Monday, May 23, 2011

~getting real~

oh dear.....this is the mess I got up to this morning
you may be thinking that's not bad..what's her problem?
i dare not show you the other side of the kitchen...100x worse 

we were baking and drink tea until the wee hours
a sink filled with dirty dishes
i hate when this happens

if only i woke up to this lovely kitchen
{image from British cl} 
just look at that perfect cake
I still have to finish mine's a birthday day {son-in-law}

How did your morning start?  


Anonymous said...

hello!!! sweet friend
my (work) days always start
by filling my keurig coffee maker
putting a pot on to boil for egg
and letting the BEAR out to chase the bunnies!
I love mornings :D

Kori said...

That's your kitchen??? How adorable. I'm so jealous! I didn't even notice the mess! Have you heard the great news on the paperback version of my novel? I'm so excited and would love you to head over to hear. Have a fantastic Monday doll! Kori xoxo

Anonymous said...

What a super lovely blog. I too woke up to dishes, and after doing a ton in the afternoon. Those late night snacks will do it to ya everytime.

blessings, jilly

Unknown said...

G'day Koralee ~
Welll, after my english muffin ... my alk in the garden snapping pics & weeding as I go ... a load of wash put in ... I am enjoying the birds at the feeder & trying to figure out what to do for lunch. Nothing too exciting.

I wish my kitchen looked as good as yours. What did you bake?

Have a lovely week ~

mama bleu said...

Even your dirty dishes are PRETTY!!
I started out with a cup of coffee that my wonderful husband had waiting in a thermos for me. I checked my email and now I'm going to settle into my studio to create some new art pieces. I only wish the sun was brightening up my studio. It is a gloomy cool morning out there. Blessings on your day!!

Two Shades of Pink said...

WHAT A BEAUTIFUL MESS!!!!!! Your kitchen is just heavenly full of happy colors and comfort. And baking and drinking tea until the wee hours sounds like it was worth every beautifully messy dish!

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Lovley mess there! I had one, too, greeting me with my first cup of morning coffee.....ggggrrrr.

Happy Birthday day!!!


Martina said...

Awwwwwww, such a pretty mess you have there! Creative people just cannot be orderly all the time ;) Have a sweet monday!

Barbara said...

I think when my kids were young, I wasn't quite as fanatic about messes. Now, I NEVER go to bed leaving dishes in the sink. When I have company, I revert back to my easy going ways....

Anonymous said...

My day started with our boxer pup putting his front feet up onto the bed and wanted to be boosted up to snuggle with me. It was a sweet rainy morning.


Love the Decor! said...

Cutest kitchen ever and I love those cute cups!! Adorable!!

Pinecone said...

Your "dirty" kitchen is still lovely!!


Helen Philipps said...

I do understand you not liking lots of washing up in the sink first thing in the morning (me too)...but your things are sooo pretty that even your washing up looks rather attractive to me!! Have a happy week.
Helen x

Lori E said...

Nice as it is to wake up to a clean kitchen I would never interrupt a fun evening to clean up.

Anonymous said...

My morning started off quite similar, except the whole house is in need of some cleaning! I'll get to some point (I'm sure =)) Have a delightful week Koralee! Xoxoxo

ivana said...

I know the feeling and hate it too. Even though, your mess looks so much lovelier than mine ;) Nice pottery!

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

I didn't even notice the mess either .. just saw a lovely kitchen ..♥♥

Deb said...

That's a very pretty mess. :)Hugs,Deb=^..^=x4

Unknown said...

aww your kitchen shows a real cosy home and lovely memory of the night before ;-)) dee x

PJMCNeal said...

Gorgeous mess! I have always totally loved black and white tiles! I woke up to feeling better, a
had a sick day yesterday! And it is just blissful to feel good, and get on with the day-teaching and late afternoon tea with a nice group of folks at the guest house up the hill! thanks for another great image in my head as I go off to bed! Aunt Paulette

Not Just a Waitress said...

How did MY morning start???
I am spending the day with my nephew, "Dayt the Great." I usually call Monday "Dayt the Great at Eight" but today it was SEVEN!! Oooy!!
Good thing he's SO CUTE!! :)
Hope you have your mess all cleaned up. Nothing I like better than a clean, dish-free sink. :)
Hope you enjoyed your baking and late-night tea. I have a feeling you did. :) :) :)

i.ikeda said...

