Tuesday, October 11, 2011

{Autumn Treats}

the apple orchard 

is one of my favourite places to be

collecting apples and sticks

to make an Autumn favourite 

red candy apples

one Autumn Treat deserves another

caramel popcorn

made into balls

red candy apples + caramel popcorn = Joy x 100
don't you agree

the winner of the special addition of Holiday with Matthew Mead  is 
# 23
Congratulations my friend
remember you can still order your copy here


Hearts Turned said...

Oh, fall-fabulous, sweet Koralee! I love being in apple orchards, too...the smell is divine!

Only you would think of putting rustic, bent twigs in the candy apples, my friend--perfection!

Wishing you a wonderful, WONDERFUL night!


Blessed Serendipity said...

I don't think I have ever had a red candy apple, but I know that caramel apples are delicious (if I don't eat all the caramel first).


dutch sisters said...

Yummy! Those shiny red apples Looks very sweet!

Teresa said...

Life doesn't get much better than candied apples and popcorn balls!
We've been picking up apples on our walks and having a little nibble!
Hugs my friend~
and love.

Teresa Kasner said...

You sure are a busy bee! I've only had the caramel apples, but I bet the red candy covering is every bit as delish! My husband's family was famous for making chocolate popcorn.. now might be a good week to make some! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

tinajo said...

Beautiful apples - I love that fruit! :-)

Anonymous said...

If only we were neighbors... That looks GREAT! :)

Shabby chic Sandy said...

I can smell them now--

Aprendeconvale said...

lovely caramel apples!!!! they look so delicious!!

Alessandra said...

Cool, I am pinning the apple pic :-), now that I have learned how to pin :-)


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

YEAH NEZZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I love her) AND YOU MADE THE APPLES! Now I think that to make them blue, all you need is the food coloring????? I wonder...oh dearest, I am sorry I could not give you any recipe for that..but there is always THIS WEEKEND! PICTURES ARE FABULOUS HERE, as always...and I SEND YOU MY HUGS! Anita

hilary@oldhousetruelove said...

i love the orchard too... your pictures are beautiful.

Kathleen Grace said...

To me, autumn is just as much about apples as it is pumpkins! Love these beautiful candy apples with natural sticks! And popcorn balls? It's been ages since I had one, time to dig out a recipe:>)

The Cottage Market {Andrea} ♥ said...

such a lovely and pretty post! i love love love apples -- candy apples -- apple crumble -- apple pie -- apple butter and of course APPLES!!!! your candy apples look so tempting and remind me of the ones my mommy use to make!!! my kids love the caramels one but there is something very nostalgic about the red candy covered ones! thanks for sharing this fabulous montage of apple joy with us! hugs...

Unknown said...

Oh my those candy apples look delicious and my mouth is watering at the sight of the popcorn. What a lovely photo's. Enjoy, dee xx

elena nuez said...

wonderful treats!
Fall you're welcome!!!

Blue Turtle said...

Apples. Apples. Apples.

J. Harp @ Interior Designs

Silver Strands said...

real sticks in the apples - cutest idea ever!

ivana said...

I love it! Red candy apple reminds me so much of being a child and spending days with my grandmother. Looking at red yummy apples, sweet colorful lolly pops, silky bonbons!!!

Celestial Charms said...

It wouldn't be autumn without apples, candied or otherwise. Lovely photographs!

It's me said...

I agree!!!...love ...xxx...

KarenB said...

I love the picture of Toms in the apples!

Unknown said...

yay you made them! looks so yummy :)
have a great day

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Your lovely pictures made me realize one more time, Fall definitely is my favorite season. Love the ballerina's!
Happy hugs, stay warm sweet friend xxx

Unknown said...

Oh yes, there are so many yummy things you can make with apples in autumn! I love it! :)

Madelief said...

Dear Koralee,

Your candy apples look delicious! We don't eat them this way in Holland :-)

Happy day,

Madelief x

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Love apples, and this makes me love them even more. ;-)

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Well just move the furniture back and make room 'cause I'm doin' a great big old happy dance here!!!


Thank you so much sweetie. Can ya imagine all the wonderful ideas coupled with my love of Christmas what life will be like on the Ponderosa this Christmas season. :o)

God bless and have a magnificent day sweetie!!!! :o)

Unknown said...

