Thursday, February 24, 2011


friday's goals

  • sprinkle some of these pretty "babies" all over my baking [whoever invented sprinkles must be a very happy person and I thank them very much]
  • try to make at least 3 people smile today
  • embrace the word "unique" [ I soooo love that word]
  • stop whining about the weather [even though I had to unpack my down filled lunch duty on the frozen playground where my runny nose drips froze instantly to my face{remember my nose is running like a facet.....not a pretty picture} .......fight with 101 broken zippers on elementary student's jackets....including MINE......I am no zipper expert....I did not go to zipper fixing school.......just a little whining...but I promise no more whining not sirree ]
  • adopt a child that loves to clean up after themselves, cook, do dishes and clean the bathrooms [if you have a child that does all this while smiling and whistling a happy tune could I have them shipped to me this whining?]
  • remember to thank you all for your well wishes concerning my flu/cold so........


for more Friday Pretties visit sweet Joyce here

remember to make your weekend magical




Anonymous said...

I think you would already have achieved you second goal. And I don't blame you for whining about the weather. Wait until winter hits here, and watch me go. And we don't even get snow.

Warm hugs,
Lisa xx

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
Oh I'm so sorry you're still dealing with your cold. So many people here and all around the world have colds or the flu! Yikes!
I do hope you are better soon!
Elementary school teachers work so hard. When I substituted {in those early days} I was the most tired when I subbed for elementary school teachers. The students all need their mommy!
Smiling about adopting a child that helps at home ~
Although I helped my mother, I had no idea how hard my mother worked at home until I had my own home. She must be winking at me from heaven ♥
Bless you dear Koralee*
Wishing you a cozy weekend ~ and no zippers!
ps. Love your profile picture * so pretty!

Pamela said...

It has been cold hasn't Koralee? But I'm not whinning lol even though my old house has no furnace just a few electric panels that cost the world!!!
Lovely post to make me smile!!
Pamela xo

i.ikeda said...

Awww, Koralee, I didn't know you were sick. I hope you feel better very soon! And oh how I know about those zippers... And how I'll fight you for that kid who can do all those things while whistling and smiling. I mean, there can't be that many Cinderellas and Snow Whites around, eh? Maybe we should go recruit at Disney...

Hearts Turned said...

Sweet sorry you're still feeling unwell. So kind of you to go and help the young ones with their broken zippers while you're sick.

I would certainly NEVER think of you as a whiner, my friend!

Can't wait to see what you bake with those pretty sprinkles all over them...I wish I could get the pretty dragees over here--never see them--you're so lucky! My youngest, Annie, completely agrees with your feelings about sprinkles. They're just about her favorite thing on the planet. And if I'd let her sprinkle them on her meatloaf, she would.

Feel better, dear friend...lots of sleep...lots of water!


Suz said...

I am sorry you are still having trouble with the cold. I think they are almost as miserable as anything! The zipper school made me laugh. I was a special ed teacher for many years and dealt with a lot of zippers. I would send you my dear daughter but she is still messy at thirty-one. She has been living with us while getting her MSW and cleaned her room beautifully the other day. Jud asked her if she didn't want it that way all the time and she said..."Yes." Can you believe it took this long.

I give up ;-)

Big hugs, take care, loved the sprinkles!!!!!

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Oh I was whining yesterday, was better today but you've inspired me - NONE tomorrow. Now I am indeed wondering about the invention of happy sprinkles :)

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Frozen that takes the cake. Poor Koralee...okay no more are right! But I do hope you are felling 100% soon!

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

You have some very ambitious goals! And, good ones too. :)
I need to try to follow your lead on the no whining about the weather- but I don't think that I can stop. Snow, snow, snow...whine, whine, whine- I Can't Take It ANYMORE! I am ready for Spring, Spring, Spring! :)
Hope that you are feeling much better. And, as always, Thank your for joining Friday Pretties. Your blog always cheers me on!
Hugs to you,

Anonymous said...

Well, really sad you're still dealing with the cold. So many people here and around the world have a cold or the flu.I hope you get better soon! Just keep faith in god.

theUngourmet said...

I'm afraid my children
would do you no good.
I have the very same
trouble with mine. ;)

Feel Better! xoxo


Simple Home said...

Sorry that you had to go back while your nose was still running, but your sweet post made me smile :-) I hope you're feeling better soon.

tinajo said...

Lovely pic!

I´m soooo happy it´s friday, I have SO much to do this weekend! :-)

Take care!

Unknown said...

;-)) We all need a little whine once a while its good for the soul, Enjoy your friday and i hope your cold goes soon, dee x

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Glad to be back here to your beautiful post again Koralee!

It's me said...

