Saturday, July 3, 2010

{cherries..kindness....and a charming giveaway}

continuing on with my
cherry bliss
from yesterdays post
{Cherry Fest weekend over here at BbNotes}
I decided to capture the splendor
chocolate dipped pistachio


{double dip}

{.....pure bliss}

Now for the kindness part....
I so want to celebrate all the kindness/love
that sweet followers always send my way!
Your support for Bluebird Notes has been
overwhelming to me

{kindness can change the world!}
so a little giveaway is in order...
you know me and how I adore all things cute....
well how would you like this
sweet little apron
tied around your waist!
{saw this the other day and thought of you all...
though I really want sooooo bad to keep it for myself}

*all you have to do is leave me a comment on this post
{make sure I have someway of getting in contact with you}
*let me know if you follow me....
because really I am celebrating sweet followers...
on a separate comment.. for an additional chance
*if you post about my apron giveaway
or put up my giveaway button on your sidebar
leave another comment for another chance...
{remember..each on a separate I am using the random # thingamajig }

July 10 is my daughter's Birthday so
that will be the day I let you
know if this lovely will be tied around your waist

More Cherry Bliss on Monday
{Happy 4th of July to all you sweet friends in the USA}
I would love to hear your fireworks all the way up here


1 – 200 of 217   Newer›   Newest»
A Ruffled Nest said...

I love, love, love the apron. I am one of your followers and I will put your cute button on my sidebar.


Brenda Pruitt said...

Adorable apron! You know I follow you, everywhere you manage to go!

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

I've been in the mood for cherries all week. I adore the ruffled cute is that! Of course I've been following you for quite some time. I will be back to post a second comment after I put your giveaway button on my sidebar.

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

Okay I'm back...your giveaway button is on my sidebar, wish me luck!

birdie blue said...

love the apron, so sweet of you to do a give-away.


birdie blue said...

and of course, i am a follower! plus, i will gladly post your tag on my side-bar.

have a lovely day!


Vintage Home said... the off I go to try & figure out how to do all those other thinga-ma-jiggies! cherries!

Anonymous said...

Lovely give the apron! Thanks for the chance:)

Anonymous said...

Already a follower....of course:)

Privet and Holly said...

Koralee! First, I didn't realize that you weren't from the USA! I'm going to have to re-read your profile. I know I have, but it was way back when I first discovered blogging {you know, the olden days....January 2010}! LOVE these pictures and I can see why you hesitated to part with that divine apron! Fantastic photos, as always : ) xx Suzanne

Privet and Holly said...

Oh, and before I click on your profile....
YES, I am a {devoted} follower!
Have a lovely weekend. xx Suzanne

Privet and Holly said...

Oh my goodness, you are from one of my FAVORITE parts of Canada! My parents live in Washington State {We are in the Midwest} and I have just loved my visits to Vancouver. Lucky girl : )
xx Suzanne

Martina said...

Those cherries look so delicious - must give that a try tomorrow, when a friend comes for tea! And the apron is CUTE! I'm a huge ruffle fan! As alwaysm the colours of your photos ame out great!

Martina said...

I'm a follower - what would i do without your sweet notes?
And: your sweet button is now on my sidebar .
Excuse the mistakes in typing in my post above - must be the heatwave that hit us ;)

Amanda said...

SO cute!

Amanda said...

And I'm a follower! :)

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Yum! I think cherries have to be my favourite fruit. Never thought of dipping them in chocolate but I will now!! As for the lovely apron - if I happen to win it, I might have to go back to cooking!! I would just wear it for show ;)

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'm a follower too!

Anonymous said...

The apron is tooooooooo cute! Id love that it would be my first.The first picture is so adorable too.Too sweet,I love it.I love cherries but I havent had them that way.Thanks for sharing the idea.

Happy weekend,oh and the fireworks started a week ago here, lol.Every night the dogs hide from them,they wont go out the door,lol.Take Care!

Anonymous said...

Im a follower too!

Decor To Adore said...

I'm not sure what is sweeter the dipped cherries or the fabulous ruffled number.

Either way they're both delicious.

Decor To Adore said...

Sing with me...
I will follow her. Follow her wherever she may go....

Anonymous said...

I put the giveaway button on my sidebar as well!

