Monday, May 2, 2011

~don't waste the day~

wherever you are in the entry point

jump in........ and let your good deeds ripple out {one}

happy news.....getaway with Holiday.......head on over to Matthew Mead's blog here if you order your copy by May 6th, you may be one of the lucky readers to win a golden ticket, that is tucked away inside your magazine. There are 10 prizes in all...the grand one being a $1,000 Visa Travel card.....check it out here
and keep your fingers crossed


i.ikeda said...

Dear Koralee, the ripples of your kindness and positivity are felt with every post. I just hope I can send out a little wave, as small as it is, of happiness out in the world. Today will bring nothing but smiles and gratitude for our very breath. Have a wonderful Monday, lovely lady. Xoxo

Martina said...

Very pretty this - text and photo! xx

BaronessVonVintage said...

thank you for this uplifting message. really needed it right now. xo

birdie blue said...

beautiful message, koralee. the photo is darling with the wellies filled with sweet flowers...

i so hope your back is beginning to feel better.

sarah-jane down the lane said...

Lovely wellies, mine are sprouting weeds not dahlias!!!

Wasn't it all so fairy tale? Ravishing.....

Sarah xXx

Elle Jay Bee said...

You take the BEST photos and share the sweetest messages. :)


Tash said...

I love the wellies filled with beautiful flowers! Koralee, you're a ray of sunshine {on a rainy day over here}!
Natasha xo

Not Just a Waitress said...

i LOVE LOVE LOVE this!! :) :) :)
we should all ask ourselves this everyday!!
you are always there to revive the goodness in all of us, koralee!! :) :) :)
BLESSINGS!! :) :) :)

Ana Degenaar said...

This was a lovely reminder.

Jill said...

perfect little lovely message today!!!-with a perfectly lovely photo!
Thank you for such a delightful(precious!) gift today!
Happy Monday!
Many Blessings!

Unknown said...

LOVE those flowers tucked in the rain boots! ;) I need to (continue) jumping into paperwork at my office - it has been really stressful and I want it to be all caught up already!!!!

Have a wonderful week! xoxox

Melissa said...

Love this! ....very much enjoying your blog! xo

Michaja said...

Cute picture!! Lovely lovely flowers!!!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Lovely photograph and words and yes, we need to ask ourselves this each day.
Wishing you much happiness for the week and hope that you are going to do something to make you smile everyday.


Maria said...

One more moment here ~ leaving you a sweet lil' hello, then I'm off to sew and hopefully make a teensy ripple towards the Netherlands ... towards and grandmother-to-be ;o)
Off to finish my sewing ♥
Love those boots, Koralee & thank you for inviting us to visit Matthew!
*Happy Monday*

Maria said...

ps. That pretty pink cupcake with marshmallows in the frosting is right across my writing and looks soooo yummalicious!

It's me said...

Great picture !!! look a like from Fifi !!..hahahahhahah!! .....happy new week

Amanda (Small Acorns) said...

Sweet photo Koralee and wise words as always! xx Thanks!

Vintage Home said...

Oh this is a great day....getting lots done and spending time on my sisters birthday with daughters & nieces. I am blessed!
I am excited to go to MM & I go!

Rizzi said...


Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I've been heard sayin' "don't waste this day" often but I usually end it with "for none of us in guaranteed tomorrow."

Take time to stop and be a blessing to others.

I always so enjoy your beautiful blog and never ever leave feelin' down!

God bless and have a splendid day sweeite!!!

Amber said...

thanks for this sweet post, you always manage to post the nicest things :)

Stop by and join my Bath & Body Works Giveaway!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GOOD EVENING DEAR KORALEE! I am hopping on over to Matthew's blog and I just want to check in to see how you are! You had a big weekend...did your daughter enjoy herself? I know you did! Let us make this day and every day the BEST!!!! Back tomorrow, Anita

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

hello my sweet friend. i'm in love with this adorable spring shot...absolute perfection.

hope you are well and loving every blossoming moment of this splendid season.

Kaylia Payne said...

You have the most wonderful messages!

michelle said...

Beautiful photo and quote my friend! You certainly know how to cheer up a dull day. :)
Hugs to you sweets!

Alessandra said...

Good reminder: jump in Alessandra!!!! hahaha! Thank you Koralee!

Gloria said...

Love this positive mesage! The photo is just darling too!! :) Thanks,,,I needed this today! I am trying to work on some sewing gifts. I hope they ripple out goodness.

Saying a prayer for you today. I hope your back is better. Mine gave me a big fit all last week...:/ I couldn't resist holding our sweet grandbaby still though who was visiting!!

Have a great week!! Thanks for sharing the MM info!! :)


Jacqueline said...

