Wednesday, March 30, 2011

~memories with mom~

every time i go home to visit my mom we end up baking in the her kitchen

this time it was all about cookies.....but usually it's about pies.

My Mom's piesreally are the best. We usually have a pie baking bee and she sends us home with a dozen or so assorted fruit pies to fill our freezer and our bellies until the next visit.

Making Memories is really what life is all about.

I am sure you have lots of sweet ones of your own in your mother's kitchen.

found this delightful book here stories from out of the kitchen.....on love, cooking and family

musings and recipes from Maya Angelou, Ruth Reichi, Jacques Pepin and more

Do you have a favourite recipe from your mother's kitchen?

I would love to hear


if you have not entered my spring giveaway yet you are welcome to here


Deb Legg said...

That looks like a great book!

My mom isn't much of a cook, but my Gramma was. Savory roasts and lots of cookies, brownies and puddings. I still make her no-recipe pudding from scratch, just from memory.

2 c milk
1/4 c sugar
1/4 brown sugar
1/4 corn starch
1 tsp salt

stir til it boils then stir in

1 beaten egg
1 Tbsp butter
1 tsp vanilla

Yum. Warm butterscotch pudding. Just like gramma made.

Sorry for the long reply, but thinking about it makes me all nostalgic!

Blessed Serendipity said...

My mother didn't ever like to cook. I told her I never had childhood memories of cookies baking in the oven. She gave me a sugar cookie candle for a joke present one year.


Sewn With Grace said...

Oh that looks like a delightful book! I will have to look for it. I will be gone for a few days and pray that you have a blessed week and fun weekend ahead, Koralee!

Monica said...

My mom also made the best pies. I can remember sitting watching her roll out those crusts like it was nothing. I especially loved watching her crimp the edges of the pies with her fingers. All very fascinating. I'm glad that you had a great time with your mom, and the book does look good :)

Maria Medeiros said...

My mom, God rest her soul made the best Greek Food Ever! :D I loved everything she made but my fave was stuffed peppers and tomatoes in the oven with rice and beef. Its so special to cook with your mother. Cherish every second and remember to take lots of photos of both of you cooking together. :D Make a special book of your own and keep it for ever! I wish I did. hugs to yoU!

Suz said...

What lovely memories you are creating. I never saw my mom bake pies but I lived in the only house in Mitchell, South Dakota, where artichokes with hollandaise and avocado and grapefruit salad were served. This was in the 1950's, mind you! My mom worked in Chicago after college and learned about city cooking. I always opted for my own artichoke on my birthday, instead of a cake. A little strange but better that having to share it with my family of four grabby brothers!
P.S. That cookbook does look wonderful. Those are some of my favorite authors. Thanks, Koralee!!!

Katy said...

I wish my mom cooked! I have eaten take-out my whole life because both parents worked. :(

[ keep calm & blog on ]

red ticking said...

love our mommies!!!!! xoxo

Kori said...

WHat an adorable post!!!

I'm hosting a linkup this Friday, called "Fashion Fridays." I'd love you to be a part of it! Get your fashion post ready and come by to link up! Have a great night! Kori xoxo

Vintage Home said...

Oh this looks adorable!
My moms recipe for Matrimony Squares!...& Bobs Moms too...hers has a bit of orange rind...YUM!

Hearts Turned said...

Oh, what a wonderful time you must have had! I so love when I can spend time with my sweet mother, and most our time IS spent in the kitchen! My Mom is famous for her fabulous rolls/cinnamon rolls--I've never tasted better and can't make them anywhere NEAR as good as she can...

Thanks for the sweet memories! I'll need to go and check out the book--I love things like that!

Thanks for all you share, dear friend...wishing you the most wonderful night...


Anonymous said...

I used to love being at home when mum baked. Apple pies, jam tarts, sausage rolls, and a favourite called a rock bun. They smelt so good in the oven. Thanks for the memories.


Blondie's Journal said...

My mom didn't bake much but she was a great cook. I cherish the memories!

The book looks wonderful!


dutch sisters said...

What a lovely post. Our mom could make a geat meal with nothing special! I try to do the same and invite her over to taste.

Anonymous said...

