today is a very sad day....alas...we opened the last jar of our raspberry jam sydney and i made this past summer

we have a jam day every July...we pick the berries early in the morning....come home and set aside the rest of the day to clean....eat some berries....crush... eat...add sugar...eat more....pour.....eat .....make scones....laugh....eat some more.... we finish our day with a tea party.....it's a tradition!!!!

but today saddens me....our jam is gone...this is my last bit until this upcoming July when we do it all over again.... every year i make more and more batches but always seem to run out around this time of year....my husband devourers it...... so i will blame it on him.
I love this little tradition!!! I think I must start it with my girls...in a few years :) And ending it off with a tea party...perfect!
ahhhh sweet picture and only 3 1/2 months till strawberry picking!
If you're too very sad...stop by my house for another jar of raspberry jam....our favorite is strawberry...on fresh scones with Devonshire cream!!!
I've never tried to make jam....but I am gonna try this year...YUM!
I love any kind of jam - and can myself. We have a couple of jars of mixed berry jam left too. I'm making lime marmelade right now for something new because we have an Asian market by us where limes are 12 for $1. I'd love to here more about what you garden and can....Jennifer
What a lovely tradition concerning one of my favourite things on earth: JAM!
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