Tuesday, February 16, 2010

{girls only}

sweet handfuls of

i so love the sweetness of being a girl
One of the secrets of a Happy Life
is continuous small treats
{iris murdoch}
{What sweet petite treat will you give yourself today?}


Maria said...

This is one of my favorite quotes... by Robert Brault...
"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."

I think girls really know how to make time for the little things... and enjoy them with all their ♥
as always, thank you for the sweetness here at Bluebird Notes, Koralee*

Barbara said...

You always have something beautiful to say and to show us!
A gorgeous plate and could that be a pink marshmallow??

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Sugar and spice and everything nice. How you do it, I'll never know. I'm just thankful I found this soul-soothing blog. ;-)

(Will be tweeting this post!)

Yelena R. said...

The images on your blog are always so perfect!

Jolanda said...

What a sweat plate and thanx for your lovely words on my blog. My treat today was to look at the (dutch) movie: Brideflight, a romantic story in the 50's, off dutch young people who went to austalia to get a new life.
greetings, jolanda

Tricia said...

My sweet little girlie-girl was running through our neighborhood streets playing shoot em up with the boys yesterday, sock footed and all!
Yeah Canada on the first gold win on home turf by the way....we were rooting for you and I shed many tears watching it all this weekend (talk about being a girlie girl).

Unknown said...

after my weekend - which included 13 cupcakes, a large caramilk bar and pancakes with cream, strawberries and syrup, today my treat will be a carrot.

Kissed by an Angel said...

Another fabulous post with gorgeous photos!! I am glad that I am a 'girl'!!!!

Jill said...

A lovely post as usual with fab pictures.

Hugs RosieP x

Two Shades of Pink said...

Oh, this was so lovely. This is a funny thing to say but I never appreciated and embraced being a girl until I was in college. Suddenly I recognized it for the sweet gift it is...to embrace my femininity that is gloriously God given, that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I need to remember that often. And I want to teach my daughters the same thing. To be who God made them to be, to love being a girl.
Koralee, do you have any idea how your posts, in their simplicity, are thought provoking and bless others so much? Because they bless me. Off to embrace my girly girls...my daily sweet treats...

Rizzi said...


Unknown said...

Little dots of love, each and everyone of them. Your pictures rock once again.

Way to go on the Gold in Moguls.

Kate - The Garden Bell

Teresa said...

Girlie Girl...You are indeed one of the Girliest Girls I have ever had the pleasure to know...and I luuuv it!
Your dreamy mind just treats us all...everyday!
Thank you Koralee.
Can you believe my post is about SWEETS & TREATS too! Sweet Minds think alike!!!! ;o)
Let me see...what have I treated myself too today besides popping over here...well...it is only 9:25 a.m. but I awoke to blue sky and SUN beaming through the dampness...which was a true treat!
Now I am enjoying another one of those fabulous cups of HAPPY with the whipped cream on top...no sprinkles til the weekend! Glad that squirt whipped cream only has a few calories!!
Oh...and I treated Doogan to squirt whipped cream in his KONG toy! ;o)
Did you get my response to your email Koralee...I had a couple of questions about the biopsy. I will email you again. xxoox

Blondie's Journal said...

What a delightful post, Koralee. Are those marshmallows? They look delicious with the candy sprinkles.

I love being a girl. We are so lucky. We share our feelings and we can get excited over candied marshmallows. How great is that?


Julie Harward said...

I love these pictures...so pretty! Makes me want to go to the store right now and get some of those. I am trying not to treat myself too much..had way too much of that all weekend! :D

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Dear Koralee,
I love sprinkles....I can't remember when I last had them. They bring back so many memories of my childhood. I am going to buy some tomorrow so that I can pour some in my hand and have a sweet treat every so often !! XXXX

bellaboo said...

As the song goes...'I enjoy being a girl'.
I love pink,pretty,flowery,fluffy,..yes I'm a girly girl like you Koralee.