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Oooh, these cherries look great, dipped in chocolate and pistachio. Sweet petits of pure deliciousness! i must try this soon, playing with red fruit, what lovely idea. And oh my, oh my, you found a stunning sweet awesome apron, sweet Koralee. One lucky lady will soon be baking all dressed up. Love these cutest patterns and bright sweet colors, so so Summer like. Hugs to you always. xxx

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

... forgot to mention that i really really ADORE your t-shirt! xxx

Beatnheart said...

#1 commenting....Love that apron!

Beatnheart said...

#2 entry- I am a follower!

Beatnheart said...

#3 entry....I am going to put your giveaway button on my blog so I have as many chances to win as I can muster.

she dreams big! said...

You are so tempting me with those cherries. They were on sale and I didn't buy any! Back to the grocery store I go!

she dreams big! said...

Yup, I'm a follower! Your cheery photos are a bright spot in my day!

It's me said...

I really like your apron !! but your t shirt !!!! ow..... he is so nice !!!! and so true words on it !!! love love love ....Ria...

It's me said...

Their is a link on my site...and a place in my heart for you my dear love............

Debby said...

Oh wow, I love that apron. I love your blog.

Debby said...

Oh and I am a follower of your sweet blog.

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Lovely cherry pictures, lovely apron, and lovely give-away! So sweet of you!
And happy birthday to you little darling in advance!

Carol said...

You know I love your blog...your cherries...and that darling, ruffly apron!!

Betty Gaeta said...

Hi Koralle,
Lovely pictures!
You're right: Kindness can change the world.
I belive in this words!
Have a wonderfull weekend.

Luiza said...

Oh Koralee,
You really did a good job, dipping those cherries. Yummie!!!

And a wonderful giveaway I just have to take part in.What a beautiful appron!!!

Have alovely day my friend!

Luiza said...

...and you know , I´m allready a follower =)...

Luiza said...

...and that I´ll share it by adding it to my sidebar =D.

Anonymous said...

chocolate/pistachio covered cherries sound sinfully good. mmmm....

yes, please count me in the giveaway. that is the cutest apron ever!

Anonymous said...

i'm a loyal follower.

Hearts Turned said...

Okay, Koralee---first of all, those double dipped cherries are to die for! Love them coated in chocolate in pistachios--perfection!

Secondly, that apron made me squeal with joy! Love it's layers of vintage style prettiness!

Hope you're having a wonderful Fourth weekend with your family!


Hearts Turned said...

Me again! I'm already a very happy follower...!

Prudence said...

I follow you!

Prudence said...

cherries look yummy and that apron is beautiful

Prudence said...

I am going right now to post your giveaway button on my blog!

Unknown said...

Oh my, this apron is adorable! I do not own on yet, so this would be fantastic piecce to wear in the kitchen :) Btw these cherries look yummmyyyy.
I'm a follower of yours of course! ;)

Unknown said...

And I added your giveaway to my right sidebar :)

Maria said...

Hi Koralee! You are
sooooooooooooooooooo sweet!
I have already had the
pleasure of winning a giveaway here at Bluebird Notes... so, I'm just stopping by to say a B I G
H*E*L*L*O from the U*S*A
Here are some fireworks for you!


Happy weekend, to you, dear ♥
and to your family!

Essentially Free said...

What a darling site!

Essentially Free said...

I am a follower and LOVE reading your posts. :)

Essentially Free said...

I'm adding your givaway to my sidebar.

Maria said...

ps. I just ordered my copy of Holiday...
sooooooooo excited :D

Dawn said...

Hi.....Love the apron.....I actually collect them;)
Thanks for the giveaway, and the yummy dipped cherry recipe idea. Off to try them out....

Randi Troxell said...

Mmmm.. those cherries look to die for!!

Poppies and Sunshine said...

Adorable apron!! You are so so kind to think of your followers :) Those cherries look delicious. I never thought about dipping them in chocolate!

Oh and I am a follower :)

yardage girl said...

Everything about this blog is beautiful. The cherries look divine and the apron is gorgeous. Thanks for having such a lovely giveaway! Nic

Polly said...

Oh my, that apron is so cute!! Crossing my fingers!!!

Polly said...

I'm a follower!

Andrea said...

Oh, I love that apron and would so wear it!

Andrea said...

Also a happy follower!

heather said...

Hi Koralee, I am just stumbling across your blog today, and I'm so happy I did. Goodness, Pistachio & Chocolate dipped cherries, seriously!!! That sounds HEAVENLY.

