Wednesday, February 17, 2010

{it's easy to be happy}

be the difference.....happiness will find you
"The happiest people I know
are people who don't even think about being happy.
They just think about being
good neighbours,
good people.
And then happiness
sort of sneaks
in the back window while they are
busy doing
{Rabbi Harold Kushner}
{have you lit someones candle today?}


Queenplinker said...

So true, so true. I absolutely love that!
Have a good evening, Lynea

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

I agree..
I think happy people are so busy giving...with happiness being the biggest by product of that giving nature.
xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

Linnie Blooms Shop said...

I so agree! Happy hump day:D

Sue said...

You've been busy with the Olympics, I've been busy with a, I'm catching up on your posts! You live in a beautiful place...I have been watching. I'm also frustrated that I have flowered plate, those same sprinkles and marshmallows and my brain doesn't work like yours. I would never think about what a wonderful photo that would make! took me forever to figure out the picture above...but I did! I agree, happiness comes from making others happy.

Okay-that is comments for 3 posts!

Enjoy the fun...


Anonymous said...

happiness is a state of mind...not everything will always go our way...but it's all how we handle and react to different things that life throws our way that makes the difference!

there's a book out, it's new called the happiness sounds interesting...

i'm happy to have found your beautiful blog...and I'm happy when you pop in to see me!

have a great night

Cate said...

Koralee, it is always so nice to visit your blog. The images are always so kind to the eyes and with loads of kind words. I would love to have all of your postings in a book just to enjoy whenever.

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

So True!!! I have a friend that is exactly as you described. She makes everyone around her happy. I love her!!!

Catherine said...

You are so right ~ the more you help others and think about others, the happier you feel.

Some people seem to constantly have a little rain cloud over their head... others... rainbows! I like to be around the 'rainbow' people. Of which I am thinking you are one of the rainbow people Koralee! :) Lovely post ~ as always. xxoo

kathi @ traybella said...

oooh I love that quote!

Your blog makes ME happy!
Always enjoy your photos...thanks!

The Tablescaper said...

Oh, happy day!

- The Tablescaper

FrenchBlue said...

Dear Koralee~
SO TRUE!! I love this image of the candles! Candles always remind me of celebration. To celebrate happiness is something so few really know how to do... but it is as you say, really easy... just by being good. Great post!

Debbie said...

Sharing...Caring...Kindness = Happy!
Thank you for your Kindness to Care enough to Share your beautiful messages and photos with all of us....makes me Happy!!
Cheers :)

Anonymous said...

So, so cute! Gonna have to write that one down in my journal ;)

{oh and I am gonna add you to my list of 'Thoughtful Bloggers'...just love it here!}

Julie Harward said... you! You are such a bright light here in blog land..always lifting and happy and it's catchy...we get it by coming in contact with your sweet spirit! :D

Rose said...

Very nice! I always seem to make patients happy which is so rewarding, and in turn it brightens my day being told ive made theirs :)

Rose said...

Making me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Kathysue said...

I heard someone say a long time ago,Happiness is derived from the word Happening. Something Happens that makes you happy. But true Joy and Contentment can only come from within from one Heavenly source. Kathysue

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Amen to that! Blessings, Tammy

debra@dustjacket said...

That is so true!

Anonymous said...

thanks for this, Koralee. :)

Tamanna A. Shaikh said...

Koralee, that is so true. I've promised myself happiness and I guess I shall blog about it pretty soon! :)

Cathie said...

{squish} I like that!

Robin Beck said...

Your blog brings me joy and happiness~♥

GardenOfDaisies said...

LOve your quote today!

Teresa said...

Just had to pop over here before popping in to bed tonight!
I just got in from outside...
star gazing...hoping to spot a shooting star. Usually I do...but not tonight...but that's okay...I don't need a shooting star to fall to know that God will take care of me tomorrow and bring me good news soon thereafter.
I have sweet ones like you koralee...
you are my shooting star.
You light my candle every day...and shine so brightly in my heart and in the hearts of many. My friends in Carmel, CA lit a candle for me at church last Sunday and it is burning all week.
So sweet!
Oh these special dear friendships...that burn so brightly in our hearts and souls!
Thank you for shining so BRIGHT...all the way down here on Bainbridge Island my friend.
You will be with me tomorrow!!!

sarah-jane down the lane said...

Hello lady sunshine! sending you warm greetings from Blighty!
Congrats on another GOLD! yea!

Lovely post as ever,

Sarah x

Luiza said...

Beautiful and true, my friend!
I know many people like that!
You are one of them!

Have a wonderful day!


Unknown said...

You have the best quotes Koralee,I love this one!

Have really enjoyed catching up on your last few posts - such beautiful images and quotes.