Bellaboo :)

Pinecone Camp said...

Definitely girls only! Very sweet. I'm not an overly girly girl...I seem to be missing that gene. I love reading your blog though, as it brings more of the girl out in me!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I had one of my valentines sugar cookies with coffee mid-morning. A sweet treat that I don't have often. Wishing you a happy day. Blessings, Tammy

CinnamonAndSass said...

My treat will be finishing the book I am reading, since it is so good I can't stop thinking about how it might end!

Bralliz said...

Hi Koralee!

Beautiful images, as always !
I love your blog, it's amazing!

have a beautiful day!

xoxo alice

paige said...

Hi Koralee. This is Paige from Where Women Create Magazine. Could you please email me at Paige(at)wherewomencreate(dot)com? Thank you! We just love your blog! Have a great day:)

Winchester Manor said...

How adorable! Isn't being a girl fun? My sweet treat is visiting with you!

I see the comment above mine...woo hoo! That has to be something really good my friend!


Shelly said...

Have been following you for a little while now and want to say thank you for your beautiful photos and your wonderful thoughts. I am in a huge transition in my life right now and it is just one day at a time and I enjoy all the inspiration that others have to share. I use my blog as somewhat of a gratitude journal and as my eye on the prize so to speak and I love women who inspire which in turn empowers others. Many do not realize the impact that they have and I just wanted to share your little impact on me. Thank You and keep sharing those beautiful pics.
Always, Shelly

Jennifer said...

I just peeked in and consider you my treat for the day... thanks sweetie! Come visit, Jennifer

Sewn With Grace said...

Two of my favorite things, roses and sprinkles. I think we should put sprinkles on everything. Just the idea that your ready for something special when the sprinkles are in hand. Have a truly blessed day!

Tracey @ My House of Giggles said...

Koralee..I love that quote! Thanks or sharing :) I have to say....your blog feels like a little dose of "treats" every time I read a new post!

As I read, I'm curled up in bed with a snuggly baby boy and a box of Godiva truffles ( from my sweet husband). Doesn't get much better than that, right? ;)

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Hi Koralee, most loveliest post again. Sweet Iris was a very clever lady! I love these words. They are so, so true. Today I received a brownie in a gorgeous golden box with a beautiful ribbon. ' This is what you miss by not attending the meeting, tonight', written on the cutest little card. The conservation I had with my two oldest children about please-go-to-bedtime. Their cute but great arguments made me laugh inside... This morning I treated myself, besides Illy coffee beans and muesli, with a sweet bouquet of pink/purple tulips. I can truly enjoy those beautiful flowers and colors whole week long!

I'm off to google Iris Murdoch ....
You just keep enjoying the Olympics!

Anonymous said...

Hi Koralee...
being a girl is sweet indeed...it's much more colourful and pretty, and glittery than being a plain, boring boy!

thanks for sharing your DELICIOUSLY sweet post...


Julie Marie said...

Hi Koralee... those do look yummy and sweet... my favorite little sweet treat is five chocolate covered pretzels in the afternoon! xoxo Julie Marie

Robin Beck said...

Hi Koralee,

My sweet treat has been peanut butter M&M's lately. Can't get enough of them though I don't eat the blue ones (don't ask, I don't know why) My husband eats those~♥


Sierra said...

My sweet treat is most often cupcakes or chocolate...this weekend I made cupcakes for my boyfriend for V-Day and they were so yummy!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Hmmm...maybe the sweet treat of a little "mini nap"...I am tired today! Hugs!

Duchess of Tea said...

Hello darling, I like this iris murdoch person, what is life without sweet treats. I have been real good to myself today...fig biscuits, tiny slive of red velvet cake and a piece of coconut candy!! Have a sweet day sweetie.

Love & Hugs

My Farmhouse Kitchen said...

what made me H A P P Y today was coming here for a visit...just lovely..as always


Unknown said...

