Wednesday, September 1, 2010

{it must be September...}

today is definitely a
green boot day
with the
September rain
comes a new school year
{September lesson #1 ....}
We all are students
and life is a school...
we are here to learn.
Problems are simply part of the
curriculum that appear and fade away,
but the lessons we learn will be lifelong.
{September lesson #2....}
remember to have some
puddle splashing fun today....

happy September my friends



~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Very cute! The sun is shining today and I am full of energy! Happy September to you! Enjoy your refreshing rain! ♥

Ingrid said...

Hey Koralee I love your boots and you say it all beautiful!!

I wish you have a sunny day today


Pamela said...

Not only is the rain a good excuse to buy a new umbrella (which I need) but lovely rain boots!!
Happy September first Koralee!!
Pamela xo

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Green is my favorite color! I don't even own a pair of rainboots but we sure got my daughter a few pair for her move up to Seattle. I will splash in metaphorical puddles today!

Unknown said...

Do you live next door? Sometime I dream that you do. I only wish that I could have a drop or two of your creative wisdom. By the way, just who makes those aDORable boots? Rain-ie here too this morning and I'm loven' it.

Unknown said...

One more thing. Did I miss something? Aren't those your feet on the cover of Artful Blogging with the flower, lace stocking and too cute black shoes....or is that your sister. It sure looks like one of your great pictures.

Claudia said...

Happy September, Koralee!


birdie blue said...

we're splashing in a lot of puddles here today, too.

one of my girls is on an outdoor education 'geo-cache' day in our town's ravines and at the beach. i'm wondering just how muddy she's going to be be...


Catherine said...

Oh yes ~ I think I would need rubber boots here as well if I were to go outside. But since I don't have a lovely green pair such as this ~ I shall stay in today! :)

xo Catherine

Jeanne Henriques said...

Happy September Koralee!

Jeanne :)

Anonymous said...

Happy September,I love that quote how true that is.

Dawn said...

Love the boots...and thanks for the reminder on learning:)
Happy day to you ...

Tammy @ said...

Happy September to YOU!

Best wishes,

fernandflora said...

Happy September to you too! And Happy Back to School! Where does the time go?

Love those green boots...


Randi Troxell said...

oooh i really like number two!

Celestial Charms said...

What is it about a photo of a pair of rubber boots, that always warms my heart? Must be the idea of fun, discovery, and happiness that usually are gleened from a walk inside them! Love the photo, and the thoughts my friend.

FrenchBlue said...

Dear Koralee~
You are so right. We are on thip planet to perfect our souls. We do this best by solving what is surrounds us in the most loving way. I heard the other day. There are no such thing as a PROBLEM, there is only SOLUTION. So true! Solution with grace will always solve. Time will heal.
Love you so much!

Privet and Holly said...

Hey girlie,
those green
boots! I could
not agree more
about always
being a student
of life. I hope
to always have
that attitude!
Thanks, sweetie!
xx Suzanne

Libbie said...

Perfect picture for September!!! I hope you are all ready to go & your class is all set! I know what that first week is like & the excitment & wonder! thinking of you as you start your new year! Hope your batch is as sweet as you! If not yet...I know you will sweeten them up very quickly!!! :)

Blondie's Journal said...

A student of life. How perfect!

It's raining here in Chicago, too!


Anonymous said...

Hello Sweetie...
Love the boots
and the wise words...
especially having some fun today.
We don't have rain yet...but that mess
coming up the coast should be here by tomorrow.
HUGS to you...

Beatnheart said...

No rain here!! I can’t wait for it to wash away this dusty, smoggy coating that is covering all the trees and plants. Hope we get some rain this winter...who knows?

francis said...

thank you Koralee .
We ARE all students
and life IS a school
Happy we have real holidays
through our jobs......
makes it even more
interesting !
Happy september !

somepinkflowers said...



{{ a fellow student
life }}

Unknown said...

Great message ... now if I could only remember that my trials are to teach me lessons .. hmmm.

Love the boots! My Sophie is dying for some rain boots - with all the cute ones out there, I think I'll give in and buy her a pair! :)

{kara} said...

love those boots! Splish Splash! Rainy days are my favorite!