I'm in the southern hemisphere, so it's winter, no cherries for us, but I am happy to live vicariously through these pictures!

Am becoming another of your happy followers now.

Ninja Panda said...

Such a fabulous apron!


Ninja Panda said...

Following ;)


Carousel Dreams said...

Koralee, that little apron is so sweet! And the pistachio dipped cherries - wow - thanks for the inspiration x

Carousel Dreams said...

You already know I follow your happy blog x

Unknown said...

That is the cutest apron ever!!!!

Unknown said...

Of course I follow this lovely little blog!!!

D. Jean Quarles said...

Oh, I don't know what I'm more excited about. Trying the cherry recipe or winning your giveaway. Tooooooo wonderful.

D. Jean Quarles said...

And yes, I'm a follower. So glad.

Elyse said...

hi koralee!

the cherry idea is yummmmmy! and so is the apron.

{i am a follower.}

lovely giveaway, sweetie!


chow and chatter said...

wow these cherries look amazing and what a beautiful blog you have Rebecca

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

Hello! I have such a weakness for aprons and for cherries! I would Love to be apart of your give away. That apron is too, too Cute!

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

Hello again Koralee! I am a follower. :)
And, I am trying to figure out how to put your give-away button on my blog, but am stuck.
As soon as I figure it out I will come back and comment again.

Dogwood said...

Your photos are always so pretty and clear. Umm---wonder why I am craving cherries! Yummy. I really think that precious apron would look good around my waist! He-he!

Happiness to you~Dogwood

Dogwood said...

I like your blog because you have a fun and uplifting attitude and you are always positive in what you write. I can tell that your followers are important to you.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

I love to follow your blog for all the gorgeous photos and lovely words you share with us.
It is a joy to come and visit you, thank you.
The ruffly apron is pretty and how delectable the chocolate dipped and pistachio cherries look.

Happy 4th of July weekend

Rose said...

Oh how sweet Koralee! What a way to make cooking even more fun, with a sweet apron.


Rose said...

And of course I follow Bluebird Notes too :)


LissyLou said...

chocolated dipped pistachio cherries!! now that is a fantastic idea!!!!

Great giveaway!!

LissyLou said...

....i am a follower :)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh dearest, I know that I don't even have a chance to win amidst all of these followers, but I do want to say that your kindness is as vibrant, as passionate in red color and as sweet as these little wonderful fruits that our God has blessed us with in this life! What an amazing fruit, n'est-ce pas? AND COUPLED WITH CHOCOLATE...what a double-dip treat. I AM A FOLLOWER!!! Anita

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Again, I am a follower and I WANT TO WIN! :)

Much love to you and thank you for getting a message to Rosie. Bisous! Anita

Dori Patrick said...

How absolutely lovely! I do follow your site..gotcha in my faves! Happy 4th to you and yours!

Joyce said...

What an adorable apron and so nice of you to have a giveaway. Yes I follow your adorable and colorful blog. Happy 4th of July.

Rosie said...

oh sweet girl.
I have been so busy...I finally have had a chance to stroll down "bluebird lane" ...ahhhh...this is a delicious your cheery cherries...
have a wonderful Sunday Rosie

aafke7 said...

so many nice comments!...but I would certainly like this lovely...'eva'(dutch for apron...also called 'schort').
Thank you for your lovely inspiration!

Unknown said...

My daughter is an in-house chef for a film editing company. As such, she rarely wears her chef-whites, so she has chosen to have a collection of one-of-a-kind aprons to wear during her work day. Your beautiful apron would be such a great addition to her collection!

Jen Beaudet said...

Hi Koralee! I would love that apron!!! Thank you for the chance to win! Thank you for your comments on my post! YOU are the sweetest! I couldn't resist those yummy cherries! I think I'll be doing more of them! And that recipe looks soooo good! Take care, Jennifer:)

Theresa Dagostino Forge said...

Your blog is so pretty!! and that apron is darling~

Theresa Dagostino Forge said...

P.S. I have also become a follower!

Amy @ Lucky Number 13 said...

that is one adorable apron and some good lookin' cherries!!!! yum!
and yes, i follow you! : D

3 Including Me... said...

I would have never thought to put pistacchios on cherries.. Yummy.. I bet that is deilicious!

Unknown said...

