Friday, March 18, 2011

~with gratitude~

"......bless our bodies, keep our children fed
fill our cups, then fill them up again tonight
wrap us up and warm us through
tucked away beneath our sturdy roofs
let us slumber safe from danger's view this time...."
listening to these beautiful lyrics by Nichole Nordeman
I can't help but think of our
sweet friends in Japan
visit here to listen
in daily life we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful
but gratefulness that makes us happy
~it's Friday Pretties see more visit joyce's blog here~


birdie blue said...

i couldn't agree more, that gratefulness makes us happy.

i'm grateful for your beautiful pictures and your daily words of wisdom, miss koralee.

sending you lots of sunshine.

Polka said...

my first time here
your blog is truly adorable :)

Sem Nome said...

God bless Japan!
Beautiful post, sweet Koralee!

Anonymous said...

I very much agree with that last quote! Have a wonderful day my dear friend! Xoxoxo

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
I'm off to lunch, but thought to stop here first {so grateful I can visit now during lunch ~ hoping that doesn't change}

Your gratitude post is so beautiful ♥ making my heart sing ~
The last quote "in daily life we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful
but gratefulness that makes us happy" is so very true... a grateful heart changes us from the inside out.
You are such a dear ♥ and such a lovely person.
I am so grateful you are here*
bless you*
enjoy your vacation! yahoo! giving thanks for our jobs!

Laura S. said...

That is so true about gratefulness and happiness.

Hope your weekend is filled with joy and beautiful moments!

Marilyn Miller said...

Beautiful picture, beautiful words.

Not Just a Waitress said...

I love that song!
Thank you for your post. I took a minute to pray and reflect and be grateful. I might not have done that today if I hadn't read your post, so I truly grateful to you for that. :)
Blessings, Koralee. Happy Friday. :) :) :)

LLOR said...


J'aime !

Kiss from France

Sue said...

I will go listen. I can't take my eyes off of CNN these days. I makes all of our issues seem so small. I worry how they will ever be the same again.

Vintage Home said...

Truly a lesson we need to learn every day...Thank you Koralee for this sweet reminder & touching tribute.

Lynn said...

Lovely picture and a very fitting sentiment. Happy weekend!

Gloria said...

I love these words. Nicole has some very beautiful songs!! Thanks for sharing that today...:) My prayers are with Japan.

Have a sweet weekend full of happy things!

xoxo Gloria

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh precious friend, the images.....glorious. The quotes and lyrics, perfect for what ALL OF US need, for it could be us. This little eggs are a perfect symbol of the fragility of life. For from such an object comes beautiful, so vulnerable. BLESSINGS TO YOU THIS WEEKEND...AND GIRL, YOU ARE FREE NOW FOR TWO WEEKS! YIPPPPEEEEEEEEEE! Have a blast. If you go see Rosie, THINK OF ME!!!! LOVE YOU, Anita

Rosie said...

Oh yes, Anita is so right... GLORIOUS. This is so tender and touching...a fine reminder to be grateful for the many blessings He heaps upon us.

I do believe you made it!...and now the FUN can begin. Have a perfect spring break, full of JOY and much HAPPINESS....xoxoxo...Rosie

malia said...

wonderful sentiment and beautiful photo.
happiest of weekends to you!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

I love the sweet photo you have shown, the colours are just gorgeous.
Thanks for sharing this beautiful post, our thoughts and prayers go out to our friends in Japan, they need them so much.

Have a lovely weekend

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Beautiful words of Nicole's! I pray for Japan daily!

Simple Home said...

What beautiful and true words, dear Koralee. We are praying for Japan too.

Teresa said...

Grateful for YOU my SWEET Friend~
God Bless Japan.

Heidi said...

prayers and well wishes to Japan.
I read your article , Where Woman Cook It was fabulous Miss Famous....the best in the Book!

Bohemian said...

Beautiful Post and lovely photograph.

Dawn... The Bohemian

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Wise words and beautiful images!

syieranuar said...

nicely written :)

Unknown said...

love your heart...a breath of fresh air

emily-kallista said...

This is so true <3
And blue eggs are so sweet... it just made me realise; we are so lucky to be able to stop and find joy in little things like blue eggs, because our world is safe and the people we love and care for are healthy and well.. that IS the most amazing thing isn't it!

