Sunday, March 4, 2012

my red and blue weekend

smiling at my red tulips

organizing my books

baking my daughter's recipe she wrote in a grade 3 memory book

creating a surprise with ripe plump strawberries
{can't wait to share}
a multitude of small delights
constitutes happiness
c. baudelaire

{hugs to you old and new friends} 

you can still enter my giveaway here


Linda said...

:-) My favorite color combination!!

Holly Loves Art said...

Wonderful! Bright and cheery. Sweetness. I hope you had a lovely weekend.

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

SO pretty! Your tulips are gorgeous... can not wait to see what mine look like this year!! :)

Terra said...

Your small delights are all sweet.

Lynne said...

The design and presentation you bring to your blog is wonderful.

It is always a delight to visit . . .

polkadotpeticoat said...

I can't wait to see your strawberry surprise.....your tulips look beautiful ....

Unknown said...

you are always so cheery!

thank you♦

Palomasea said...

You talent never ceases to amaze me, dear Koralee...
Sounds like a magical, perfect weekend :)) Can't wait to see the strawberry surprise!
- Irina

Candylei said...

So pretty! We bought strawberries too this weekend and I noticed the new teal cardboard boxes! It's such a splendid contrast. The old green will probably never return. Have a great week!!!

Libbie said...

All those colors!!! What a wonderful weekend! I love that you are using your daughter's 3rd grade recipe! So sweet!

Linda Carole Bloom said...

I LOVED Trixie Belden - had all of them!

Anonymous said...

Love this colour combination too :)

SLR said...

one of my favorite color combos! love these cheery and sweet photos!!

tinajo said...

Such pretty pics! :-) Have a great day! :-)

Unknown said...

Beautiful warm colours this morning your tulips are lovely. Look forward to seeing your strawberry suprise i do love a strawberry ;-) dee xx

cafenoHut said...

I love your collages..

Have a happy week...

found and sewn said...

I love strawberries..I can't wait until they are in season over here:)

sarah-jane down the lane said...

What happy colours these are! Whatever did you do with those strawbugs Koralee? - dying to find out!

Sarah -x-

It's me said...

Have a wonderful week to

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Ah, such a pretty pic...I love this colour combination of my all time favourites and I have some of the Cath Kidston floral fabric that I spy in the corner's so pretty...I'm saving it for something special!
Hope you have a wonderful colourful week,
Susan x

gillyflower said...

Gorgeous photos, and sounds like you had a lovely weekend!

Gill xx

andrea creates said...

love these colors together!
can't wait to see what you're making :)

Debi said...

Strawberry surprise - sounds sweet! Red tulips are the best to put smiles on our faces. Have a great Monday.

Maria said...

Good morning, Koralee!
The colors of your weekend surely bring smiles! Turquoise and red are so beautiful together.
Isn't it amazing that we have berries available all year long! Our markets have such great sales on strawberries - in March!!!
Wishing you a bright and cheery week to match your weekend ~
Blessings always,
~ Maria

debbie @ happy little cottage said...

Hi!! I love the aqua and red, and seeing the Ruby fabric made me smile! xoxo Debbie

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Such a joyful looking weekend, happy colors. Can't wait to see the strawberry surprise :)

Barbara said...

The trouble with organizing books is I spend hours looking through them with fond memories rather than getting on with the job!
Love all those chocolate chips!

Unknown said...

Your photography is jolting me to life on this cold wint'ry day. Thank-you!

Lisa Graham said...

So amazed at how well those colors go together. And your new purse matches too. : )

Dagmar said...

perfect way to spend a day..there seems to be alot of joy in
your day...what a great way to live! Have a wonderful week...

B said...

Warm and pretty. Perfect for this time of year. B x

à la parisienne said...

Cute post! I especially love the ribbon-tied books!


Blessed Serendipity said...

You always bring a smile to my face. I just love the combination of red and turquoise. Happy new week to you Koralee!


Anonymous said...

I love this color combo Koralee!!! Wishing you a lovely week! Xo ~Ashley

Gabriela Delworth - Adult Learning & Development said...

