Saturday, November 27, 2010

{one never quite gets over the lost of a faithful friend.....}

{my daughter Molly took this image in Leeds}

I thought it was adorable and
everywhere would appreciate

{teddy bear}
wake in the deepest dark of night
and hear the driving rain
reach out a hand and take a paw
and go to sleep again
charlotte gray
{enter my pink christmas giveaway here}


birdie blue said...

how sweet is that, koralee? my youngest has a special bunny she sleeps with every night. her sisters have christened it 'stinky'. although, she's in the wash right now...

have a lovely saturday, my friend.

Vintage Tea Time said...

Aww - hope the little one gets her sock monkey back! Cold and snowy here!

June said...

Oh Koralee, you have put a smile on my face again this morning. Thank you dear one!
big hug

OneCraftyFox said...

Goodness!! That is so cute! How funny that your daughter found this, at first glance I thought it was just a random joke you found on the internet.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!!

Scrappy Girl said...

That is so cute.

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
Oh this does go straight to the heart of a mommy ♥
All faithful friends are such a treasure at any age!

{I love my "stuffies" Honey Bear and Sweetie Bear!}

I also caught your previous post about lemon flavored goodies ~ that tart looks amazing ~ My grandmother LOVED lemon extract and always splashed a "little dab" on herself whenever she baked with it ~ it brings back warm memories.
Your husband sounds like sweetie ♥
We are so lucky*

I'm at my father's house right now... just signing in to get a substitute for Monday ~ he had surgery {not too serious-but requiring longer convalescence} so I'm bringing him back to my house -two hours away- where his puzzle is still waiting to be finished ;o)

Wishing you more sweet Saturday moments*
{Sending Molly a Big Hello from New York State!}
love her photo! love the worldwide connections!
xoxo *Maria*

Tracey @ My House of Giggles said... heartbreaklingly cute! I hope little monkey finds his way home! When I was about 6, I lost my own scruffy little monkey while we were on holiday in England, and luckily I had attached a little luggage tag to his leg. It was a very sad vacation. Until I returned home to find a package on our doorstep! A very lovely lady had mailed him all the way home to Canada!! :) I had left him in a shoe shop while trying on a new pair of red shoes.

There are a lot of lovely people out there! Hope an equally lovely one finds this little lost monkey.

bellaboo said...

Hope monkey and owner will be reunited soon! :0)

erin's art and gardens said...

aawwwww......that add is so sad, but cute at the same time, and of course it's the "daddy's" fault! my babys loved their blankies...we called (still call) them dee dee's. my hubby hands me a dee dee every night when i lay on the couch to watch t.v. he's a good hubby. we all need security of some kind. i sure hope they find the monkey.
happy saturday, sweety!

FrenchBlue said...

How darling my darling!!! Thank you for sharing this and it does bring back tender memories of those very special toys that seemed so human when they were all so small~
Have a fun weekend sprinkling your magic everywhere!!

flowersandhome said...

Oh, poor baby and poor monkey and poor mommy and daddy!!! Hope the monkey finds its way home, baby is happy again and mommy and daddy even happier and relieved. Great picture and great idea of those parents!!! That baby has terrific parents after all I think... Sad story but puts a smile on ones face at the same time too!

Bring Pretty Back said...

This is the BEST! haha! YES! Mothers everywhere understand this! Have a pretty day!

Marilyn Miller said...

Cute, I do remember. Peanuts the bear.

Faded Plains said...

Awww...I so hope baby gets her sock monkey back.

Susan said...

"Awwww..." I said I imagined Dad out in the dark~ in the cold, pouring rain~scouring the town~mama holding crying baby ~ pacing back and forth~until Daddy rescues sock monkey~returns~ and restores peace..

Funny...that's how things often went around here when my girls were little. Dad misplaces
(throws away) a cherished toy, retrieves it, brings it back to the heart broken child and looks like a HERO! Go figure! :)


It's me said... cute .......nice post !! i hope that child find her or his bear back !!!...lovely weekend love Ria....

