Sunday, April 10, 2011

~a box full of joy~

my cupcakes are going to be formally well-dressed from now on.....these are just a few of the cupcake liners & sprinkles I received in my mailbox from my lovely friend Madelief {you must go say hi.........her garden is stunning}. Thank you my friend I am going to have so much fun playing dress-up with my cupcakes

I got another batch from a sweet Australian friend...I will show you those soon

chocolate dots... red velvet stripes..... lemon flowers..... banana all red..... vanilla dots and flowers.......this is going to be so fun as soon as my back let's me

did you notice how these liners match my apron in my x doesn't take much to make me happy.



i.ikeda said...

No way!!! I hadn't noticed the matching until you mentioned it, but it's so true! How wonderfully perfect. Ahhh, red, how I love your colors and shades.

Hope you had a lovely weekend. Xoxo

Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled said...

Oh how fun!
I love bakin' cupcakes!

Mrs. Kindergarten

Two Shades of Pink said...

You will have the prettiest cupcakes in the whole world. Honest to goodness. And the matching is just pure joy. Those are the little things that make my day!

Alessandra said...

Those cupcake papers are just beautiful, I am sure that you will do wonders with them :-)


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

PRECIOUS ONE!!! Oh, how I love your dress up your cupcakes is SO NECESSARY to sprinkle life with that extra dose of sweetness!!!! HOW ARE YOU FEELING TODAY???? MY LEGS ARE IN PAIN..I either have a pinched nerve or something is wrong...I so dread going to the doctor because even though I have insurance, the copay is HUGE!!!! I must go however. I am NOT tired, and I have no other muscle pain in my upper body, but my legs and hips are a mess, and that is so UNLIKE ME...yeah, I know I will be 53 on the 23rd, but WOW!!!! Am I aging that quickly??? I really think I did it lifting furniture, but this is ridiculous!

Let me know how you are feeling precious....Anita

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Oh my... these are so pretty and match the sweet fabric of your apron.
I also enjoy visiting Madelief and she really does have the most gorgeous garden.
Sending healing wishes dear friend and hope that your back is feeling better, so sorry for you.


Not Just a Waitress said...

I love love love all the differnt red prints!! :) Especially the polka dots!! :)
Happy baking to you Koralee. BLESSINGS!! :)

Marilyn Miller said...

What a treat to receive dress up clothes for your cupcakes. Just lovely! And I love the color and how it matches the apron in your header.

Suz said...

Guess what, Koralee. I did notice! I just stopped and looked at all the wonderful colors together and they made me feel happy, too. What an absolutely great gift.
Rest and take care of you, my friend. Back pain is no fun!
Big hugs,

mollymell said...

Koralee, they are gorgeous! And yes, I noticed immediately how they match your apron. By the way, your banner is beatiful.
Have a very nice week.

lilisinha said...

Lindo lindo ! essa semana tbém postei vermelho com bolinhas. Seus bolinhos vão ficar divinos
Ótima semana!!!
Bjos Carinhosos!!!

Dawn said...

These are adorable! I have to agree...little things are the happiest of things:)
Happy new week ahead to you!

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
Your cupcake liners are so adorable! and YES, look at how they match... 100% parfait!
Lately, when I make chocolate cupcakes, I use simple liners, then add some pizazz with pretty ones! I LOVE the reds... must add more of those to my jar!
Sunday night --> Monday, after a long weekend! Thank goodness there's Bluebird Notes to finish this weekend with a smile :o)
Blessings to you always, Koralee* wishing you much comfort ♥ as you start a new week.
~ Maria

Pinecone said...

These liners are so cute. I love the white daisies on red!
Have a happy Monday!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Hi Koralee, those are the prettiest little cupcake liners I've ever seen. Enjoy and have a fantastic week. Best wishes, Tammy

lisaroy said...

So cute - they make even the most ordinary cupcakes so special :)

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hi Koralee,

What cute liners! And they do match your apron...sorry your back is bothering you. Thanks so much for coming over for a visit.

