Tuesday, August 31, 2010

{a Tuesday morning question for you}

zoom zoom zoooooom...........


Anonymous said...

I don't know. Summer didn't really start here in the Colorado mountains until June - and now it's clearly on it's way out. We'll cross our fingers that we'll have an Indian Summer!

Happy day to you, Koralee!

Melanie's Randomness said...

Seriously. Yeah it kinda evaporated!! I'll be back to read people's comments because I don't know where it went either!

Unknown said...

seriously?!? HOWEVER, I am sooooo ready for fall!

Celestial Charms said...

Yep, it is a bit of a downer, but I'm excited about Autumn and all the holidays that are just down the road. Happy Tuesday!

jeanette from everton terrace said...

I'm actually glad it went by quickly this year. Summer is just the season we "get through" here in Phoenix so that we can enjoy our 9 months of beautiful weather. I say bring on fall!

Patti said...

I'm wondering the same thing. Here in the Mountain West, it didn't even get warm until the first week of June. And the weather turned cold the first week of October last year, so we had 8 long months of cold, gray, windy weather. I, for one, would be happy if summer stuck around for several more months.


Unknown said...

a huge wind storm blew in last week and took it away.... it's not here either... `:o(

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Ha I think we were all so busy that we missed it!!!I know I was anyway. Oh well maybe next year?
Love and hugs....Tina xo

Carol said...

Summer.. a time to treasure!! Now...I love the crisp mornings of fall....and the hopes of a nice warm afternoon....then cozy down for a cool night!! I do like fall...time for those wonderful sweaters and scarves!! And for you...those bright, expectant faces of students, right!

Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

I'm hanging onto the last threads of summer...just love the cool evenings and warm days now in the mountains!
Love the pic!

Vintage Home said...

,,,yeah Patti......here in the Pacific Northwest we have stunning Falls!
And I know Koralee....like every season... will treat us to amazing pictures of it...
Until till then.....I remember when the kids where younger the longer summer was I got to be on "holidays" with them!....
Koralee I love the yarrow yellow!...a splash of sunshine preparing us for the amber of fall.....

Randi Troxell said...

and i am STILL trying to figure that one out!!! the nights and evenings are already cooler (which IS nice).. but it means fall is coming... i miss summer when it's gone!

Silver Strands said...

Indeed! That's my question as well. Though when I look back the past 3 months, I really can't believe we were able to cram so much into so little time.
Have a great day.

Barbara said...

Gone way too fast, Koralee! And I spent half of it in a cast!

bellaboo said...

Summer is holding on here.Today I saw a dragonfly,and there's not a cloud in the sky.Will it last for our holiday?? Hope so! :o)

Vivre Le Jour said...

Summer..weather wise it is clinging fiercely by day and fading away with the cooler nights. But I think our hearts are ready for autumn, harvest and bliss of a beloved season.

Thank you for coming by, friend!


Hearts Turned said...

I certainly don't know, Koralee...but going, going, gone it is! Can you believe tomorrow is September?!

I hope you enjoy this lovely last day of August...


Anonymous said...

JULY was blistering hot here in PA ~ so the majority of things that we would've done outdoors we didn't do...stayed in the AC...
I'm ready for the fall...however it looks like we're having another week of 90's again...and expecting some rain by Thursday from the hurricane coming up the coast.
I love the fall...the colors, the fresh air, everything about it :D


Unknown said...

Serious!!! I love fall and am excited, but feel like I want a little more summer ya know?:-) Hope you have a lovely day!

Blondie's Journal said...

It DID go by quickly in spite of the heat that seemed to go on forever. I always miss summer when it's gone.


Anonymous said...

weee nice koralee..nice yellow like sun......iwas last week in ischia you can see my outfit for the first night!!!!kiss kiss kiss

Terra said...

I don't know. Summer may last for another month here, going by temperature and not calendar date. What kind of flower is that? I would like to plant one.

Blessed Serendipity said...

I'm hanging onto it as long as I can but Fall is coming regardless.


Unknown said...

Boo-Hoo. I know, just where did it go? Way too fast is all I know. It's in the air here for sure. Let the negotiating begin.

City Girl (EC1) said...

So true!:) thank you for the summery pic though!
City Girl x

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Unfortunately that's true, Summer is almost closing. I'm hooked on Fall though. Happy first of September tomorrow, sweet friend. xxooxx

Teresa said...

What SUMMER my dear?
This past summer has been like SUMMER that I have never~ever known!
Usually I spend the summers at "The Country!"
That's what we call the homestead...my parent's farm!
We spend our summers walking with the dogs down the dirt road...
playing in the creeks,
tye~dying...eating fresh veggies...SWIMMING...SWIMMING....and SWIMMING!
I haven't been in a pool or in a bathing suit all summer!
So I am wondering.
Where is SUMMER!?

Unknown said...

Boy, I agree ... where oh where did summer go? Usually it feels like forever before the kids go back to school - this year, it seems like they just got out for summer break!

I love how you did your words on the image ... so clever. Maybe you should hold online classes! xo

C'est moi Claudette said...

Sorry to hurt your feelings, but it's still smokin' hot here in Ontario. It's going up to 85 today. So.... that's why I will say bye bye and go jump in the pool lol
Love Ya

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Yep, it zoom by.... but I am so looking forward to fall, and after all, just a couples of months, we will have summer again right?
Lovely image, thanks for sharing......

Julie Harward said...