Dearest sweet Koralee, i am in love with this gorgeous photo. Before i head to Matthew Mead's blog, i wanted also to let you know that the Reymi bib purses will only be available on my esty after this coming sat market. But im definitely be making more to upload to the shop. Will keep you in the loop. Thank YOU so much for loving my new creations and for all the love and support you sent my way! I am feeling over the moon with happiness! Have a lovely merry happy week sweet friend and love to you!


Sue said...

I could have used the rain boots around here today! My daughter got here yesterday...she hasn't been home since last May. You can imagine how much fun we are having doing almost nothing and loving it!

Lori E said...

Is a day wasted if you do nothing? Or did you use that day to perfection because nothing is exactly what you needed to do for yourself and you sanity.

Lynn said...

A perfectly sweet sentiment. Take care and have a fun week!

tinajo said...

How lovely - now you´ve made me smile! :-)

Ingrid said...

Hello Koralee,again a beautiful picture,I love the idea.....have a lovely day today.....x

Aprendeconvale said...

great picture!!! enjoy teh day you, too!!! kisses

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh Koralee! YOU FOUND OUT WHAT IS CAUSING YOUR BACK PAIN!!!! YIPEEEEEE! I am always one who wants to know the cause so one can carry on and KNOW HOW to manage it! least exercises can help you! Now I NEED to get in soon to see what this hip/thigh thing is all about! However, last night, I started feeling the same sensation, NOT PAIN, in my wrists..not the joints, but in the area of my lower forearm....what in the I best go in but we have some bills to pay first. Like I have said even though we have insurance, the COPAY is ridiculous!!!! THANK YOU DEAR ONE FOR YOUR PRAYERS! And yesterday was a wild day, but I have not yet heard anything from the results of the meeting with a concerned parent whose daughter is in my English class...I am hoping that since I had not heard anything immediately, that all is well....oh I do need a sunny spot to visit!!! Let's about the SOUTH OF FRANCE with a final visit up to VANCOUVER so I may bask in the SUNSHINE OF FRIENDSHIP with you and Rosie dear.....

Love and blessings to you and yours my dear, Anita

francis said...

Sweet Koralee , the cuddlecoat is waiting and waiting for my granddaughter.... this is the month ! I have been doing a great job keeping my diet of just looking . Absolutely terrible but for a good cause . Had to do it for my back but becoming a grandmother helped me a lot to hang on .... Must look good on the pictures ! Have been to the hairdresser ...highlights for the first time !
So ....I'm ready for the transformation !
still 2 weeks to go but you never know ....
Many happy groetjes

fernandflora said...

Beautiful image! Just lovely. Such a busy week in my neck of the woods - it's a good reminder amidst the madness!

xo friend

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Love love love for another wonderful day sweet friend xxxxxxx

Pinecone said...

That picture is the best!
Have a great day,

Unknown said...

good deeds are so important! hope you are well! xo susan

PJMCNeal said...

love the boots with flowers! Right now I have sandals filled with red mud, it is raining! but still a warm 24 degrees! And I love the colour of the mud here! Thanks for a gorgeous blog, such a pleasant place to look at the end of a day! Lov u, your "Bush Aunt!"

Everlasting Blooms said...

Such a pretty photo as usual :) Hope all is well!

~ xoxo

Unknown said...

I'm going to live this day.... Double Dipping... Two post in one... as I try to get caught up. You know I'm on love with this picture. Even, better with one of those cookies from yesterday.....

Unknown said...

it was so stressful :/

xoxo from rome

(there's a GIVE-AWAY)

Libbie said...

It is such a happy reminder to do something good everyday & you are right...if we don't the day is wasted! I feel like I had so many people doing good deeds for me today I need to get out there & think up some of my own!

By the Bluegrass said...

I'd like to live this day taking a nap! I'm so tired and it's rainy..perfect for curling up! hehehe Love the photo!

Hoola Tallulah said...

Haha Sena, I was about to say almost exactly the same thing, I want to live this day having a nap and a cookie. Great minds think alike and sweet Koralee I always leave your blog with crazy photo envy, how do you make such perfect photos of such perfect things? <3

Faded Plains said...

You are always so inspiring Koralee!

Hearts Turned said...

Ripples are blessings, aren't they, my friend? Thank-you for all the loving ripples you send out each and every day.............

And what wonderful fun is the Matthew Mead news?! Nothing much better than a golden ticket! Thanks for sharing, dear friend.

May your day be as lovely as you are...


Doreen said...

Love your photo and your message Koralee! I had a good day and hope to continue to make the best of this evening too. I hope you've had a lovely day!

malia said...

Yes you are so right! And your photo is precious!

Anonymous said...

i am back sweet friend
and wanted to come here to get my
daily happy moment to carry me thru the day

Lulu and Co. said...

so very true!!! Hello sweet friend!