Nice !! i am smiling....and i now more people arround me today !!......happy friday pretties darling !!! love

Martina said...

Dear Koralee, have a very sweet and RELAXED weekend, with little joys sprinkled all over it! Sweet post, so uplifting!

Kellie Collis said...

Love the making 3 people smile today. Have a beautiful weekend, Kellie xx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Teeeheeee! Oh, do I know the bus duty thing! FOR A WHOLE WEEK, I had PARENT PICK UP DUTY which requires you to be out there the LONGEST! The temps? 30 BELOW ZERO FARENHEIT! YES, YES, and I whined a bit when I came in with frozen lips!!!! I had on THREE COATS KORALEE! Yep, I am tiny, so I can wear three coats....but WOW...oh precious, are you feeling better? My pal out here in town who I was supposed to visit last night is down with the flu students are sick, but I AM STILL STANDING! AHHHHH!

SPRINKLE your day with all the love in you, and I WILL MAKE THREE PEOPLE SMILE TODAY!!! Much love to a magnificent human being!! Anita

Draffin Bears said...

You made me smile, dear friend, thank you.
Hope that you have the very best weekend, dear Koralee.


Aprendeconvale said...

Get well soon, wishing you all the best for the coming weekend!kisses from colores

andrea creates said...

oh no, wishing you better health soon...and a much better weekend :)

Anonymous said...

sweet friend koralee U are UNIQUE =)
for this weekend i wish for you
lots of soft tissues with lotion
lots of cupcakes with sprinkles
no broken ziPPers
and daughters who clean up after themselves

now if only i could teach BEAR to do that!!!
have a wonderful weekend
BEAR HUGS xxxx ~victoria~

Unknown said...

oh gosh i've done far too much whining about the weather and it's worse again today! have a wonderful weekend, keep warm! xo susan

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Those zippers ... #*$%*&%# ...
I wish someone would invent sunshine sprinkles too, we could so so use these, couldn't we?
Enjoy your day off to the max, but i know you will.
Much love xxxxx

Simply Me said...

happy friday to you !!! Have a great weekend!

Helen Philipps said...

Hi Koralee Thanks so much for popping over to my blog the other day! It's so great to find your blog - it is sooo pretty! Hope your cold gets better soon and the weather warms up. Have a great weekend. Helen x

Heidi said...

I'm off to a rough start this morning with my boys fighting....will work for the smiles. have a good day!

Monica said...

You have already made me smile today, so you can cross one off of your list. Hang in there, the weekend is almost here and then you can take it easy. Enjoy sprinkling your baked goods. I agree sprinkles are the best.

Susan said...

Sweet Koralee,
My 3 yr. old grandson LOVES to Swiffer and sweep and use wipes to shine and polish things! "I cleanin' Gamma." :)
I do wonder how long the fun in that will last! Oh, but I couldn't bear to ship him off anywhere. I'm holding on to these precious years for dear life! :)
There have been times I'd like to ship all of my students' winter coats to Timbuktu! When they don't have to put on snow suits for recess they actually get 15 more minutes to play! Zippers and shoelaces make me grateful to the inventor of Velcro! teehee
I do hope you're soon completely recovered from the dreaded cold and that sweet tea with honey and lemon has done the trick!
I smile every time I visit, dear friend. May you find joy and delight in a happy baking day.
I do agree that whoever thought of sprinkles must be a kindred spirit!

Susan said...

PS A little whining is cathartic. :)

Ruth Yoder said...

alright...i'll go bake something! and get my baby up from her nap! Where do you get all those cool Sprinkles??

fernandflora said...

It's refreshing to hear a little whining from you - the soul who is continually cheerful. Do it any 'ol time! Good to know you're human too. :) Hope that drippy nose goes alway swiftly and happy baking!!

Pinecone said...


The cold does get a bit makes us feel better to whine a little right?!
Hope you have a fab weekend! Are you going to watch the Oscars? Critiquing dresses is always fun.

Marilyn Miller said...

As always you post the most pretty pictures. I hope you find that someone to clean without complaining and allow you to rest and recuperate. Have a magical, peaceful, healing weekend.

bellaboo said...

Get better SOON Koralee,and have a lovely weekend,and I hope there is someone there to take care of you and spoil YOU! :0)

By the Bluegrass said...

I do not have a child like that. If you find one, maybe she has a brother or sister for us! :) Thanks for following me. I appreciate it!

Unknown said...

Hi, blue bird Koralee!!!!
Be sure you alaways have the prettiest Fridays ever!!!!
Wish you the best weekend!!!

Alexandra MacVean said...

"...try to make 3 people smile today". I like that and although I don't feel well and am blue, I will straighten up my shoulders and try do so!! Thank you! =)

Dogwood said...

