Saturday, April 30, 2011

~time to fill that cookie jar~

no cookies in our jar all week.......time to resolve that problem and believe me it has been a problem



Lesa said...

Happy cookie making!

Hearts Turned said...

Baking time is my favorite time...and a full cookie jar is vital to a family's happiness--I'm QUITE sure about that! Just filled ours last! I'm sure yours will be filled with something quite fabulous in no time!

Wishing you happy baking & a VERY happy weekend, dear friend!


Maria said...

Hi Koralee,
I still have bunny cookies in my freezer!
Some Easter cookies went out to Jason and Chris... a little love from home.

Love your little red measuring cup!
Reminds me of my grandmother who measured flour with her teacups ;o)
Happy Sunday dear ♥
~ Wishing you lots of smiles,

Blessed Serendipity said...

What kind of cookies are you baking? I'll bring the milk.


Home and Heart said...

Yum! I hope you posts pics too!

Alessandra said...

Today I am filling it with little meringues instead, I had some egg whites left :-)

Happy Sunday


By the Bluegrass said...

Oh yummm! Which kind? Let me guess.....ummmm...double, no, triple chocolate chip? Happy baking!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I made raspberry thumbprint cookies yesterday. The dough had a more scone like texture than a cookie one. When I ran out of raspberry jam, I used ginger orange marmalade. A sweet treat with a hot cup of tea. Happy baking! Tammy

Sarah Knight said...

Cookies are a necessity ; )
Homemade cookies are particularly yummy! I had an event this week, so I made a lot of cookies... of course, now I have to resolve not to eat them all in one day.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Have fun baking and filling up the cookie jar.
Happy Sunday


Rosie said...

Thinkin' your kitchen is smellin' quite fine.
Hope your "back" to your old...(young) self again...miss you...xoxo...R

Ingrid said...

Hello Koralee beautiful cup you have,love your red posts!!!have a beautiful sunday....x

It's me said...

Cookies !!! yeah !!...happy sunday...enjoy your cookies....!! love

liz said...

Sound like fun. As much as I love baking cookies they never last long, and I have to resort to the shop bought ones. Not half as yummy though. xx Liz

Helen Philipps said...

Hope you now have a full cookie jar! Love your picture here. Have a happy week.
Helen x

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Teeeeheee! Make enough for a hungry crowd dearest..we are waiting in line and I think I am number 17.....what flavor? What chunk factor? I love chunky ones with nuts, cherries, but whatever you make, we will savor the images and dream. HOW WERE THE SATURDAY FESTIVITIES???? Anita

Patty Marker said...

My baking this week is cupcakes not cookies but as long as they are homemade my family is fine with it. I have that same mixing's one of my favorites. Now I think I'll go get me another cookie to go with my coffee. Yum!!!

Anonymous said...

Cookie jars don't stay full for long, especially home made.


Catherine said...

Oh that cookie jar ~ somehow it just never stays full! I bet it smelled good in your kitchen yesterday!!

Happy May Koralee!
xo Catherine

Unknown said...

Hooray for Sunday baking! I'm trying to make shortbread for the first time today =)

Barbara said...

No cookies in my jar either, Koralee, but I'm dieting, so that's a good thing!

PJMCNeal said...

mmmmm, I have missed your blog soooo much, just no time! Sounds crazy, but our life has been hectic, and I sort of just closed the creative door, and left it shut for a couple months! but sitting here on the hill in Uganda, with so many less responsibilities.....I can smell the cookies baking! lov u, Aunt Paulette

fee @ chipper nelly said...

my are you NOT 20 stone??
fee ♥
(ps got ducklings...go see!!!)

Michaja said...

No cookies over at your place! Can't believe it. Curious to see what delicous cookie you have been making to fill up your jar!

Anonymous said...

We're making cookies too! And some shortbread, which we love! It all makes the house smell so nice, and cheers up grumpy teen age girls who are struggling with their algebra!
Thanks for the beautiful pictures and the inspiration. xo

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Nothing beats homemade cookies. How I wish we lived closer so I could actually taste your yummies! Have a sweet evening, my friend xxxxx

Kaylia Payne said...

Enjoy filling your jar!! Homemade things are always the best :) said...

Oh my. Fix it now please!

red ticking said...

sounds good to me... wish i were there to help you!! xoxo

Vintage Home said...

...Well you need topractice for your girl coming home soon!..hahah...
Bet they will be yummy!..So glad you made it threw the weekend!..I watched the wedding 3 times!...First one @ 2:45 in the morning I still haven't recovered!

Life love, clutter and other beautiful things. said...

oooh I love freshly baked cookies!! actually I love cookie dough and the smell while they are cooking too!!!

Have a lovely week xox

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GOOD MORNING MY SWEET KORALEE! Yes, you DID have a full weekend, but I bet it was a lovely one as you saw your daughter walk through a new phase into her life. Shopping, gatherings, ceremonies and food were probably part of the laughter and joy you shared. I hope your BACK is behaving! I stretched, but this time it did not have the same positive affect on me; my hips and right thigh were really acting up, but when it is better is when I am UP AND ABOUT! Well dearest, I have a heavy Monday today and I am a bit nervous about it, but WE CAN DO WHAT WE HAVE TO DO...we have done it before...I had such a fabulous Sunday reading, writing and confabulating ideas. I cannot wait for summer break, and for us, that is 7 weeks. NOT BAD!!!

GO OUT THERE DEAREST and make this day SPECIAL!!! LOVE, Anita

Martina said...

... a problem, because all got eaten up so quickly? No wonder, you're such a good baker! xx

Pinecone said...

Cookie jars empty really quickly over here!!
Have a great day!

Rizzi said...


Not Just a Waitress said...

that IS a problem!! me nephew and i are making cookies today!! :) :) :)

Unknown said...

Have fun cooking ;-)) dee x

Sue said...

We've decided to try the fruit bowl approach for a few weeks around here. I've had a few too many cookies lately but I prefer a cookie with my fruit.

malia said...

yum! looking forward to seeing what you whip up...

Anonymous said...

Yes no cookies is a problem lol! Your blog is so inspiring! I am so glad I found it!