My favorite mom-made meal is Meat n' Gravy. It's basically a stew poured over rice. It's a popular dish up here in north Alaska. Most people I know mainly use Caribou, which is very tender. It's delicious.
I love to add red & green bellpeppers, carrots & celery to it when I cook. But I'll always love the way my makes it

Anonymous said...

oops, meant to write 'the way my mom makes it'

tinajo said...

To tell the truth, the two people baking in my home when I grew up were me and my dad..! Mom never liked it, but dad and I relished in both baking and eating it. :-)

Unknown said...

My Mother is a fantastic cook, I love everything she makes!! If I had to narrow it down...I would say that she makes the best German Apple Strudel, A Christmas Stolen, A Bee Sting Cake, and the fluffiest Cinnamon Rolls!! I could go on and on!!! My mother learned to cook from her mother, who was even a better cook!! I have never had any baked foods as good as my Grandmothers.....
Good memories!!!
Chris :o)

Unknown said...

How lovely ;-) Memories of any kind are special but those with your mother a little more so i feel. My mum always baked cakes and we used to argue over who was going to lick the bowl out ;-) that was my brother and sister and myself. have a lovely day, dee x

Odile said...

Ma maman n'a jamais aimé la cuisine, par contre moi j'adore être dans ma cuisine et voir les faces de ma famille mangeant ce que je cuisine. Maintenant mes petites filles me regardent souvent quand je suis à la cuisine, et j'aime bien ces moments. Thanks for your marvellous pictures ever, good and beautiful day and hello from spain.

Aprendeconvale said...

Oh my mum is such a good cook! she bakes such nice and yummy cakes.... it would be difficult to list them, but one of my favorites is the mimosa cake.... delicious!!

It's me said...

The first thing i remember with cooking with my mom are French toast...we call it Wentelteefjes......first put the slice to a milk and eggs combi..and tham bake in the last put suger and cinnamon on yammie yammie !!! delicious !!..happy day...i like your magazine a lot !!

Martina said...

That's so sweet of your mom - sending you home with lots of pies! My mum was a good cook, but she made diifferent things than i do. One thing she often did and i make for my own kids too are Crepes with Nutella! It's such a comfy food, and it makes us happy!

Alessandra said...

Funny enough my mum doesn't like to cook, she can do a few things well, like potato gnocchi, but I am one of those rare Italians who didn't really learn to cook at home.

When I visit we cook for each others, but mostly separately, taking turns. I ask for gnocchi, she asks for tiramisu!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Ahhhhh.....good morning my sweet friend. You have opened up my memory box for this day, when I smell vanilla or a freshly baked devil's food cake, a tear comes to my eye. My momma made THE BEST devil's food cake. Buttercream, I mean THE REAL THING...when I smell it, just SMELL it, I turn 8 years old again. I can see the living room, the dining room, the kitchen. I can see my toys and the general feel of the day....I am lost NOW, just thinking about it. We remember MOMENTS, NOT mom's oatmeal/raisin cookies were my favorite however. OH, and her icebox cookies....nummmmmm.....

I BETTER GET OUTTA HERE before I gain 10 lbs!!!

I LOVE THAT FIRST PICTURE! And Ruben was munching on macaroons last night and I was reminded of your fabulous recipe; I need to snatch that and try to you this day, and I hope your back is on the mend my dearest!!! Anita

Libbie said...

She fills your freezers with pies! Now that is heavenly!

We are stil making lots of memories in my mom's kitchen too...Every Suday the whole family goes over after church & all of us girls help out & we scoot kids out of there & our husbands all watch some sports right in the next room....except my husband who often sneaks in the kitchen & likes to drive my mom crazy...they really need a cooking show would be hilarious! :)

sarah-jane down the lane said...

Just love shelling peas and nattering with my Magpie!
Lovely book. Did you know it's Mother's day here on Sunday? Is it the same date for you?

Love Sarah xXx

Angel.Pearls said...