Dear, Koralee!!! I simply LOVE the chocolate dipped pistachio cherries idea!!!! Wow!! My little Aila is turning 2 in August and I am definetely making these sweet and scrumptious cherries for our guests!!! Thank you!!!! Koralee, dear, I would love making the "Koralee cherries"with this lovely apron tied around my waist!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck for me!!!


the southern hostess said...

Those cherries look fantastic. Thanks for the giveaway! You're the best, and I'm a follower.

Debbie said...

This is definately Cherry oh my...this is worth a try!!!
I so so LOVE!!! that cute little apron...would absolutely LOVE!!! to have that tied around my waist while baking sweet treats...please eneter me in your generous and beautiful GiveAway.You know I'm a follower and I'm headin' right back to my SweetDreamsandMemories blog to post your GiveAway on the TOP of my sidebar.
Thanks for stopping by....a bit of sun here but we could use lot's more.

Heather Rogers said...

This is just darling! I am in love with the colors and sweet ruffles. :)

Heather Rogers said...

I am already following you so this is my #2 comment.
Those cherries look amazing. I love cherries and pistachios. I will definitly have to try this recipe. :)

Rizzi said...


Rizzi said...


Rizzi said...


What it looks like from here said...

I love your blog, and the cute apron! I'd love to win it! Happy July 4th from Texas!

fernandflora said...

Oh my goodness! Those cherries look incredibly tasty! We've been eating white chocolate covered cherries with slivered almonds lately...but yours look even tastier!

And what a sweet giveaway! I'm a happy follower as you well know!


Unknown said...

Oh, Koralee, those cherries look divine! I'll have to try them.

Please enter me in your giveaway, I am a follower.

Popping over to wish you a fabulour fun filled fourth (Independence Day).

TTFN ~ Marydon

Suzie Button said...

Happy Fourth of July, Koralee! I love your scrumptious cherry treats you're sharing! And the apron is beyond cute! Thanks for a chance to win and YES I am a follower! Suzie

Suzie Button said...

YES too, I've had your button on my blog for a long time! Suzie

LeeAnn@Encouragement Is Contagious said...

Hi Koralee! I just found your blog and LOVE IT! I am becoming a follower today so I can continue to enjoy Bluebird Notes. Please oh please put my name into your hat to win this fabulous apron.

Lee Ann

June said...

Oh Koralee, i love your sweet cherry post and the apron would be adorable around my waist.hehe
Of course I follow your gorgeous blog.

Sandra said...

Love your post...yummy cherries! That apron is too stinking cute!

Unknown said...

Those cherries look so yummy! and that apron is so so cute! Have a sweet day!

Life of Mrs. Peters said...

just happened along your blog!
love all the cherries : )

Life of Mrs. Peters said...

love the aprons
and now im a follower!

Jikkes said...

Your give away is AMAZING!

So I keep my fingers crossed ;)


Jikkes said...

And I am so glad I found your beautiful blog so ofcourse I am now a follower....YEAH!

Jikkes said...

Here I am again.....

I have also linked you on my blog!


Judith said...

I want this Give-Away, I love it!



Judith said...

And i'm a follower!

Judith said...

I have also linked this Give-Away on my blog!



Julie said...

Those look really good and I love the apron!

madelia said...

Super cute apron...would love to see it on me.(smile)

Patty said...

thank you for such sweet giveaway.

nancarts said...

Great giveaway..the apron is darling! I love cherries. Guess I'll go to the market! But then I'll have to buy chocolate, and ...etc!!!
Hope your 4th was enjoyable.

Smiles and Blessings,

Ana Degenaar said...

What a lovely giveaway, I could jump on one leg for hours if I won it. Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Hey know i am a follower of all things B.L.U.E.B.I.R.D....


Anonymous said...

and I love this A.P.R.O.N....


Rebecca said...

Oh... I love it... So stunning!

Rebecca said...

Posted on the side bar of my blog...

Hope you'll come on over and enter my giveaway:

Jeanne said...

This flirty apron is adorable. Please enter my name in the giveaway!
And those chocolate dipped cherries look scrumptious! I'm going to give making those a try!

Jeanette said...

Loving those cherries, and I am a follower also.

nerines said...

Hi Koralee,

Thankyou for holding this sweet giveaway. Just letting you know that I've a blogged about it AND...I have your give away button on my sidebar. xo

Faded Plains said...

Sending Sydney lots and lots of birthday wishes...and that not the cutest apron ever...I do believe it is ;o)

Lindsay said...

What a great give away! This would make baking so much more fun!

Lindsay said...