Oh dear Koralee, even your messes are cute, how is that possible? And who wouldn't love to wake up to that kitchen? *swoon* One day, one day... In the meantime, be glad you don't wake up to my kitchen and I'll be glad that at least I have a kitchen to be messy. :) Always looking at the bright side of things. Lots of kisses and hugs for you on this beginning of the week. And have fun with the son-in-law birthday (I can't believe you have a married daughter! You look like you're barely of age to get married yourself!)

Hearts Turned said...

Well, dear Koralee, your messy is other people's adorable! What a pretty bit of clutter on your counter! I'm sure it was whisked away in no time!

I didn't know you had a married daughter! How wonderful--happy birthday wishes for your son-in-law! I know he'll love the cake you're so lovingly baking for him!

Hope your day is filled with every lovely thing, my friend...


Privet and Holly said...

I don't think
I'd mind the
mess with these
sweet colors!!
My day started
off as usual at
4:50AM : ) but
the birds were
singing, so all
was well! Have
a wonderful week,
xx Suzanne

Eva said...

Oh, I can understand you very well! I hate getting up into a messy kitchen, I always have to clear up before I go to bed, so sometimes you can find me in the middle of the night standing in the kitchen doing the washing up...
I hope your day got better then?

My day started with two grumpy children who didn't want to get up...

Eva x

Signe said...

Hehe, it does not look that bad to me ;)

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

These cheery colors must make you happy instantly, my friend. I think I would sit down on that gorgeous bar stool and enjoy my first cup of the day before doing the dishes!
First thing I do in the morning is get our bread out of the freezer, take a shower before everyone awakes, slip into my dress/leggings/flats, run down the stairs make a big cup of warm green tea and start making sandwiches with cheese for everyone. Using happily colored and patterned plates and cups makes it more fun to do, well, I never sing ;)
Lots of love o xx o

Pamela said...

Your kitchen is so pretty even with that mess...if you can call it that!
Pamela xo

{kara} said...

your kitchen looks lovely! I love it! when I was younger I was an interior designer wanna- be and I used to draw floor plans. All of my kitchens in the floor plans had black and white floors. I actually have them in my apartment now. I hope to have them in my house someday. Love!

fee @ chipper nelly said...

one day I will take a picture of my kitchen and share it with you (on second thoughts maybe not...don't want Environmental Health round!)

Re your comment on Janes blog - people always think they've met me before too!!!
fee x
HAPPY week ♥

Unknown said...

i don't think i would mind your cute kitchen with its cute little cups and dishes in a mess at all!

quite often i will leave my dishes for the next morning ... i am too tired after making the mess in the first place, and i love a sparkling clean kitchen to start my day!

Unknown said...

If only I could wake up to that cute mess. I don't really think it's a mess though. I mean what you have posted if there hadn't been such a wonderful display of color this morning. That's right nothing, like me. I'm so far behind the 8 ball you can't imagine. And my friend, our weekend mess is not this sweet...

GardenOfDaisies said...

Even your messes look pretty, because all your dishes are so cute!

Pauline said...

God bless this mess :o) Dear Koralee, it's been a pleasure visiting your lovely, cheery blog.

It's me said...

Verry verry lazy.......i am so tired what a weekend.......look at my was so fun !!

It's me said...

I like your mess in your the

Bring Pretty Back said...

I wish my kitchen looked that PRETTY any time!
Have a pretty day!

andrea creates said...

with a dr.visit ;)
your kitchen looks great! mine always seem to have a sink full of dishes.

Blondie's Journal said...

Kitchens and Monday mornings do not go well together in my home!


Ruth Yoder said...

you have pretty dishes!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I HAD THE SAME PICTURE IN MY KITCHEN THIS MORNING DEAREST! A happy little tea pot with dried up bags in it and dishes with dried up cherry pie stains....what a mess, but a happy one; oh how I wish you a FABULOUS TUESDAY MY SWEET! Your kitchen is so bright, LIKE YOU!!!! BISES, Anita

Sue said...

You don't really want to know...I don't like to whine on blogs:)

I don't think I'd mind getting up to dirty dishes if they were as cute as yours. It actually is a pet peeve of mine...and luckily my husband too. One of us always manages to get things in the dishwasher so we don't have that sink full the next morning!

By the Bluegrass said...

But your clutter is so pretty, Koralee! I love all your colorful dishes and towels. And, only you could take such an artistic picture of clutter! You've seen my pictures of my messes.
btw-I am do not look old enough to have a son in-law! Did I read that correctly?

Angela said...