Have a sparkly and shiny day,
Stephanie ♥

Irma said...

youre post makes my always happy i wisch you a happy monday greeting IrmaXXX

Aprendeconvale said...

LOVE hose polka dotted wrappers! they are great! should I say I go crazy for polka dots!kisses

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

You just have great eyes for pretty things, and the ability to make the simplest thing looks GREAT! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Those are lovely ;-)) enjoy your baking and dressing up, dee x

B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
B said...

Cool, now your cupcakes will be both gorgeous AND yummy...just like you!
B xxx

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Very pretty Koralee....have fun creating!
Susan x

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh dearest, this is going to be your third week off of school??? And you are finally going to the chiropractor? I have never been to one either! And if I have ever had a back or neck pain or injury, I would ALWAYS bounce back but the age thing REALLY does kick in! Well, my pain does NOT keep me awake, fortunately. I feel it when I am sitting down and when I get up! I am best when I am walking! So the pains are not preventing me from moving. It is a stiffness, but NOT in my joints.....oh, it is confusing! Oh dearest, I will keep praying for you. Yes, you must have a chiropractor!

Thank you for hoping over to my birthday bash and I will check up on you soon.....Love always, Anita

The Moerks said...

Oh so sweet. I am dying to see what your Aussie friend has. I am in Australia, it might be something I just have to have. Hurry up and show me please......

It's me said...

Hello darling...nice of madelief to send you this......yesterday i read that beautiful magazine !! o my delicious things in it......i am so glad i won it !!.....have a nice day darling....enjoy the sun !! love

andrea creates said...

they do look like your apron!
i'm always on the lookout for cute cupcake linings ...

Anonymous said...

these are lovelies for sure
and matching apron ~ love it!!!
i am in a spring swap and my
partner mentioned she loves
cupcakes...i'm stopping at the
kitchen store today to buy
lovely liners to send along
with her other goodies...this
picture makes me excited to get
hope you are feeling better soon,
my sister is taking hubby for
his procedure today...hope it works!

Tash said...

It is the little things isn't it :) I can't wait to see your cupcakes, they're going to be so pretty!
I hope your back mends up quickly my friend.

Poetry and Wild Roses said...

How adorable! Thank you for sharing your joys! Hope your day is beautiful.

Shelley in SC said...

I'm praying for your back pain today. You don't complain but a little visit through your comments tells the whole story. Hoping to hear better news soon!

Claudia said...

They are so cheery! And now, I'm hungry. The thought of cupcakes does that to me.


GardenOfDaisies said...

Cute! You will have the best dressed cupcakes in town!
Happy Monday!

Anonymous said...

You are always smiles and happy polka dots and florals!
Like a breath of fresh spring air it is to come here and see what you're up to!
your cupcakes will taste so much better when they are formally dressed up!

ciao bella

Creative CArmelinA

Heidi said...

It's the little things that do it for me too!

Vintage Home said...

Firstly I am praying for your back......
Secondly i love the cupcake papers...oh my ...funny how we are so smitten with the tiny treats in life!

Martina said...

Awww, these are so you! Am sure they make you forget the pain. And with cupcakes in them - they are better than Aspirin! Love for the day!

Madelief said...

Hi Koralee,

I am so glad the box arrived! I was already considering sending a new one. The liners do look a lot like your apron indeed.

I haven't used your liners yet either, but it's my birthday soon.....and we all love cupcakes :-).

Take care with your back!

Lieve groetjes, Madelief

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

These liners are adorable, Madelief picked some pretty ones! Happy baking, sweet Koralee. I hope you are feeling better my friend. Take good care. Sending some extra love xxxxx

Ingrid said...

Hello Koralee,love this post too,beautiful red!!!enjoy baking and I hope your back is soon better x

Monica said...

They are beautiful -- what nice friends you have :)

Rizzi said...


Sue said...

Well don't you just have the best friends? Those are so darling! I am also drooling over the pink fluff cupcakes on the last post...oh my. I hope your back is feeling is so impossible to "get away from" a hurt back:(

Sewn With Grace said...

