And how wonderful that we never have to worry about running out of has to be the most abundant resource in the universe! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL POST DEAREST! Ohhhhh! Koralee dear, I had told a friend to come to see you because I wanted her to see that beautiful picture of the blue gumdrops....I wanted to also ask you if I had permission to use it and to link back to you; I am working on a post so if it is available, could you let me know? And if that would be o.k. with you. You can email me at:
I am working on a post that needs a good blue shot.....Anita
Simple, sober and s w e e t. Bunches of Love right back to you, my friend. It's Wednesday afternoon, we are outside in the backyard soaking up Fall. I adore the smell of Autumn. Happy hugs for a sweet Wednesday. xxxxx
I agree wholeheartedly! Love your post as always Koralee! Last night my friend Crissy put on music and danced with glee for about an hour just for the sheer pleasure of our souls... it was a love filled moment! Jennifer
Oh thank you dearest! I was looking for the BLUE GUMDROPS that you had on your side bar, but they are gone now! When you have a moment....I know you are busy now, but if you could tell me where to find them? They were just there this morning! MERCI!!! Anita
Love to you sweet friend! m so grateful for all this extra love that comes from lovely blogland friends and brightens each and every day! Love is like sunshine - all the more needed in winter ;)
Oh dearest Koralee...YOU, YOU ARE THE ONE!!!! To even think about doing that for me...I just wondered OH! WHERE ARE THOSE GUMDROPS! But chez toi, there is a wealth of beauty so I grabbed the BLUE CHIPS!!!! YOWSA I love those...but for good measure, I will also add those fab GUMDROPS! You oughta be a pro dearest...but again, you are already published and well known now! MILLE MERCIS MA BELLE AMIE!!! Anita
Oh my goodness is that cute or what!!! & uplifting words to start the day!!!
I will share some today my beautiful ray of sunshine! Sending you back all the LOVE you send to Me!
Forever Hugs~
sharing the love here, koralee. today and every day.
Good Morning Koralee Sweetie...
Right back at you my friend. Sharin a little bit of LOVE this mornin.
Have a gorgeous day sweet friend. Many hugs and so much love, Sherry
And how wonderful that we never have to worry about running out of has to be the most abundant resource in the universe! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL POST DEAREST! Ohhhhh! Koralee dear, I had told a friend to come to see you because I wanted her to see that beautiful picture of the blue gumdrops....I wanted to also ask you if I had permission to use it and to link back to you; I am working on a post so if it is available, could you let me know? And if that would be o.k. with you. You can email me at:
I am working on a post that needs a good blue shot.....Anita
Simple, sober and s w e e t. Bunches of Love right back to you, my friend. It's Wednesday afternoon, we are outside in the backyard soaking up Fall. I adore the smell of Autumn. Happy hugs for a sweet Wednesday. xxxxx
I agree wholeheartedly! Love your post as always Koralee! Last night my friend Crissy put on music and danced with glee for about an hour just for the sheer pleasure of our souls... it was a love filled moment! Jennifer
Beautiful picture - and you can never have too much love! spread LOVE every day my sweet friend...i will certainly try to spread some extra around :D
Mmm. Yes. We are on the same wave length today. I've been thinking that same thought this morning.
You are a dear heart and your posts always make me happy. Have a lovely day! xo
Yes indeed. I could use a little extra this week but it reminds me that someone I know is quite in need. Off to spread some more love!
yes, ma'am. i would love to share a cup of
tea with you!
Good reminder for me it's a busy one!
Need to pass some of this out today for sure:)
I just ADORE your photos... they always make my heart sing ;)
Oh Koralee, sharing love is such a wonderful thing to do! and I love the teacup....
Have a day filled with love and beauty. xxxx
Oh thank you dearest! I was looking for the BLUE GUMDROPS that you had on your side bar, but they are gone now! When you have a moment....I know you are busy now, but if you could tell me where to find them? They were just there this morning! MERCI!!! Anita
oh i so agree..
you never know when one nice word.. can make someones day!!!
The same back to you Koralee!HUGS!
Yes...this shall be my mantra for today ;-)
Janet xox
That's a really cool image! Have a fun-filled day with lots and lots of LOVE my friend!
Sweet sweet post! Sending lots of love your way!
Camila F.
I will be thinking of this all day, Koralee!
Me !!!....just from
Very true Kora Lee thanks for sharing with us! xxx ooo Traci
Yes I do...everyone! Thanks for starting it! ;D
Love to you sweet friend! m so grateful for all this extra love that comes from lovely blogland friends and brightens each and every day! Love is like sunshine - all the more needed in winter ;)
Beautiful reminder! You fill our days with the love you share in your sweet posts, thank you for that! :)
Have a wonderful day...@}~`}~~~
You are so right so I am sending a little love your way sweetie!
YOu are the SWEETEST soul I know!
You truly are!
I adore you!
Love and HUGS to you my friend!
Thanks for sharing the love.
Oh dearest Koralee...YOU, YOU ARE THE ONE!!!! To even think about doing that for me...I just wondered OH! WHERE ARE THOSE GUMDROPS! But chez toi, there is a wealth of beauty so I grabbed the BLUE CHIPS!!!! YOWSA I love those...but for good measure, I will also add those fab GUMDROPS! You oughta be a pro dearest...but again, you are already published and well known now! MILLE MERCIS MA BELLE AMIE!!! Anita
you are so sweet, i LOVE this!! hugs to you my wonderful friend! susan
With your inspiration I can carry out this task with no problem at all. You pass on the love so beautifully sweetie!!!
God bless ya and have a most excellent day!!!
how does it go??? Love is all there is...
Everyone needs some!
...sweet thoughts!.....lots of LOve
Just stopping in to say hello!
Sending my love right back to you, sweet Koralee.
Hope that you have a happy Thursday.
I just gave a scared toddler some love. LOVE baby cuddles!
Sweet and simple, Koralee...and absolutely profoud. Thank-you for all you share, my friend!
Back at you! Xox
it does
thank you, friend.
love to you too.
This post made me SMILE. :)
I think I will spread a little love today. :) :) :)
I agree! Sometimes I think that people who need love the most, never show it on the outside. I think I will go find someone to hug right now :)
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