Lovely! My mother used to make cookies with coconut-flakes..yummy! Eva

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

I like your saying making memories is what life is all about, Koralee. I like it a lot actually!
It looks like a lovely book, to have and cherish on the shelve and leave through every now and then to let your eye catch a sweet story.
Is your back feeling better yet, my friend? Do take good care.
I am off for a wee cycle trip, school is almost out. Cake in the oven, my kettle waiting to be put on. It's chilly, grey and rainy today.
Love to you xxxxx

Shelley in SC said...

When I think of sweet times in the kitchen, I think of my Oma. She sprinkled sugar on my sliced tomatoes for lunch, and I thought that was divine. Mom was horrified.

jane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jane said...

sorry, just realised I had put lots of spelling mistakes in my goes again...Happy memories of my mum baking lemon meringue pie and fresh bread..happy days :)
love Jane x x x x x x x x

Heidi said...

I so agree I have been cooking for people with my Mom in the kitchen for 19 years and great memories...but boy do I pray the man coming to look at the lodge on Saturday wants to start making his own memories!hehe

Melanie's Randomness said...

I love the holidays because I get to bake with my mom! I'll cherish those memories forever!! =)

Melanie's Randomness

GardenOfDaisies said...

Oh yummy pie!! My sister is a wonderful pie baker!
I remember the days when my Mom baked bread every week... we would come home from school to loaves fresh out of the oven which we would slice into thick slabs. The butter would melt as soon as it hit the warm slice and we would add a bit of jam and eat that as our snack... yummy!
I also have very fond memories of "refrigerator soup" that my Mom made at the end of each week from whatever leftovers were in the fridge... it was always delicious! My girlfriend would beg to come over and eat dinner with us on soup day.

LuLu said...

Oh i've quite a few favorites to cook in my mom's kitchen... one being Rice Pudding she learned from her Spanish Mother in law... it's my all time favorite and i secretly refuse to master it because i love watching my mom make it for me everytime she/ or i visit each other. Somethings taste so much better when she makes it for me, i think it's the memory of being a child and knowing she made it because she knew it was my favorite! now i'm feeling weepy!!! :)

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
What a beautiful and inspirational post today!
*I love your first image today... so nostalgic*
A flood of memories comes to me ~ of my mother's cooking and baking.
She was quite a cook and baker and we've all tried to duplicate her recipes.
My sister has Mom's pumpkin pie down perfectly.
My brother, Al, her sauces...
My brother, Joseph ~ an incredible, very ethnic, anchovie dish she used to make on Fridays...
I love to bake her cookies and fruit pie recipes.
With each passing year, I cherish the relaxing afternoons that I can cook and bake in the kitchen with my own children.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Make the most of all your free moments ~ Wishing better health for your back and for Molly to be well soon too*
xoxo ♥ Maria

Anonymous said...

special memories...
i love when my sister brings something
and i can say: this is just like mom's.
no one can make mom's pies
but hubby comes in a very close second!
BEAR HUGS today sweet friend

Unknown said...

wow! a dozen pies ... lucky you guys! do you know i have yet to attempt to make a pie? that is a little sad really. i am allergic to lots of fruit and don't eat pies, so i am not inclined to make them. seems like my kids have missed out. this book looks divine! how fun! xoxo

- said...

Mom's are so special and are always a safe place for us all to feel warm and loved and appreciated.

Please drop by to pick up an award!

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

I LOVE this post, and am going to run out and buy this book. I have many wonderful memories in our kitchen growing up. And, yummy meals. My mom cooked almost every night and her receipts are still my favorites. They are my kids too. :)
I miss her...but it's a great reminder of how our kitchens will be a part of our children's lives and hearts forever. :)
Thanks for sharing this,

found and sewn said...

It's so lovely you and your mum still bake together x

Barbara said...

We all probably have memories from our mom's kitchen..I sure do. Although it was as much my grandmother as my mother. She originally owned a bakery, so you can imagine the smells in that kitchen!
Sounds like a lovely cookbook, Koralee.

Michaja said...

What a sweet post!
Honestly I don't know a good recipe of my mom! Not that she is cooking bad or so not at all.

By the Bluegrass said...

Oh what a delightful book! I'll have to check it out. Thanks for sharing. Hope your week is going well and that you have lots of fun and lovely projects planned for the weekend. Hope the weather is nice too! We keep getting teased....pretty one day, then cold the next couple of days. Let's keep our figures crossed. :)

michelle said...