Your blog always feels like a cosy cafe, the kind with cakestands piled high with treats and large steaming mugs of tea and hot chocolate....and old books, the kind you want to stay in all day :)

Have a lovely day my friend :) xo

Unknown said...

Stunning photo! Great quote :-)

Kellie Collis said...

I adore this picture! x

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh how true and right you are!!! HAPPINESS IS THE KEY TO SHOWING THE WORLD WHO LIVES IN YOU! Blessings to you precious one!


bellaboo said...

I was listening to a programme on the radio yesterday about kindness,and they were talking about the fact that doing acts of kindness for other people is actually good for your physical health.It doesn't just make you 'feel' better it can make you healthier,and happier too!

Bellaboo :0)

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

What a brilliant quote Koralee and so true, although I also think that there is a genetic connection too.
Of course you can use the image with the red mittens and maple leaves. I just got it from google and it wasn't credited to anyone. XXXX

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on everything, people should try to think positive thoughts always, to attract good things and good vibes emanate
I love your blog, it transmits a lot of love and peace.
Thank you for caring that you give

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Adorable photograph and quote. Make my day! Tomorrow I will lit two candles, Birthday candles! But that's another kind of story. Have a Happy day, dearest Koralee.

Kissed by an Angel said...

That is so true!!! You are a very wise, caring and loving woman!!!

Martha said...

You are definitely one of those people Koralee!!! I love is always so nice to visit in the morning:)


Barbara said...

You have a lovely blog, Koralee, and bring happiness, good vibes and great quotes to all of us!

Magdalena said...

Koralee, this quote is absolutely perfect and so true. I'm happiest when I'm not trying to be happy but with my loved ones and just doing the things I love so much.
Hope you are enjoying the Olympics, last night was so much fun to watch!! I love the Winter Olympics

icandy... said...

I am so very happy these days~ in fact, I've been journaling about my feelings, lately. I am truly blessed!
I catch myself smiling more than ever! That's a wonderful feeling...
Thank you, for a wonderful post!

Rizzi said...


Faded Plains said...

Oh Koralee...reading your blog always makes me happy...and it's true...helping others brings true happiness.

Claudia said...

I love that quote and it is so true! Be good, be kind, reach out to others, think positively and happiness follows!


Elyse said...

hi koralee,

my boys are off from school this week and have been fighting on and off for days. must think happy thoughts! must think happy thoughts! LOL


Unknown said...

Very cool and sooooooo creative. Love it. Love the angle. Great shot.

noodle and lou said...

thank you for that sweet food for thought!! soooo true and so good to remember...and live! happy day to you:):) xoxo...jenn

Suzy's Vintage Attic said...

Hello Koralee

That is so true...

Warm wishes
Isabelle x

Maria said...

Hi Koralee~
I love the image of the lit candle among the candles (waiting to be lit)
It reminds me of this scripture:
"And God said, 'Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth.' And it was so.
. . .
He also made the stars."
Genesis 1:14 - 15
...and he also made us to share HIS light ...
and you, dear ♥ are a very bright light ♥

caroline joy said...

Oh I've missed blogville! I've been absent for a while and realize it is your sweet and thoughtful quotes and musings that I really need right now. Thank you.

theUngourmet said...

This one is lovely!

I really need to catch a bit of the Olympics too!

Laura Trevey said...

Hi Koralee!

What a perfect post for me to announce that you won the "beach chairs" print giveaway!!

Please e-mail me with your address :)
xoxo Laura

My Farmhouse Kitchen said...

love this....wonderful...

thank you for taking the time to stop by and visit at Farmhouse..always good to see you, my friend


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I find happiness to be contagious. Surrounding yourself with positive people is clutch!

Brenda Pruitt said...

Happiness is simple to me. Actually, I should have said simplicity.

Corine Moore said...

I'm glad I stumbled here today! :) I have had a couple of tough days lately, and it seems everywhere I go I find more peace and happiness to make up for it - here included!

You are so right... no matter what happens in life, happiness will follow you to the ends of the earth, if you just do what is right and keep love in your heart! Wishing YOU a happy day! ;) Corine

red ticking said...

you are so sweet.... i love this... it is so easy to be nice and thoughtful and with this comes complete happiness everytime! thank you for this lovely post.. xx pam

BonjourRomance said...

So true, a wise saying. You make all of your blogger friend very happy Koralee!

Punctuation Mark said...

Love this post! have a nice weekend!

Cristie said...

Great wisdom. It is so true. Thanks again for the reminder.

Anonymous said...

Amen Koralee, Amen!!!! Such wisdom in those words, nothing could be more special then happiness...pure happiness!

ELK said...

thank you..i so agree..YOU are an inspiration

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

That's a great quote. Words to live by! I've been gone for a few weeks and am trying to catch up on everyone's post. Take care! Jennifer:)