Unknown said...

...Love the boots...well September here we come!..Rain & all!

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Gorgeous green boots they are! September opened it's door with sun, lots of sunshine. We have been in the backyard, playing with shells and yellow leaves. Summer meets Fall ;)

Hope your prep week is a lovely one so far and you are coming slowly in the mood for the kick off. xxooxxoo

PCovi said...

I'd die for something to splash in! I see those boots for sale often but have not taken the (are you ready for this?) PLUNGE yet.
Ewww that was bad.

Vintage Home said... great boots...! Yeah September!

Unknown said...

So lovely green boots, dear Koralee friend! Hope they take you to a funny puddle!!!!! Hope they bring you laugh and JOY!!!
Kisses!!! Bela.

It's me said...

Happy ....... first of september !!.beauitiful green boots.....lovely evening Ria....

Luiza said...

I´m afraid I feel it too...The summer passed to fast =(.

So September is here, and I´m loving it anyway =)!
Soon , we´ll be able to see all the beutiful colors everywhere =)!
That´s magic of nature!

Have a nice day!

A Thrifty Mrs said...

Love those green wellies.
Where on earth has the year gone? September eh?

Lynn said...

No more smiling Koralee profile pic? Now you are hidden behind a coffee mug?

Cristie said...

What darling green boots! We have had rain and cold for several days, but today is a shinning beautiful day and we're all enjoying the September Sun. You'll have some come your way soon :)

Unknown said...

Sooo fun! Yup I have my pink/white/black puddle jumping cute boots ready:-) Hope you have a great Sept!

Ana Degenaar said...

This is so sweet! I love rubber boots ans miss them to bits!

LuLu said...

Love it!!! Happy September to you too!!!
Can't wait to get my wellies out! When i do i'll make a big splash just for you,

May Flower Mama said...

I agree with you, it started out as a boot day for sure!
Being in the Bellingham area we have the same weather for the most part. Thanks for the reminder to do a little puddle jumping.

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
yes! We do learn something new every day... whether we are aware of it or not!
I love this quote too:
Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.
written by Oliver Wendell Holmes

I love your autumn boots... so fun and
Thinking of you as you start a new year!
I will miss my Amanda ~ She's been here for a week and I wish we taught together~
I mentored her when she started teaching ~ and now she's mentoring me with all of her wonderful ideas!
Blessings Always to you dear ♥

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I really wish we could splash in a puddle or two today - it's been really hot here again.

Julie Harward said...

No puddles here...but I do love this month! Lets hope it's long and warm! :D

Draffin Bears said...

Happy September to you, dear friend.
Such a great lesson today, thank you.
Love your green boots and may you have fun splashing in the puddles.


Sue said...

We were supposed to have puddles today...but they didn't come:( We need them.

Poppies and Sunshine said...

Those boots are so cute!! I hope you are having a wonderful day!

Marilyn Miller said...

I want some green boots too. My toes just got wet in my sandals, as I refuse on Sept. 1st to stop wearing them. But there will soon come a time when I will need those green boots. Now what size are they?

NENSA MOON said...

Hahaha.... nice boot Koralee!!
good to wear in the rainy day...

happy september to you!!

Gloria said...

Wish we were getting a little rain here too! Love those boots...:)
Have fun puddle splashing!! What a joy! :)
xoxo Gloria

Anonymous said...

If life is school, then I hope I never graduate!

it's supposedly supposed to rain here tomorrow...probably the same front that has just visited with now coming to me!

I shall call the rains "KOrAleE DroPS" I splash away in a puddle or two!

ciao bella


Kirsty Vittetoe said...

How lovely, I like the blue and green shade, and thanks for the beautiful "lessons". Happy September to you!

Unknown said...

Here! Here! Very well put!

... the photograph of the pancake and the raspberries (in the right column)gets me every time!!! yum yum yum

Sarah B said...