And remind me why I looked at this before lunch. One of my favorite things about fall. Gathering apples for dipping. And goodness knows we have a ton of HoneyCrisps stashed away like little squirrels from our trip up north.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

KORALEE! It is already Wednesday night and we are ALMOST done with OCTOBER! Next week, I get Thursday and Friday off and I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!! Things are moving along, but sooo much work, as you know as well. But holidays are continuing to move along and so are the seasons! I MUST HUNT FOR THAT BLUE APPLE RECIPE...I will go on Pinterest now and see if I can find it!!! Anita

Vintage Home said...

oh such sweetness!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Oh you are making me feel so hungry, your red candy apple and popcorn looks so yummy.
Lovely photographs and enjoy your Autumn and apple picking in the orchard.


red ticking said...

oh i wish i were there to make apples and caramel corn with you!
the apples are adorable... can you make up a few dozen and run them down to the ticking for the weekend???

i made the apple tart from hampton hostess... ck it out... you will just love it...


Palomasea said...

Dear Koralee,

What a joy to visit you and beautifully creative world! Love your photos...

A wonderful day to you,
- Irina

Helen Philipps said...

Such wonderful pictures of the candy apple making, I really loved this post! And caramel popcorn is sooo sweet and delicious. Have a wonderful autumn day, Koralee.
Helen x

The Pinkhouseladies said...

what an nice things have you made with those apples! mmm


Catherine said...

Such lovely apples with such sweet end results! Yum!!!
xo Catherine

found and sewn said...

how good do thoose apples looks,yummmmmy x

Unknown said...

Such gorgeous apples! Love the twig sticks!
Have a sweet day!

Jacqueline said...

Dearest sweet koralee, these treats are soo yumiiiee and beautiful! I am loving all these gorgeous photos...they made me smile! Have a beautiful day and love to you!


Monica said...

I haven't had a candy apple in so long -- yours look so cute with the sticks as candles.

a peony princess said...

Popcorn balls!! Have not had those since I was a kid! And why not I am now asking myself!

Happy Autumn, Happy Fall!


Unknown said...

Oh my!!!! What fun and the cutest pictures EVER!!! Enjoy all of that goodness my friend! xoxoxo

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
I don't need a lot of reminding to eat my "apple a day" and how much bigger a treat if they could look like your autumn apple beauties! The twig is such a great way to make them! I love that idea!
Popcorn is on my daily "to enjoy" list! I make air popped, but there's nothing like the old fashioned way to make it. Adding caramel would be heavenly!
Wishing you a sweet day tomorrow and a weekend that's "happy dance" worthy!

Martina said...

These look so yummy! But dangerous for the teeth i think ;) Great for a kids birthday party!

Libbie said...

Oh wow! Those candied apples are gorgeous!! You know I have never actually had a candied apple...lots of carmel apples...but not those pretty ones...but you are right...carmel popcorn & candied apples make the perfect pair!

Michaja said...

Said it before will say it again, love the picture with the apples and the sticks!
Thanks for loving my owls :) Hopefully they will sell well Saturday!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Koralee...these look yummy and adorable! I love the sticks in the candy apples. Apple orchards are beautiful places, aren't they?

Marilyn Miller said...

Lovely autumn treats. The candied apples remind me of apples my aunt use to make. Caramel corn, oh I need to make some. Yummmm!

Maria Medeiros said...

oh so wonderful! :D I'm planning a party for my little girl and the three other kids that I watch during the week. :D It will be spooktacular! :D hehe Have a lovely weekend!


Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

These photos are just beautiful Koralee! And they look delicious! :)

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Hello lovely Koralee!
I love your pretty autumnal images and the red candy apples look delicious...
Wishing you a weekend full of all good things,
Susan x

Vintage Home said...

Koralee I know you like tea...but I wonder would this work for tea???...to darn funky to not have one..thought you would appreciate the pictures!

Lulu and Co. said...

Pure Autumn joy!!!! Makes me want to grab and an apple and run through the fresh fallen leaves!

malia said...

agreed!!! xoxoxo

Michelle said...

Love them both!
Morning Has Broken