I follow you as well :)

Lindsay said...

I posted about this on facebook.

POOKIE said...

Oh, wow! I love your blog--and I do follow you. The photos are always so beautiful, the ones of the cherries made me want to rush right out and buy some at the shop!

Cornflakes and Honey said...

How did I miss this? What a gorgeous giveaway Koralee, I'd love to be lucky enough to win this! :-)

Cornflakes and Honey said...

Also and always a follower :-)

grace said...

That apron is simply precious :)

Galit said...

Gosh I love this apron!!
And I in a great need for one! really!!

Cathie said...

ohh wow!!! that is the sweetest apron ever!
sweet cherry hugs to you KOralee.

Cathie said...

of course I LOVE, LOVE your blog & follow ♥

paperbird said...

What a fun giveaway Koralee- I adore aprons and yours is so very pretty. Your posts are always filled with inspiration and beauty...I love it.

debra@dustjacket said...

Count me in babe :)

debra@dustjacket said...

follower of course ;o

Unknown said...

My friend, you aren't really do this. You are just too much fun. You know I follow along on your journey. You know I love to leave little notes for you to read last at night, just before falling into slumber. You know, I'm going to work this into my next posting. You know, it's been a busy weekend of nothing here. You know I need to run and work on my posting. You know... I would never get sick of your cherry pictures. You know... I'm crazy, in a good way.

Off to start a new week,

Barbara said...

I adore that cute apron...and the bowl of cherries...does that come with it? :)

Susan said...

Oh Koralee,
I L.O.V.E cherries! But with chocolate and PISTACHIOS?!? Heaven!
Thank you for the chance to win your sweet giveaway!

Susan said...

Faithful follower here! :)

Susan said...

adorable apron. . .we have a bunch of birthdays on the 10th in our extended family too! very popular and {great} day!

Trisha said...

I just became a follower of your super cute blog!

Teresa said...

Sweet Sweet Girl!
I can totallllllly see me in this ADORABLE {beyond words} APRON!!!!!!!
ANd I would totallllllly wear this out and about! ;o)
Of course I FOLLOW Sweet Koralee!
I would gladly FOLLOW you to the moon...
through the stars....
and back down into your black and white kitchen to sip some tea!
I'd follow your cute self anywhere...anytime!
And I'd wear that APRON when I followed! ;o)
Grabbing that adorable BUTTON now!

Bralliz said...

Hi Koralee!
What a beutiful giveaway!
Happy day dear
xoxoxx alice

Bralliz said...

Ofcourse I'm alreday following your blog dear :-)

Trisha said...

Love the cherries and the apron-love it all! said...

Oh sweetie, Happy Birthday to your darling daughter and yes, please enter me in this FAB apron giveaway [I can see why you will find it hard to part with]. I am a proud follower! Simone xx

angelina said...

love the cherries, shirt , apron!!

angelina said...

following you now

LuLu said...

Sweet!!!! Not only do I want to rush out and buy a bowl full of cherries to dip in chocolate but I now want to spin around the kitchen over the ruffled apron... what a combination to smile, dance and spread kindess one cherry at a time!!

nerines said...

Hi Koralee,

Hope all is well. You know I could swear I left a comment but I'll leave another:) to let you know I have blogged about your give away and added the lovely button, thankyou it's a very kind thing. xo

Trisha said...

Since I am so new to blogging, I haven't quite figured it all out yet (as in adding your button) But I did blog about your giveaway!!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Hope you had a lovely visit with friends. I would love to tie that apron around this cook's waist...sign me up!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

I am a "follower" too!


Jacqueline said...

This is such a wonderful celebration and a truely amazing giveaway! These are really gorgeous photos and i adore the cherry LOVE going on around here! Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter and i hope you guys have a wonderful party plan! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!


Anonymous said...

Hi Coralee, love the apron - almost, almost is too nice to bake in - but life is too short to keep the good things for - later

Petie said...

OMG! I love aprons and this one is so cute!

Petie said...

Like totally, I am a follower. How could you not be? Love your blog.

Petie said...

And of course, I put your giveaway on my sidebar. Love the cherries and all your photography.

Shellbelle said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter! Isn't it wonderful that her birthstone is a ruby, the same color as CHERRIES!

I just found you today, thanks to Jennifer and her beautiful painting!

Shellbelle said...

I am a happy new follower who adores cherries, Jennifer's paintings and now your blog!