Ingrid said...

Hello Koralee,I wish you a warm and cozy weekend and I love your sweet picture....x

Dogwood said...

Oh, that sweet lost sign is precious.
Sweet dreams hold your teddy bear.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Thank you for sharing this ... so sad for the little one to have lost their precious toy.
I really hope they can be reunited.
Have a happy weekend


Andrea said...

You always make me smile!

Pammy Sue said...

How funny. I can definitely relate. I remember when my boys were that age and carried things around like that! Not funny for the baby, but you know.

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Heart touching post, sweet friend.
Very cold weather is banging on my door. I have been indoors all day long, closed to the fireplace. I hoped an Advent wreath idea would have popped into my head by now, but it didn't. Must really try a little harder, think the cold is knocking me down just a wee bit ^_~
Enjoy the weekend!! xxooxxooxx

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

So touching...

Unknown said...

oh my gosh that is so sweet & sad! we have a couple of those here! xo susan

Anonymous said...

Cute!Hi Koraleee.Im not sure what to do about my blog problem with you LOL.You know I lost a real good friend in Australia (blog friend) I loved her blog but everytime I clicked on to go there I was there a split second and her blog disappeared.I know for sure that wasnt my computer or anything.Maybe just keep trying.I took off my linked within and lots of things,I had snowflakes before its not that.So who knows maybe blogger does.

Hopefully soon it will change.Have a lovely Sunday!

The Moerks said...

Oh dear, poor people sound quite desperate. I know the feeling. We ended up buying two of my daughters favourite doll at one stage as we had survived one going missing.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

teeheee! Oh, I think that England is a magical place still....a friend of mine lived there and has such charming stories of life in the English countryside, dropping in on friends for tea and cake and other luxuries....oh dear heart, thank you for coming and yes, my Ruben is a special guy. I was truly blessed and he is a gift from ABOVE!!!!

MAY YOU ENJOY YOUR SUNDAY and me too, how I wish I could just see you and hug you!!! ONE DAY I SHALL GET TO THE NORTH WEST!!! BISES, Anita

Cathie said...

very adorable, i hope that little baby has found it's huggable monkey.

missed you here, have been away for the week.
sending you many hugs for a wonderful day ♥

Sewn With Grace said...

Oh, I just love this! I also love the poem you posted. Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful, Koralee!

Anonymous said...

Oh this brings back a sad daughter had a little pink bunny we 2 years old she had nightmares of her lost bunny...we had searched and searched for that bunny...we lost it shopping at the mall, we think, and to this day I feel horrible and she is 22....I sure hope they find that monkey.

Anonymous said...

i wonder if the hubby is still in the dog house
i remember when my son lost his smokey bear
we had to back track to the last motel we stayed at on our trip ~ otherwise none of us would have gotten any sleep ~

thanx to molly for the photo :)

hugs xxxx ~victoria~

Rachel said...

Aww, how sweet...and kinda sad for little sock monkey's owner. :)

Monica said...

Ahhh, this is so sweet. I really hope the little monkey is found.

Pinecone said...

This is so cute. I remember all the stuffed sweeties my girls just had to have near them.

Thanks for your kind comments on my blog (made my day)...I added you to my side blog roll too. I sent you an email about it, but I don't know if you got it.

Have a great rest of the weekend!

Emily said...

How adorable! How sweet! :D Hope you find the sock monkey!

sarah-jane down the lane said...

Ah how divine..... I didn't know the monkey snatchers were back at work in Leeds - this is very good to know!

Hope Molly is enjoying life, she is probably sledging this weekend as it is ARCTIC over here right now!

happy Sunday Koralee,

Sarah xXx

Sarah @ Modern Country Style said...

Oooh, I livew in England! I hope you had a lovely stay. This poster is so sad but funny. I really hope the poor sock monkey is returned.