What fun and special memories to share with your mom. The book looks wonderful and unfortunately the most memorable recipe that we shared was on the back of the Nestles chocolate chip bag. :) But oh those were so good! Neither one of us are very good bakers, but the cookies were very fun to make and I have wonderful memories. :)

Marilyn Miller said...

I don't have alot of memories of cooking with my Mom or of her recipes. I do remember her making root beer occasionally as a treat. Her pies were always good too. Other than that it was basic sorts of things like nut breads and tuna casserole.

A Casa da Vá said...

My mom's chocolate cake is THE best in the whole world! She usually cooks and I watch - she is like therapy for her! I told her she could go to therapy more often LOL

Tash said...

Making memories is what life is all about yes! My South American mama makes the most delicious cookies from her country called alfajores. That looks like a darling book. Have a lovely end to the week dear friend!

liz said...

How lovely to be able to share moments like those with your Mum. Such a comforting phrase too. My Mum was a great cook but never baked. She only cookd "creole" food and I always have too. Have a lovely weekend. :)

Me and Tilly Too said...

Your blog is such a happy place to be, Lovely photos and great colours.

My Mum is a great cook and although in her late seventies, is still excited by new ingredients and still buys lots of cook books. She doesn't make so many cakes these days but always manages to create great meals out of nothing much.


Amanda (Small Acorns) said...

My Mum used to entertain all the time. She was forever preparing for the next dinner party, and I have so many happy memories of time spent in the kitchen helping. And of course getting to lick the baking bowl!
Thanks for making me smile Koralee. These are such lovely times to recall.
Amanda xx

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

You have shared happy memories of you and your Mothers special baking times together.
Saturday mornings were always our baking day and we would bake yummy biscuits and cakes.
The book looks delightful.

Have a wonderful weekend

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

KORALEE! Oh dearest, what did you whip up after all in the kitchen? And yes, standing DOES FEEL BETTER than sitting, doesn't it? I am feeling so much better too. Being out and about yesterday, I felt like my old "young" self! Oh dearest, you are so kind to visit me! I will be working on my next blog post today. Ahhhhh.....this is my last day, OH, YOURS TOO, of the spring vacation! Wasn't it lovely, other than having our backs in a sling? I created in my workshop and had so much fun. Now, enjoy every moment of this day like taking a bite out of one of your mom's best pies...savor it!!!!


francis said...

That is a wonderful question Koralee.
I envie all of you with such sweet memories .
I do not have that. My mother was not a cookies or pie baker . She took good care of us , 5 children in a time when everything was so different . She sewed our clothes and knitted the most wonderful things ! But no baking .
My first meeting with home-made cookies was when my children went to school and parents were asked many times to bake at home !
Oh my .... my first time .... Terrible !
I did not think it would ever be a succes.
Later-on I could make them in between doing lots of other-mother-things .
My favourites are the birthday-treats and the christmas-ones .
But I know there are new-ones coming soon
The one-and-only-grandmother-ones .
I collected so many ramekins ...I am realy looking forward .

Unknown said...

Great find. Off and running for tomorrow's departure. Back on the 18th. But, I'm packing a laptop, so I'll be around.

Mimi and Tilly said...

My mum has always baked and makes her own jam too. Every year she collects blackberries from the hedgerows and makes the most amazing jam. She also does a fantastic cheese pie, quiche, and her apple crumble is the best I have ever tasted. I love my mum and I love her baking! Em x

Rizzi said...


Susan said...

My mom's apple pie recipe is my absolute favorite! Served warm with vanilla ice cream...heaven!
Sounds like your visit with mom was heavenly too! Blessings!

Sue said...

I have so many recipes from my mom. If I have to pick one, I pick her ham loaf. She made it for us to have in the hotel room to snack on the first 3 Christmas' we spent in Orlando with our daughter. This past Christmas was our first without her...and my sweet dad surprised us by making mom's ham loaf and bringing it over to us. I have the recipe...but, mine never tastes quite like mom's.

Haddock said...

So true....Making Memories is really what life is all about.