G'eve,Koralee ~ Wellllll, I treated myself to the last of my orange creme chocolates, oy! Every girl deserves a 'sweet' ... chuckle!

Have a beautiful week ~
Hugs, Marydon

beachvintage.com said...

Koralee you are amazing to think of this....sprinkles on a marshmallow....simply divine.

Cristie said...

Koralee, I love your Bluebird image and quote today, so sweet and so true.

Unknown said...

How do you manage to always find such pretty things to photograph...seriously, it's a tremendous talent you have!!!

Happy Tuesday Koralee ~

:) T

Viva La Fashion said...

i'm really, really glad i'm a girl. :) and i think i might have a glass of water after a long run. not really a treat but i really couldn't think of anything else to say.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh dearest,
What you have chosen here is good enough for me! You are my official sweet-picker!!!!

Bisous to you and your lovely family! Anita

Amanda (Small Acorns) said...

What sweet treat? In my case, it could be 'how many' sweet treats! Oh dear! Does this make me sweeter?
Lovely post as always Koralee. xx

emma wallace said...

Oh! That is the sweetest, happiest little treat ever! Pure prettiness.


Debbie said...

A delicious piece of strawberry mousse birthday cake this morning at about 10 a.m.( morning snack time at school) to celebrate one of our delightful little girls who turned 5 today!!
Always so special to celebrate being a girl at any age!!
Debbie :)

FrenchBlue said...

Dear Koralee~
I love being a girl too! AND I love sprinkles on everything!! It is always so special over here with you!

Rheea said...

So pretty!! You know what, I received a sweeeet handmade rose just last night. Now, I'm enjoying being a girl. ;) Thanks for the lovely reminder!


Jacqueline said...

Dearest Koralee, i too adore the sweetness of being a girl! So many many pretty lovely sweet things just for us! :) I aodre your gorgeous photos and your plate is always soooo sooo groegeous! Thank you so much for your lovely lovely well wishes on my "Hearts and sweetness" post! Made me sooo soo happy! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!


French Kissed said...

True confessions...not one but two heart shaped chocolate raspberry truffles topped off with your sweet post! ~jermaine~

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh I'm in that for sure...lots of treats :)

Unknown said...

I always enjoy looking at your beautiful photos! Have a great day!

Julie said...

I just gave my little grandaughter a tee shirt that says "Girls Rule, boy just live here". I love being a girl and wouldn't want it any other way!

Kathysue said...

Very simply put and I so agree.There are so many things to enjoy, I think we are the lucky ones for sure. I am new to your blog and it is just lovely, I can tell it will be a new favorite of mine to visit each day. I just started a new blog myself so I am learning to appreciate all the energy that goes into doing a blog. So far I love it and the opportunity to meet other kindred spirits has been so fun for me. Kathysue

Simple Home said...

You're photos are beautiful, and I love being a girl too.

Luiza said...

Lovely and colorful. As always!

I have a surprise for you to get at my blog... =)


Vicki said...

Hello, Koralee,
I do enjoy sugar and spice and everything nice about being a girl!! I always treat myself to a hot cup of Starbuck's coffee on my way to tutoring. I know you are having a wonderful time at the Olympics! I have been watching the events every evening here at my home. I hope you are having a lovely week! Vicki

Anne Marie said...

well, being that is the first day of lent, I will be "treating" myself to a noodle casserole -

now......isn't THAT exciting?

Draffin Bears said...

Sweet post as usual Koralee.
Love the marshmallows and how yummy they look.
I hope that you are having a great week and enjoying the Olympics.


Angie Muresan said...

This place is always so enchanting. It makes me happy to visit and reminds me how much I love being a girl.

Anonymous said...

I am allowing myself time to wander through the beauty of the blog world. Thank you for being part of it :)

Shell said...

You always have the most beautiful posts. Does
chocolate as a sweet petite treat?

Martha said...

How sweet of a little post:)

Sherry Williams said...

Just plain gorgeous!!!