Wednesday, February 23, 2011

inspired ideas

even when you are at home sick
you can be
my tissues are beside me
my copy of
amy powers'
inspired ideas
is on my lap {laptop}
as I snuggle deep down into my cozy quilt today

I am in LOVE
Her publication is stunning
and for only $3.30
you can own the digital version
visit her here
to win a hard copy
and you must visit here
to view the previous issues
{make sure you click onto each copy to see inside}
amazingly beautiful
pure inspiration.......
for the sick {me} and the HEALTHY {hope that's you}


FrenchBlue said...

Get better sweet love!! That tea makes me want to snuggle back to bed with a cup, even sick:) I'm off to visit Amy~~ Stay warm & cozy today~

tinajo said...

Aww, the grilled sandwich trick didn´t work? :-(

Inspiration is good too though - makes your mind healthy at least! :-)

Anonymous said...

Get plenty of rest and tea and oh, inspiration.....Feel better soon!

Hearts Turned said...

I'm so sorry you're sick, too, I'm afraid! Just about to make my great-grandmother's old honey lemon drink to make me feel a bit better...

I've never heard of this publication before--off to check it out! I need some "inspired ideas" today!

Thanks for all the beauty and joy your share, dear friend...even while you're not feeling well...wishing you completely better so very soon!


Heidi said...

Here's a tissue...sorry your sick! Yes, I'm loving Amy's lastest issue. I made a cuff, inspired by her issue. I'm working on something else now. (I had a project in her Christmas issue!)
Hugs and get well! Heidi

Jennifer said...

Hugs and warm wishes for you.. thanks for the tip! Missing you, Jennifer

Anonymous said...

a BEAR HUG to you my sweet friend
that always helps me when i aaachoo
keep your shawl wrapped around you
and get well real soon =)

Pretty Zesty said...

Sounds lovely. But I do hope you feel better!!

Unknown said...

I can't believe that you even manage to take beautiful photos of a sick-at-home-situation! You're awesome :)

Mimi and Tilly said...

Hoping you're on the mend soon, but there is something lovely about being able to snuggle under the duvet guilt-free isn't there?! Hugs, Em x

Terra said...

A nap and sweet inspiration are sure to cure you. The book looks darling.

Madelief said...

Hi Koralee,

So sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Hope you will feel better soon. Take are!!!

Lieve groet, Madelief xox

Michaja said...

Oh being sick is never fun! Hope you get better soon.
Will visit all yoru links. It looks just great!!
Take care

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Glad you're finding some joy in your state, hope you feel better soon. A cozy quilt is sure a nice thing to have.

andrea creates said...

get well soon koralee :)

i love amy powers' inspired ideas!

Alessandra said...

Thank you for sharing this, and get better soon.


birdie blue said...

so sorry to hear you're under the weather, koralee. i'm hoping you feel better soon. lots of rest, laptop time, and hot tea, sounds like just the thing.

sending you lots and lots of happy, healthy thoughts, my friend.

Aprendeconvale said...

get well soon!! even while you are not fit you share such nice things! thanks soooo much!Kisses

Barbara said...

Oh, you poor thing! Nothing worse! Feel better soon, Koralee.

( I actually thought of you when I made those rhubarb bars....I just knew you would love the color!!)

Unknown said...

You poor thing. Darn those kids. But, you are on the right track here. Love the a..a..a..Choo... Good one. Stay in and stay warm.

Get Well Huggers,

Marilyn Miller said...

Oh please get better. I will check Amy out.

Sem Nome said...

Now close your eyes, sweet Koralee.
Do close them!
Are you feeling?
Something like...a wind...??
That´s me sending you good vibration~~~~~~~~
some more~~~~~
my prayers go to YOU tonight!

Heidi said...

I'm off to check this out...thanks Momma your the best source!

K @ Aurora Blythe said...

Get well soon, My Friend. My internet has been down for the past ten days (torture of all tortures!) so you can imagine my immense pleasure in popping over to your delightsome blog right away to catch up on all the visions of complete and utter loveliness I had been missing. Medicine for the soul!

Anonymous said...

I hope you are sneeze free soon. I love the hearts hanging I think, by a computer in a previous post. I wondered if you made them. I LOVE them.
I hope you are wrapped up warm with a hot beverage.
Tracy xx

fee @ chipper nelly said...

Hey, thanks for (lovely as always) message - have updated blog with news of was a little downbeat yesterday as only one girl not in the fold!
Happy to report that tonight all six ladies were tucked up together, although the new girls still have to stick to their own side!!
Speak soon, love fee x

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

HERE I AM!!! Got 'cha a gallon of orange juice, AMY'S HARDCOVER, some art supplies and more tissues, dearest! OH, and a box of your favorite tea...oh Koralee, it is GOOD that you stayed home again today! For tomorrow, well you know, it is gonna be a late day and evening! Oh, this year was scary as me and my colleague with whom I share students, we had to conference with 100 parents...what an evening! But you have Friday off? YES!!!!!! Oh dear, I just visited the link you provided and I need to get this subscription. THIS IS WHAT I LOVE...birds, glitter, pretty colors...everything you provide.


Anonymous said...

Aw...hope ya feel better dear Koralee!
but you're right..there is a little bit of glee hiding in among all those sneezes..and tissues...

it's the forced comfort taking we all undergo when we deem it necessary to take extra care of I right!

maybe we should all "play" sick all the time!
we would get caught up on all of our leisure it digital or hardcopy formats, lol!

I just had to laugh...because as you saw...that was my post topic for today!

ciao bella

stay warm. stay cuddly!

Creative Carmelina

By the Bluegrass said...

Ahhhh, sorry your under the weather! Feel better soon! Love your lemon and tea picture. I think I'll go make a cup right right now.

michelle said...