Cute...and I so agree...we had a total of 2 weeks of it! It was 40 degrees this morning! Fall is here! :D

Anonymous said...

Adorable photo,love the texting on it.

Happy Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

For the question, I dont know where it went but this year Im hoping it stays there.LOL.Its been one very HOT summer here.Im so ready for fall.

Ana Degenaar said...

That is so beautiful! I can't wait to see pictures of fall!... since I won't be there to experience it :(

It's me said...

Tomorrow.in is September.....i hope we get a long long after summer....who knows???...love Ria...

francis said...

How do you do that Koralee .....
1162 followers ....34 comments .... a very very very inspiring and beautiful blog and still time to write me such sweet comments on my blog . Thank you !
Summer ...... she is now meeting her friend autumn to be together for a short while and give us a nice beginning of september .
Hope your school-start is inspiring and wishing you all the best .

PJMCNeal said...

I think that this year, Summer was on a Thursday! It was so short, we travelled so much, and jsut this morning realized it had picked up its pretty pastel sandals, the suntan lotion, and ..........left! I am so glad there is another one coming up on the horizon next year! Nice photo and question, Koralee. Love Aunt P.

Martha said...

that is exactly what I thought this morning...exactly...

Tricia said...

I don't know where it went! I'm sure sad that it is leaving us though.

My Passport to Style said...

Hi Koralee, where did it go, maybe I need to inject a little sunshine into my next post.Thank-you for the saffron loveliness! Sharon hugs xxxx

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I would love to know! It went by SO fast!

Rizzi said...


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Well it is officially the first day of Spring here today! so I think the summer must be getting ready to come down under.
I can't believe how fast the year is going.

Hope that you are having a lovely week

Susan Houseman said...

Summer, what Summer. I blinked and it was gone...... oh but wait it left the humidity behind. xo susan

theUngourmet said...

Yes, it seems like it just barely started. ;0(

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

We gobbled it up and milked every moment for what it's worth, and then some! AHHHHH, I have open house this Thursday! I AM FREAKING OUT because I will be teaching ENGLISH THIS YEAR to 50 kids AND science nd social studies in French....wow. I hope you have a wonderful school year Koralee! Anita

Anonymous said...

IT CAME AND WENT like a much anticipated meal that was long toiled over in it's creation....and devoured on the spot due to hearty appetites and famine!

great photo!

reminds me of my country farm!

ciao bella!

Marilyn Miller said...

I have wondered that same thing. Maybe it will come back for an encore appearance. Let's hope. It was all too short here in the Pacific Northwest.

Sue said...

I think it just melted away...

birdie blue said...

oh honey, i wish i knew!


Susan said...

Oh, my sweet friend, I am asking myself the same question! I've enjoyed the most wonderful summer, but alas, the school bell rings! Wishing you a FABulous new year, and blessings too many to count! Oh, I do love fall, but summer sure did zoom zoom zooooooooooooooooom!
My class is mostly boys this year, just one girl! I wonder if my new kiddos will sleep well tonight! I just hope I'm able to get up on time!
I will miss getting up at my leisure most of all!
First day of the new school year here I come!:)

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

Summer just whizzed by, didn't it? I'm ready for fall though.

angela said...

I know! I can't believe it. I spent this summer (until August 6th) taking summer courses, and suddenly it's gone. The recent fall weather feels refreshing as do seasonal changes. But.. it is sad. So long, summer. <3

June said...

I don't know Koralee, but when you find it will you send it back to me????????

Little Monarch said...

thats a lovely picture. Im glad your summer is over because it means my summer must be starting very soon hehe

Rose said...

All I can say is thank god that our winter is over, its been so long and cold. Im very weather for dress wearing weather :)


Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
What happened to our vaca?
well... I spent several hours today at school setting things up.
Thanks to Amanda's help, it took me a lot less time this year. Amanda's visiting and her help is priceless! She's such a wonderful teacher.
I'll be back at school to get more done before the students come next week.

Summer here was hot and very humid... so very humid. I'm definitely looking forward to autumn temperatures.

Your photo today is beautiful, Koralee~
love it~
Have a sweet day!
♥ Maria

shopgirl said...

This post is sweet. I think summer is still hanging around here in southern Italy. I hope anyways. :-)))

I wish you a wonderful day Koralee!

Miles Of Style said...

i know what you mean! it was short here...but scorching! im kinda looking to some cool breezy days of fall though =)

Glenys said...

Thanks! I like your blog too.

Martina said...

Aw, Koralee - that's what i'm asking myself every day now. Feels so like autumn here already, and i MISS the sun! Let's still have a lovely day though ;) xx

Ingrid said...

Hey Koralee thank you for your beautiful flowers!!!

have a lovely day

Not Just a Waitress said...

It was a lovely summer, but as always, gone too fast. Although, I was making a list of reasons that Fall could possibly become my new favorite season (I'd share a few, but I think I'll BLOG ABOUT IT!!) :)
Today I played field hockey with the girls at my high school alma mater. F.H. feels like fall...but it was 97 DEGREES!! Talk about a resurgence of summer weather!!!
I hope you have a wonderful fall and an amazing school year. :) BLESSINGS!!

NENSA MOON said...

Hi Koralee,

We're here in Indonesia only have 2 seasons... rainy and dry season.. so we can feel the sunshine along the year...

Love the yellow flowers!
Wishing you have a blessed day along the season!

ELK said...

a lovely contrast between the yellow and metal..and yes that is a never ending question in our house as well