Such happy things to find in the mailbox. Love them all!

Unknown said...

They are going to be such an amazing splash of color!!! Great to have wonderful friends!!
Have a great week!

Anne Marie said...

looks fun Koralee! it will be a bit until I'm back baking though :)

i don't mind considering why

Anne Marie

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

KORALEE! O.K., the massage did not help....LET US PRAY and hope that the chiropractor can do the trick! I am soooooo thinking of you dear one, for the pain has got to be unbearable. TWO WEEKS OFF OF nice, BUT you will have so much to do! BUT THE WORST THING is the pain you have to live with. Oh dearest, have you baked more? We look forward to your lovely ideas for spring and summer. Keeping you in my prayers, Anita

Unknown said...

soooooo cutie!!!! that stack is a PERFECT match for that apron ... it is an apron of liners!!! LoVe!!! xoxo

michelle said...

Hello sweet friend! I have missed your bright and cheery posts so and I am so sorry about your back. I pray that you are feeling better soon and are able to start using these gorgeous liners!! How fun and so sweet! I love that they match and it for sure the little things that make the biggest impact on joy. :)

By the Bluegrass said...

Well dressed cupcakes for sure! These are the loveliest liners I have seen.
So, what kind of yummy cupcakes are you going to bake for these pretty red liners? I look forward to seeing!

red ticking said...

hi sweet friend... sorry i have been out of touch ... you know you are ALWAYS very close to my heart... i had a bad fall yesterday and crushed the btm part of my spine... 6 weeks + recovery... so sad... but we had a great weekend up to that point... hope you are doing very well... xoxo

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

PRECIOUS! Oh, DO YOU KNOW THAT I PRAYED FOR YOU AND EVEN THIS MORNING, about 15 minutes ago when I got up, YOU WERE ON MY MIND and I said a prayer. THEN I SEE YOUR COMMENT, and WOOOOOOOO!!! Now that is fabulous news my sweet! I have never been to a chiropractor, but it sounds as if this was a great experience for you!!! YOU ARE FEELING BETTER??? And doesn't the sitting do the worst? Up and about, walking around, EVEN RUNNING for me (down the hall, like a maniac), is better than sitting. WOOOOO, when I get up, these hips are stiff...well, this is fabulous news to help me start my day. Today, the children take their MCA tests, the Minnesota Comprehension Assessments and they are HIGH STAKES. We have been prepping them and I pray they do well...poor things!!!

HAVE A PAIN FREE DAY and bake us up something blue, pink, red and wonderful!!!! Bises, Anita

Susan said...

I do love that your cupcake liners match your apron! I'm all about a theme, you know! TOO CUTE! Are you getting any relief from your back pain? I'm hoping, wishing and praying you'll feel completely well!

francis said...

I am so happy everytime I see all the deliscious things on your blog.
Oh me oh my all those amazing cupcakes ....
just looking , just looking .
I guess when I could smell them would be realy difficult to not eat them .
I hope your back is healing !
I was at the hospital today for a CT-scan .
Tomorrow I see and speak the doctor .
What will he tell me ?
How is my future going to be ?
The sun is shining and I keep hoping for the best .
For you too ! Have a happy week .

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

What a sweet gift! So Pretty!!!

Alisa Noble said...

It's those little things, isn't it?!
Hope you're feeling better soon!

Minie said...

I appreciate so much to read your blog from France.
Could you tell me please what is the font (typo) used, I find it really charming !

Everlasting Blooms said...

Those are SO darling! I don't think I would want to eat them when they look so good! :)

~ Feel better soon friend! xoxo

Unknown said...

These sure are cutie pa-toot-ies. I of course will take mine in the polka dot one, please. What fun you are going to have. Sorry, I've been soooooo relaxed poolside on this trip. Don't want to miss one part of being outside after the long winter.

Michaja said...

How sweet of Madelief to sent you a present!
Can't wait to see the lovely cupcakes that will make with these beauties!

malia said...

i love that you an your delish cupcakes with match!