I will have to go take a look-see! I hope you feel better and what a wonderful way to get some rest and some inspiration!! I hope you are drinking that wonderful lemon tea! :)

The Moerks said...

......bless you!

Maria said...

Hi Koralee... Oh I do hope you feel better! Even when you're sniffling, your posts are just adorably sweet.

I will certainly check out Amy's publications ... I love new ideas ♥ thank you for the suggestion!
Tea, lemon and honey
cozy covers
~ just the right medicine ~
Take care dear ♥

Bohemian said...

Oh I do Hope you're feeling well again soon. Though it sounds as though you have set the right atmosphere for healing energy to come your way... and as always, photographed it all beautifully and Artfully!

Dawn... The Bohemian

Tash said...

Oh keep drinking that tea with lemon and get better soon my friend. Natasha xo

Prudence said...

hope you feel better soon Koralee! I am sick too. On my third day laying around, and boy do I have alot of chores piling up!!

Anonymous said...

Get well soon Koralee !! Cant keep a good girl down for long...xx

red ticking said...

you are amazing... even when you are sick... you think of others.
rest well sweet friend... (my friend coming is brock street) mikie from san fran
i cannot wait... wish you could meet him.... we could all be pals this weekend... xoxo

red ticking said...

love the new additions to your blog... they are fantastic... xo

Cornflakes and Honey said...

Hope you feel better soon Koralee xxx

Libbie said...

That sounds sooooo cozy! I hope you don't have what I do I think I am going on about day 12 of feeling really rough & I am not usually such a big baby! Hope you are feeling better really soon Koralee!

Simple Home said...

Hot tea and lots of rest, good remedies for the sniffles :-) I hope you're feeling better soon.

i.ikeda said...

Thank you for the link. I love to look at more eye candy and inspiration every chance I get. I hope you feel better soon. Xoxo

Suz said...

It is a treasure. Amy is one of the nicest people I have ever met. I feel so fortunate to know her!

Anonymous said...

Get better soon! I am going to go check out amy now, thanks:)

Bonjade said...

So nice you entered my I found yours!!!
And I love it, love the fine colours here, love the inspiration you give me.
Hope you are feeling better very soon.
Best wishes.

I will follow you from now on ;0)

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear your feeling poorly. I hope you feel better real soon. take lots of care, dee x

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Glad you are feeling better, Mrs. Bluebird. I am sure this gorgeous inspiration made a difference too!
Love to y o u xxxxx

lilybets said... are right,that publication is fantastic!.I visited its web site !.

Anonymous said...

Sweet hugs to you too. Keep tucked up in bed with that tea and book, and get better soon.

More sweet hugs,
Lisa x

Villblomsten said...

Beatifull blogg - beatifull coulors :-)

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

I hope you feel better very soon, if you have a cold, Chicken Noodle soup helps a lot .. google it .. I know it sounds funny. hugs Anne

Martina said...

Get well soon Koralee, am sending lots of healing vibes! LOVE your lemon picture and wil check out this cute publication!

Ruth Yoder said...

I hope you're resting up! Thanks for visiting my blog! I appreciate it. I showed my husband your page. You have a great photos.
I really liked Amy's publication. I hope she can get it on the Ipad soon!
Take care!

LuLu said...

Sending you get well wishes! now that i see your tea and lemon i want to brew a pot and grab a blanket & a wonderful magazine myself!
snuggle and relax sweet friend,

todi design said...

Hugs and warmest wishes for you... Thank you so much for your sweetest words about my blog. Im so happy to find you too :)
Get well soon!

Privet and Holly said...

Feel better, soon!
May the goodness that
you extend to others
come back to you in
spades and make you well!
xx Suzanne

Pinecone said...

I hope you feel better soon!
Stay warm and cozy!

Hipaholic said...

Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! I can see you have a colourful and inspiring blog as well!
Have a nice day :)

tvdinnerpro said...

aww so sorry you're sick! hope you get lots of tlc

Unknown said...

that is how i spent last saturday and sunday too! it is no fun being sick. hope you get to feeling better soon! and you STILL managed to get an adorable, appropriate picture! LoVe this one! take care of yourself ... xoxo

Shelley in SC said...

Ack! Please feel better soon. I've loved Amy Powers cheerful handcrafts for several years. Hope this healthy dose of inspiration does the trick and you're up and feeling well so so soon!

Monica said...

Oh, please feel better soon :( I'm sorry to hear you are sick. But it looks like you are making the best of it.

Simple Home said...

I know I commented here yesterday, but wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and praying for you today :-) I hope you're feeling better soon.

ELK said...

get well soon friend ..

gillyflower said...

Hope you feel better soon Koralee.
Thanks for taking time to visit my blog - I do appreciate it and your lovely comments.How fantastic you met Kaari of French General and took a class!!Lucky you!!!!
I'm just off to have another look in her book and be inspired!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

So sorry you're feeling miserable. Lots of tea with lemon will help.

Nantucket Mermaid said...

I guess that darned flu is going around...take your vitamin c and cozy up in bed....thanks again for your comments! Spring is in the air! I think a lot of people are going to be happy about that! :)----<

Rosie said...

Oh my sweet, sweet friend, I am so sorry to hear you are under the weather. We never miss breathing, until we have a nasty cold. :( Stay warm and cozy drinking MUCH chicken soup.
Next Wed is "D Day"...thank you for your prayers
...sending you many get well hugs...Rosie

Unknown said...

Awww Koralee I hope you feel better! At least you have some fun inspiration at your fingertips!

Kaylia Payne said...

Sweetest blog ever :) Hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are finding some joy in your state, I hope you feel better soon. A cozy quilt is sure a nice thing to have. I will pray to god that you will get well soon.