And the teddy bear poem is ADORABLE!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

teeheee that monkey is way cute my sweet! GOOD MORNING KORALEE! I love your new header dearest...what magic you create; YOUR students must go on to say, "My favorite teacher of all time is Mrs. Tec......." I know it. It has to are too magical and smart and whimsical for those tots to let slip through their grasp!


Unknown said...

Oooh this is so cute! I always feel sorry for kids that have lost their toys :-/
A few months ago I saw a plush animal on the bench in the tube and it looked so alone and sad, somebody had forgotten it, aw it was heartbreaking.

I'm dramatic, I know ;)

Anonymous said...

Awwww.... so sad :( (Adorable though). Thanks for stopping by Inspired Design... I am now following you! xo

Foxglove said...

How sweet, a teddy is the best kind of friend, hopefully they will be reunited soon.....

Enjoy the rest of your weekend my friend. xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Koralee! I contacted blogger this is what they said~~~~I have left a test comment. It could be that those who can't use it are using Firefox. If they are, they must have third party cookies enabled in order to comment with the embedded below the post format.~~~~~ So there you go,if you have firefox.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Hi Koralee, your new Christmas header is so sweet. And that lost ad is just adorable. As for the Mile High Lemon Pie -- absolutely devine. My mom always made the best homemade lemon meringue pies when we were growing up. Anything with lemon is a winner in my book. Best wishes, Tammy

Luiza said...

Hello my sweet one!!!!
What a sweet note...

That lemon pie looks really good, and it´s one of my favorite ,too =)!

Hope you´ll have a wonderful 1:st of advent, sweet Koralee!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh dearest one!! YOU ARE IN MY THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS AS YOU APPROACH the day at the dentist...oh dear, that sounds like a good title for a little booklet....:)You will do just fine. I had a dentist that had funny animal posters on his walls and a gyno that had fully animal posters on his ceilings....a brilliant idea to keep patients HAPPY! You are so special dearest...I am off now after a fine day of window shopping and IT IS NAP TIME NOW!!! Oh, yeah, back to school for me tomorrow!


Privet and Holly said...

This reminds me of
MANY mad dashes back
to restaurants, doctor
offices, airport gates,
etc. when a particular
"lovey" was inadvertently
left behind. Oh, what
we will do for love!
Thanks for the dear picture
and the sweet memories.
xx Suzanne

Becky said...

How cute is that? Adorable...
I am sure I will be that type of Mommy too!
Hope you have a great day and new week ahead :)

myletterstoemily said...

how darling! i remember many nights of groping
under the bed in the dark for a lost bunny, duck,
and blankie.

i sure hope that mommy finds her child's 'friend.'

merry Christmas,

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

I LOVE that sign! We had some close calls in the past, when my boys were little, with their stuffed "real" animals.

My youngest had a little dog named Rover, and I swear sometime- I thought that he was real too! He is safety tucked away, too precious not to treasure forever. :)

Tricia said...

Oh that is so sweet...I like the addition of "Daddy in trouble".

Rosie said...

Ahhh my long lost friend...I mean YOU my dear, not Mr. Monkey ;D...Oh yes this is so very cute.
Can't wait for our cookie get together...not sure which one I shall share yet...but that is what this entire next week is all about :) hugs, Rosie

Miles Of Style said...

awww how cute and how heartbreaking all at once!

off to enter your giveaway now...thank you!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

OHHH! MY PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU DEAREST!!! You are gonna be so happy tonight!


Anonymous said...

Aww, I really hope the little monkey has found it's way back home! It's always sad to have lost a fave toy...

Have a nice new week, Koralee!


Chronicles of Dolliedaydream said...

Oh noooo a lost sock monkey! :-( Alfie would love one of those! Koralee is your lovely daughter in Leeds UK - it isn't far from me at all ??!

Sue said...

I love your header! What a sweet and sad sign...there is someone so unhappy and you know daddy just feels horrible!

Unknown said...

well now that is just too precious! xoxo