Shellbelle said...

I added your giveaway button to my sidebar. This apron is the cutest, but that t-shirt takes the cake. Kindness can change the world, a motto we should all live by.

jeanette from everton terrace said...

I missed this while I was on the road home. How exciting - the apron is divine and yes I am a happy follower. The best part is your sweet girl's birthday. Wishing her a fun birthday and a lovely year.

Cheyenne said...

That apron is precious!

Katy said...

Comment 1: I love the apron and your photographs!

Tracy Lea said...

I love the apron and cherries!

Tracy Lea said...

And I am a follower!

Anonymous said...

Love the apron and love your blog!

Susan said...

Did I tell you I posted your button? Fingers crossed!...eyes too! teehee!

theUngourmet said...

I just love these dipped cherries! The apron is so very darling as well. :) I'd be proud as punch to wear that beauty!

theUngourmet said...

I follow you! :)

Kitty said...

I am so in love with your t-shirt and it's sentiment. I even blogged about it. Thank you for inspiring me daily. I adore you and your beautiful blog.

love and hugs,
Fritzi Marie

Kitty said...

I'm a follower and following you makes me happy.


Maminka Girl - Loribeth Robare said...

just discovered your delightful your sense of color!

Amy @ Lucky Number 13 said...

seriously, seriously adorable!!!

Anne Marie said...

I missed this post!! all these wonderful giveaways!! I would LOVE your apron Koralee!!! count me in!
xo+ blessings,
Anne Marie
p.s. I'm SO adding your giveaway to my sidebar for a 2nd chance!!!!!

Sherri said...

I have been following your site through a link when I was following a friend of mine climbing Mt. Everest. I can't wait to start my morning with you everyday!! Very inspiring and uplifting. I am addicted!! Thank you! Your apron is beautiful, I would love to wear it making my homemade apple pies soon! Sherri, La Crescent, MN

My Grama's Soul said...

Oh Koralee.......count me in on this give away. This apron is too cute......I'm not much of an apron wearer......but it would look too cute on my manequin, Minnette.



My Grama's Soul said...

Oh......I've been a follower for ages.


My Grama's Soul said...

One last e-mail address is at the very bottom of my blog.

Have a great day,


Seawashed said...

I just found your blog...what a sweet, cheerful, happy place this is. I am now a new follower. I really truly value kindness so this Giveaway is right up my alley. If I win this I will give the apron to my 18 yr. old daughter to replace the vintage cherry red rosey one I gave away to a bloggy friend...I did not know it was my daughter's favorite and that she wanted me to hand it down to her when she moves out.

Grammie Star Wars said...

What a cute blog and what a darling apron!

I'm just getting into this new world of Blogs.

I myself have much to learn to start my own.

To wear your apron and share your blog is a delight.

Have a sunny day ;.)

Grammie Star Wars

July 8, 2010 12:50 PM

Cristie said...

Darling apron, so cute on the slim model :) Of course I follow you!

cristie @ TheTableRunner .com

myletterstoemily said...

that apron reminds me exactly how i think of you.
i follow already, and if i win, i want you to give it
to rosie for me. :)


Sue said...

I love your blog and I check it everyday. It is a blessing to read and the visuals are outstanding! Your blog never fails to cheer me up. Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Pier One had a cute ruffled apron that I bought and gave to my daughter last year... But the colors in yours are much cuter. Sign me up!


Anonymous said...


Please, please enter me!

I love the apron, and cherries too...

And wearing it I'd think of you!

Enter me for One chance!

ciao bella
creative carmelina

Anonymous said...

Koralee, koralee!

I'm following you..
For quite some time now...
you know it's true!

If you'd be so kind as to enter me agin.....
I'd have not just one, but two chances to win!

Thanks a bunch! You're a peach!, or should i say cherry!! hehee....

ciao bella
creative carmelina

Silver Strands said...

love it. AND - I'm a follower :)
That's 2 entries for me ... crossing my fingers!

Bonnie said...

Oh may I please have this lovely tied around my waist?!!? It is precious and I'd have such a hard time letting it go. :)

mmmmmm those cherries look divine too! *tummy grumbling* is it ok to go to the grocery store at one in the morning? hehehe

such a fabulous giveaway, thanks so much for being soooo kind to us! :)



Bonnie said...

oh and for that random thing a muh jig... I am a loyal follower! :)

PS and Happy Early Bday to your sweet daughter!

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