going to need repair also and I AM WITH YOU ABOUT THE DENTIST! Oh dearest, you are in my prayers!!!! Anita
Oh, your little pretties are going into the mail...and when you get into that dentist chair, THINK OF ALL OF US THAT LOVE YOU and they we too will be in that chair sooner or later!!!! Anita
Dear Koralee,
I ate a healthy piece of grain bread and it wrecked one of my tooth and I had to have some work on my tooth. Ended up having a crown.
I too hate going to the dentist.
Hope that you get it sorted soon sweet friend.
happy weekend
Sending Hugs from NZ
Hi Koralee,I send you a big hug and hope that your 10 days gone quickly,yust say that I also have fear for the dentist like many people....have a warm weekend..
You can't possibly be a bigger chicken than I am Koralee! I used to put it off too. But finally, I went to a dentist who suggested nitrous. It works.
Be brave.
Totally with you on the dentist thing. Sometimes though, this work just has to be done(she says with a couple of teeth that need mending). I put off all thoughts of the appointment until that very day and focus on getting it done and over with and telling myself it will be good to get things fixed and then I won't have to go back again for a while.
Oh! I do sympathize with you. I am a chicken too and I even worked for a dentist for YEARS! Hope all is well now. Take care, sweet one!
Dearest sweet Koralee, i have a huge fear when it comes to dentist too!! Everything about them and their tools just makes me shives like crazy. I am so sorry about your carrot incident but im sure the visit to the dentist will go just fine and oh so well!! We will be here for you!! Every time i visit i always bring my little doll with me..i know it sounds silly but she does clam me down. Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!
I've had tons of dental work and I'm still phobic. My husband has to go with me and sit in the waiting room when I go. I have trouble being stuck in the chair...not with the actual work. It doesn't hurt like it used to, in fact I generally ask for no shots. I have found that taking my iPod helps cover the drilling and I always get the earliest appt. in the morning so I don't have to wait and get more nervous. Good luck. I have some work to get done after the first of the year...icky!
Hi Dear Koralee, I am sorry you had to go through it all. No fun excercise. But better now before you need to extract the tooth (which I once had to do and build it up again!).
I have not been visiting for a long time. But whenever I do, I feel so good. (I find that my blogging is so reactive and not proactice. I need to make changes to my blog strategy).
Love to you,
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