Hi Koralee! What a cute post - I agree we must always take the opportunity to learn and always remember to have a bit of fun while we are doing it :)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

My sweet precious bluebird,

Oh Koralee, I have been thinking of you while I am in my classroom preparing for 50 children this year. I am exhausted already! BUT, we had the most incredible speaker on Tuesday at our district kickoff meeting and she was a retired teacher who delivers her message in skit that she developed; she was a hoot and a half and drove home some universal, classic and lifelong lessons that we should never forget....and it all had to do with what you are suggesting here...and to ENJOY and laugh. Oh, I wish you the best and most memorable school year my sweet...and thank you for coming to visit during this harry-scarry busy time!!!!


ELK said...

a wonderful quote tucked beside those puddle jumpers!!

rachel awes said...

today's a green boot day here too
(raining as i write)
& i love my green rain boots (w/daisy flowers)
but alas, i will wear instead
my blue & white polka dot ones
cuz they match my outfit!
rainboot happy love to you! xxxooox

Danagonia said...

You really have an eye for catching a great motive. They all makes me so happy!

Bralliz said...

That's sooo cute, love love love green!
I've upload a video of me dancing house on my blog :-) but it's from the first time I tried the "house-dancing" I usually dance real hevy street.. haha!
Happy day sweet Koralee!
xxoxoxo alice

Dogwood said...

great. yes the wonderful month of september is here. love this time of year. enjoy your beautiful day.

June said...

Oh September, sweet September.
I love those green boots Koralee. And I love your lessons today!

Sewn With Grace said...

Happy September to you too, Koralee! Are the leaves changing by you? I just noticed some today here in Michigan.

Magdalena said...

wishing you a delightful September! I adore those green boots.

Regina said...

Simply beautiful post.
Happy September.

Julie said...

No rain here but I would love to have a chance to wear my new pink with white polka dot boots!

My Farmhouse Kitchen said...

where is my pen? i LOVE that quote

and the boots are adorable
wish it was raining here...

i guess it will be soon enough...

happy labor day weekend, my friend


Anonymous said...

WEEE... hello!!!green it's a beautiful color..yes also i think is must of semptember!!!kisskiss i advise you about alexander wang post!!!

myletterstoemily said...

yikes! look at all these comments.

we all are addicted to your beautiful,
whimsical, delightful blog.

Cathie said...

happy September sweet friend.
enjoy the puddles & the gumboots.
thank you for your sweetness, it makes me smile when I visit you & when I read your sweet words over at my place.
big cupcake hugs to you always ♥

hilary@oldhousetruelove said...

true... happy september.

red ticking said...

love the boots... wish we had another month of summer but i love fall so i will put my white jeans away and pull out my puddle jumpers!! xx

Cornflakes and Honey said...

Happy September Koralee!! xx

Barbara said...

I'm smiling, Koralee. I may live in Florida, but I have a pair of those boots too! Not for fall mud, but for fall floods!

Vintage Home said...

...Koralee.....did I miss a blog entry? seems there is a new one on my blog roll but it dosen't show up on my computer when I go to your site?...this has happened b4 to me???..

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

Dear Koralee, I love your quote. I am in a really hard class right now. Ha ha- The curriculum is tough, but the lessons are very valuable! Thanks for the reminder!

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Dear Koralee,
Weare just back from the warm sun of Tuscany but, I can feel a chill in the air here in the UK...... and, there is nothing better than splashing in puddles with your wellies on !!
Have a lovely holiday weekend. XXXX

Unknown said...

those boots are too cute! funny how our september is going to start with rain too :) it is wonderful how we never stop learning, isn't it? thank you for being such a sweet spirit!! have a beautiful weekend! hugs, susan

Tricia said...

Hi that quote! It is so true. I saw that you have a new post with some cute pink creamers, but for some reason I can't get to it. It says the page is missing :(

Best wishes for a great weekend!

Shell said...

Happy September!! It is true we are all students of life. Might as well have fun as we learn our lessons.

Rizzi said...


FrenchBlue said...

Dear One~
These pink creamers are the best!! They remind me of cake! Every Easter I would make a bunny cake. The white cake batter was colored this EXACT color. Creamy pink cake batter~~~ I would eat most of it before it was baked:) Have a fun weekend my sweetest one!
XO said...

I love squishing in the mud with boots on! My daughter loves it too Koralee.