I love you blog.
I made more than three people smile today at my pilates class. All special ladies were there with me.
Have a wonderul Friday.
You are a beauty.

Gloria said...

So sorry you are feeling a little "under the weather"! :( I hope you will heal quickly and that you can cozy up and get rest for the weekend.

Loved your goals!!! :) I had to chuckle about you not being a zipper expert. How many mornings as a mom, and grandma have I struggled with zipping up those crazy zippers, as we are in a hurry to get out that door!! It's enough to drive a lady mad I tell you!! Hang in there dear Koralee...:) God sees every single time you tend to those sweet children. You are going to be rewarded with these kind words, "A job well done, my good and faithful servant!" when we meet our Maker! :)

XOXO Gloria

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Hope you feel better soon!
Sending you some of our lovely spring weather to cheer you up.
Happy weekend. :)
Vivienne x

fee @ chipper nelly said...

hello lovely friend...whine and winge all you like, but be back soon with you usual happiness!
If we didn't acknowledge the lows, we wouldn't appreciate the highs...fee x

Michaja said...

I'm sure you made more then three people happy with this loevly post my friend!
Thanks for your sweet visit!!

Sewn With Grace said...

I do hope you are feeling better soon! It's such a drag to be sick. Love your pretty pictures, as always! :)

Jen Price said...

What a great Friday list! Our weather here is beautiful right now that I almost feel bad! Hope you're feeling better soon!

Unknown said...

Koralee, that is both funny and very sad!!! I hope your faucet stops leaking SOON ... I hate when that happens! Cute picture of the happy sprinkles and cute new picture of YOU! xoxo

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Sprinkles always brighten my day...!! Have a fabulous weekend....Xoxoxo

Everlasting Blooms said...

Ha! you just made me smile! Wining is allowed when sick...being sick is the worst! I hope you get better soon.

~ Have a happy not so sniffely weekend! xoxo

Brenda Pruitt said...

I always love your pretties! But then you have pretties here every day to make me smile.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh I think this is my second or even third time that I am your 51st commenter!!! I just love your new profile picture, my beautiful and lovely friend! Oh Koralee, WE MADE IT TO FRIDAY! Tonight, I was supposed to attend our school's 20th anniversary. A HUGE GALA is being held at a fancy hotel by our school, but my eyes are so tired; I am not going. But I so love being tucked away here, in my new surroundings and just LISTENING TO THE SILENCE...actually, I think that might be my next post. But my eyes are so dry right now that I can barely see what I am typing. I was speaking to another teacher today and she is experiencing the same thing...dry eyes, swollen and blurry vision. It must be the I send you my wishes dear heart for a cozy evening, replenishing your mind and soul....I will be thinking of you as I sip my tea tonight towards dream land!!!!! BISES, Anita

Bring Pretty Back said...

Poor poor you! ) : Feel better soon!
I agree!!! I LOVVVEE sprinkles as well! I put them on everything!
Have a pretty day!

Maria Medeiros said...

I hope you feel better soon. I've been sick for a few days now. Feel better soon!!! :)

June said...

Oh you made me laugh with this one. Not about your runny nose but about all the broken zippers. Isn't that how always is on the coldest days?
Wishing you luck on the adoption.hehe (and if you find one, I hoe it has a twin)
big hugs

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GOOD MORNING!!! Oooops, too loud for this time of the morning, but I just had to come to visit you and tell you how excited I am for next FALL! This will be a MUST-DO, MUST-SEE event...SEEING YOU. And yes, you are so right; I think that after all these years, I think I am finally listening to God's gentle voice to tell me, "SLOW DOWN." And I am glad that I have chosen to do so. We simply cannot do everything, and that is right with me. So today, I will savor my quiet time here at home. I will be thinking of you BOTH as you get well, all snuggled up and wrapped up in something pretty and pink...and maybe a slice of carrot cake or a sprinkled cup cake!!!


jane said...

My boys definately don't clean up after themselves...but they do leave sweet notes under my pillow.....swings and roundabouts hey
love Jane x x x x x

Unknown said...

Hope your feeling better soon Koralee, Loving your sprinkles, Have a sweet day!

Merci-Notes said...

Koralee, I have a tip for zippers that are stuck! Chapstick! I am thinking something colorless to decrease any staining possibility.
rub the chap stick on the zipper teeth.

SPRINKLES! I have to tell you that I love the word soo much that we also call red pepper flakes "sprinkles! "Oh honey, would you like some sprinkles on your Lou Malnati's pizza?"

Flu/cold... mine lasted for about a month. some friends went to Dr's and had antibiotics. REST when you need it! This is a "MOM"S" orders! From one mom to another! :)