Happy Monday!

Definitely stunning combos!


Unknown said...

and hugs to you too! what a sweet little collage ... what a great color combination ... and how fun that you still use that little old recipe! have a wonderful week! :)

Paula said...

Hi sweetie! Your photos are so gorgeous and cheerful!!! I love the vintage books, floral and rose fabric, tulips, strawberries and your sweet girl's hand-written recipe!
I look forward to seeing what you made with the strawberries! I love the quote! That is so true! Hugs to you my new friend! xo~ Paula

Madelief said...

Your weekend sounds good Koralee! Hope you will have a lovely new week!

Madelief xoxo

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Yay! Love this. Love your happy post!

Riitta Sinikka said...

I love your photos/colours! Have a happy day!

Amanda (Small Acorns) said...

Thats the prettiest montage Koralee, and such a perfect colour combination. Can there be anything nicer than the first strawberries of the season! Amanda xx

Crafted by Carly said...

A red and blue weekend!!! I'd love one of those too!!! ;-)

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

I love the red and blue and what could be sweeter, tulips and ripe strawberries ....Yum!

Happy new week

The Cottage Market {Andrea} ♥ said...

how do you do it! i mean really? every single time your pictures are not only beautiful -- but pictures that just make you smile and feel good! everything and every combination just works -- you are totally amazing my friend! sending you tons of hugs in aqua and raspberry!!!! : )

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I have NO idea how I missed this most COLORFUL POST; I had my eye on new posts yesterday as I spent some time in front of my computer, hoping I could catch up before MONDAY CAME! But it is over,and the week will fizzle away towards SPRING BREAK! You too are looking forward to it, aren't you dear one?

LOVE YOUR NEW PROFILE PIC and of course these photos are only making me want some tulips!!!!!


Gloria said...

Your weekend looks amazing!!! :)

Love all of those pretty pictures!

Happy week to you sweet friend!


Lulu and Co. said...

Beautiful weekend!!!!!

Lara Harris said...

So love this color combo!

Monica said...

I like your red and blue weekend :) I see you have an "Anne book". We just love Anne here at our house. Happy week to you :)

GardenOfDaisies said...

Aw, a sweet recipe! :-) Love your books... favorites of mine. I love tulips too! It won't be long before ours are in bloom. said...

Oh I can't wait for you to share your strawberry me some strawberries.

Danielle Hardy said...

Such a happy and bright color combo :)

Teresa Kasner said...

Such pretty colors.. those look like really ripe strawberries, can't wait to see what you do with them.
((hugs)), Teresa :-)

scarlett clay said...

These colors are so beautiful! Can't wait to see what you were creating with those yummy little chocolate chips :)

magie said...

I love the red and blue pretty!
Have a lovely week :)

Helen Philipps said...

Love the red and blue pictures, such a delight, and one of my most favourite colour combinations! Have a happy week, Koralee!
Helen x

i.ikeda said...

Yes, yes, a million yeses. "A multitude of small delights constitute happiness." Monsieur Baudelaire had it perfectly right. And your blog is always so full of these small delights. Thank you, Koralee.

Can't wait to see what's cooking with those strawberries, yum. They look scrumptious in that picture. Xoxo

Chronicles of Dolliedaydream said...

Such a lovely mix of photos and ideas Koralee - hope you are all well!

Baby Luca is loving strawberries, so I'll look forward to your recipe post and save a few to puree for him :-)

Tracey Ayton Photography said...

I think you've inspired me to do a little inspiration board of the little things that make me happy. Just looking at your little red & blue pics makes me smile.

Vicki said...

Those red tulips are making me smile, too. I read every Trixie Belden book I could get my hands on as a young girl growing up in the 60's. Happy Tuesday, dear friend! Vicki

momto8 said...

you have a very fun and happy collection of pictures!
i also have in my kithcen hutch 3rd grade recipes from Mrs.Hoovers favorite dip is in there!
I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you an.
happy weekend!