Unknown said...

Beautiful pic, and wonderful words.
Have a sweet day!

Hearts Turned said...

Good morning, sweet Koralee! Love this beautiful and so true. Gratitude is so important in our lives, and really does make our hearts so much lighter and happier.

Thank-you for all you share, dear friend...


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh sweet friend!!! IT IS SNOWING HERE! But, I did see a bold and red cardinal and he is on schedule! I DO BELIEVE IN SPRING, I DO I DOOOOOO! HAVE A BLAST ON YOUR TWO WEEKS OFF...Oh, I know the feeling about the article deadlines! When I write for FUN, I have no problem. But when I am asked to write something in particular, FEAR or the perfectionist in me sets in!!! BE BOLD, you can do it!!! BISOUS, Anita Oh, thank you sooo much for your kind words about MY words...

Libbie said...

Just beautiful & every word of that is so heartfelt! I pray it over my family today! Love to you Koralee!!!

Anonymous said...

A beautiful song! May God bring rescuers and warm arms to surround the cold and the homeless...especially the children in Japan.
We have so much to be grateful for!! Thanks Koralee

Barbara said...

Beautifully said, Koralee. Nature can create a disaster anywhere, anytime. We have much to be grateful for.

Unknown said...

i've been thinking so much about japan and all the people there. xo susan

Ruth Yoder said...

beautiful. thanks for sharing!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Another beautiful post Koralee - words to take to heart.

theUngourmet said...

Such a powerful song!
I loved the video for it also.
Thanks for sharing this today.


Life love, clutter and other beautiful things. said...

So true xox

Alessandra said...

Yes I am thinking a lot about Japan these days. I used to live there and have lots of friends in Tokyo (all ok, but worried).

gillyflower said...

What lovely words Koralee. My thoughts are with Japan and the poor suffering people at the moment, we have to be so thankful for what we have.
have a lovely weekend

found and sewn said...

beautiful text and image x

francis said...

Oh what beauty again , your image , the blue eggs ! But most of all I am touched by the beautiful song and images ... Gratitude-song by Nichola Nordeman .
You brought that all the way to me , on my sunny sundaymorning .
Yesteday my pregnant daughter-in-law was with me and we had long talks and lots of tea.
She is a stewardess with KLM and when her babygirl will be 3 months old she has to go to work = flying , again .
Of course she cannot imagen yet how all of that will be .
I am so grateful I could be a stay-at-home mom when my children were little .
I so enjoyed every minute of it .
Times are changing ....for the best perhaps for now I can have my granddaughter to look after and enjoy when her parents are working .
Most of all I now look forward to the the moment I will see my sun for the first time as a father . I hope my heart can cope with that .
Enjoy your springbreak . Has the sun I send your way arrived yet ?

Signe said...

Such a lovely and different post for Japan!
Hugs and a happy Sunday to you :)

Tash said...

I couldn't agree with you more. Beautifully said my friend.
Natasha xo

- said...

We truly must count our blessings and be aware of those who have none. Japan, Libya, and so many others in our world need our help.

By the Bluegrass said...

Very sweet post, dear Koralee! It is almost unbearable to see the images of Japan, but I force myself to watch! I always refer to my kids as my little birdies in the nest. Our oldest is home from college(for her spring break) and it is such a good feeling to have all the birdies in the nest!

Unknown said...

Very beautiful Lyrics, but I couldn't help but notice that the eggs are sitting on my DREAM china! Very jealous, I saw some in town here but so much $$$$ ...... maybe one day :)

lilybets said...

God bless Japan,images from there are sorry for them...

paperbird said...

so beautiful koralee.
i feel so very blessed.
we have so much to be thankful for.

Two Shades of Pink said...

Oh Japan, I am praying. This is beautiful, Koralee!

Angela said...

I've had the pleasure of hearing Nicole live at a Women of Faith event. She blew the rafters off the place & all were in tears in reverence of God. I don't think I've heard this song so I'll need to check it out. Keeping Japan in prayers. God bless!

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

Being grateful, even through trials, is one of the most important things to hold on to. Thanks for the reminder.