~a wish for the day~
I expect to pass through the world just once. Any good, therefore, that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.~stephen grellet~
{pretty cupcake liners and sprinkles from a sweet Australian friend here}
Beautiful. The kindness you inspire through your blog, the little snipets of wisdom you share, can you imagine all the lives you've touched? Big hugs to you, lady. Xoxo
Ahhh, happy wednesday to you, Sweet Koralee!
My wish for you today is smiles, laughter and lots of love with warm hugs.
this is so precious...i wish you the best day ever dear friend... big hugs and a kiss...xoxo
Dear Koralee,
A beautiful cupcake and words. I wish we could all act like this.
I still haven't used your cupcake liners yet. Hopefully next week I will have some time to do some baking :-)!
Have a lovely evening!
Lieve groet, Madelief
Minha mensagem pra ti é: Deus olha e toca primeiramente em nosso coração, e se ele pediu pra ti fazer é porque alguém muito especial precisa ler o que tu escreveu .
Que Deus te abençõe abundantemente, dando saúde,paz, sucesso, pra ti e toda sua familia.
Tu és muito feliz!!!
Porque é especial, pra Deus!!!!
Bjos Carinhosos.
Beautifully said, if only more could think that way :-)
Isabelle x
it's been a long day
and you don't know how
badly i need to clear
my head and just focus
on this...
thank you again for all
the loveliness you bring
to the world of B.L.O.G.
Such a sweet, sweet picture, every little detail is so perfectly done! And the quote is - impressive. It puts more weight on each moment, a good thing to remember! xx
Gorgeous photo....wonderful gift!! :)
It looks so yummy for the tummy too!!
Have a wonderful day, sweet friend!
Everything you post is so calming. Thank you for that. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5
very, very sweet!!
Beautiful poem. I could make it my daily prayer.
I wish you a beautiful life Koralee...
very sweet!
happy wednesday koralee :)
I just adore the way you spread the love sweetie in the most beautiful ways.
Have a blessed day! :o)
Lovely words and cupcake picture. Each time I visit you I just love seeing the pretties you have here.
Wonderful quote! And such a sweet pretty picture!
I have the same philosophy even if I expect to pass through the world several times. Some truths are universal :-).
Ciao bella!
It says it all. Thanks, Koralee.
You are so so sweet !!...xxx...
YES..we only have one chance and I pray that I have not wasted too much of my 53 years on rubbish!!! I want to be wonderful! AND YOU MY DEAR ARE....SO what is the verdict on your back today? ANy more relief? I so hope you will be able to correct this and get back to school. You have suffered long enough, but prayers will still go up for our sweet bluebird...fly high dearest and be well! THANK YOU FOR VISITING!!!! Anita
I love that quote...and should write it in my journal! I am thankful for all of the tiny things that make my life complete! ♥
Your blog is always such a happy stop!
So beautiful and so very true, dear friend...thanks, as always, for the reminder to be a little kinder, a little better today.
Hope your day is wonderful, sweet Koralee...
Thanks for the very uplifting words for today.
Wishing for kindness, goodness and loveliness with you today, Koralee ~
I am so glad you are taking care of yourself and making sure you are feeling better before you go back to school.
Wishing you well and hoping your treatments are giving you much comfort and relief! I know you will feel at ease soon
~ Time and healing go hand in hand ...
Thinking of you and sending you smiles ♥
A beautiful photos ~ a beautiful quote!
It's good to have friends with pretty cupcake liners and sprinkles! :)
xo Catherine
you are the sweetest.
look yummy.
love the blue and pastel wrapper.
smiles to you.
I love this quote! My daughter kept it on her bulletin board in her room for years. And in response to your note on my post... Wow, how is it possible that you have a daughter old enough to be married and a son-in-law already ? You look so very very young to me!! :-)
Excellent thought to live by. I love the way the wrappers dress up your cupcake!
That is all so beautiful. I love the quotation. I have heard it before but not for a long, long time. They are a good reminder for us all. Your picture is lovely and that whole area of the blog, with the three pictures, looks so pretty!
Thanks always for your support with Jud's illness.
I can't believe how much I have missed my litlle bluebird notes this week! They always just cheer me up & inspire me but I haven't had too many chances to jump on here :) Roo is SUCH a good baby but those other little rascals have figured out already that I am a little slower AND if I am feeding Roo...oh they know they have a few extra minutes for me to catch up with them :) But I am soooo glad they are in bed & I could swing by for my note today! I really need to be reminded this week to keep thinking of others because thios week I have been pretty self absorbed :) I know every week that passes will get a little easier but I LOVED the reminder...great for me today!!!!
yes yes and yes! :) a kind and perfect reminder for any moment.
What a great message, thanks for passing it along!
re- rolled flower
I have a tutorial just last week for the rolled flower, here's the link
Loved this...
great message..........
great wish......................
Chris :o)
Thank you so much for the "coming home" font.
And thank you for your visit & comment on my blog.
thats a great wish! Thanks for your lovely comment over on my blog!
I love your sweet photo Koralee...have a sweet day....x
hope you are better everyday !
what's very surprising is , I can only walk little very little and stand still for a very short time but I can ride my bike perfect.
Yesterday I visited a friend in the hospital , for the first time . It was an hour on my bike but it went well . I send so much cards and letters but a visit is something else . Since I am so much at home it was a journey and seeing the world from my bike made me a bit sad . Will I be able to join all that ever ?
I do hope so .....
Wish you a whole lot of health !
Love, love, love the quote. And the cupcake is not half bad either : )!!! Happy, happy day. Praying for your back today.
LOVELOVELOVE it!! and only 2 days after my birthday!! :):):)
Beautiful thought for this Thursday. :)
hi koralee!
lovely sentiment and pretty picture!
i have a set of those pretty cupcake liners from bake it pretty. i've never baked with them though ... i should!
Wonderful words Koralee - uplifting as usual, thank you for sharing them!!
Love the cup cake cases they are so pretty!
Wishing you a happy day!
Gill xx
Love the picture and the message Koralee! Blessings to you today!
Another gorgeous post, your perfectly pretty picture and the quote. Sending lots of healing vibes and love your way, sweetest Koralee xxxxx
What a wonderful quote :)
Love this so much!! Beautiful quote and photo my friend :)
Happy day to you!
Beautiful. And that cupcake looks pretty awesome too! :-) xx
that's a wonderful sentiment!
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