Even your messes look pretty to me, Koralee! My dishes are stacked up as well due to a busy weekend! They'll always wait :)

lilisinha said...

Que linda bagunça! Dá prazer arrumar essa cozinha, tbém não gosto de deixar louça na pia para lavar no outro dia. são manias. Semaninha Perfeitinha!!!
Bjos Carinhosos.

Teresa said...

If I woke up to that kitchen...
to those CUTE mugs....
haven baked and sipped tea with you all night....
I would be so HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!
Only YOU would have a kitchen THAT cute!!!!!!
Fits YOU to a tea!!!!! ;o)

Alessandra said...

Dear Koralee, even your mess looks stylish!
Come and have a look at my banana flower salad, when you finish tidying up :-).


A Casa da Vá said...

That is your kitchen? It is so lovely, can't believe you call that messy, you should see mine!

Hugs & kisses from Rio!

Maria said...

Hi Koralee...
I'm smiling at your sweet white and fresh kitchen... baking messes mean family love ... lots of baking love in your kitchen ~ sprinkling it on the whole family ...and soon for Molly too*
Wishing you a calm cup in your sweet kitchen tomorrow with sun shining through the windows... Enjoy all the May birthdays and welcome home celebrations*
The circle is unbroken ♥ in a house of love.

liz said...

Hi Koralee, mess is ok when it still manages to look lovely. A cup of tea to start the day for me, always. Hugs, Liz xxx

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

I so want that kitchen too! : )

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning my sweet...just coming by to see if you need any help cleaning up the kitchen; I have my pink and aqua apron on and ready to work!!! Have a splendid day, Anita

Amanda (Small Acorns) said...

Well all I will say my friend is that even your mess is picture perfect and pretty. I'm sure that the dishes didn't feel that way when you tackled them, but I'm guessing that the homely baking and tea drinking and conviviality made it all worthwhile. xx

Amanda (Small Acorns) said...

And how beautiful is that dahlia image of yours in your side bar! xx

Kristin H said...

Adorable RETRO! Super sweet!

Terra said...

My morning started with cereal and coffee and a visit from a cat who lives in the neighborhood.
Even the photo of your messy kitchen has a pretty tone to it.

Unknown said...

........ oh... at least it is a cute mess! I love your dishes.. so colorful and cheery!

Gloria said...

Hi Koralee,

Your kitchen is an adorable mess!! Your dishes are so bright and cheery how can a person be unhappy waking up to them?!

My morning started off getting Dylan and Zoe (grandkids) ready for school so I could drive them. Then a walk with Rocky (our dog), watering the back garden, laundry, vacuuming... & etc. etc. Sooo much to do with sooo little time!! I miss visiting your sweet blog!!

Have a beautiful day sweet friend!!


michelle said...

It sounds like you had a great night and even your dirty dishes look adorable. :) My whole house is a mess, trying to catch after being gone all weekend. :) Happy Birthday to your SIL! :)

Anonymous said...

When your dishes are that pretty and fresh...I don't think it can even be called a mess, Koralee! I'm on my way to help because doing dishes by hand is actually one of my favourite things to do! It's like a soothing let the session begin.....!

Ciao Bella!


Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Your kitchen is beautiful even when so-called messy! Hope the celebrating created a wonderful day! Lucky birthday boy!

Doreen said...

What a cute mess! I'm sure you were feeling different about it, but, your photos of a mess are still pretty! How did I start my morning?...I woke up at 2:30 AM today, and couldn't sleep. It is staff appreciation week at our school so I used the time to make something sweet and memorable for my daughter's teacher and to do a blog post since I've been away from blogging for so long. Lots of visiting to catch up on.

Marilyn Miller said...

My morning is starting too early, that I know for sure. Hope your cake was beautiful.

malia said...

how come your "mess" looks so pretty and charming? my mess looks like... a big ole' mess... i like yours so much better

Rizzi said...


Anonymous said...

Wonderful kitchen interior. These kitchen designs are totally astonishing! I am really in love with these ideas. Thanks for sharing this. I got a lot of nice ideas.
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Gail said...

A well used, function kitchen where you work with loved ones is soooo much better than a spotless mckitchen that is never used.

Vintage Home said...

...So glad you are showing more of your home.....very inspiring and great detail!

theUngourmet said...

I knew your kitchen
would be darling...even when a bit messy.

I love your mirror hanging in the window. :)

davidd said...

Really kitchen design are beautiful. I just love it. Thanks for sharing with us! As I got some ideas for my kitchen also.

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