and i just gotta tell her
that i love her endlessly
Oh' cause love grows
where my Rosemary goes
and nobody knows like me......
help.... this song has been stuck in my head for days & days!
help.... this song has been stuck in my head for days & days!
i found it here
{warning it sticks to you like glue..my whole family is humming now}
image....C L 2005
See.... I knew I would rub off on your with a tune for the day. And even better an oldie but goodie classic. Another great picture my friend.
Remember the movie Shallow Hal? He dated a girl named Rosemary and they played it at the end.
Well, now you have it stuck in my head!
I've had a silly song on the brain all day. Would LOVE a decent replacement, thank you! lol
I'm thinking of making the the 'heart cake', will let you know ;0)
Have a wonderful evening, Lynea
oh my gosh, don't tell me that...It'll be stuck in my head too! :0) That heart wreath is beautiful!!
Happy Day,
Stephanie ♥
No such a bad song to be stuck in your head, Or should I say, our heads..!
As we will all be sing it now. Em xxx
I have Johnny Cash stuck in my head I think I might push him out and add your song I quite like it!!
I'm not going near it!! I am the Queen of stuck-in-my-head. I'll just enjoy your gorgemous pictures. ::sigh::!!
I made a repro of that gorgeous ranunculus heart wreath several years ago. Thanks for the reminder to dig it out! :)
I just saw the words and started humming the song, lol. Beautiful floral heart my friend!
Thanks Sweetie...
Now I have it stuck in mine...
Are you my age, Koralee? ;-)
You know...as I was leaving my comment over at WWC....that's right...I was singing this song...I think you did this just so that we'll all be together...in our heads thinking the same thing and just being Happy...Love it!! Happy Weekend xOxO
Oh no...why did you do that?
I love the heart. I so wanted to make one for my front door but I couldn't find a styrofoam heart form or a grapevine form...I decided it wasn't meant to be!
Gee thanks - I really needed that stuck in MY head too!!
no way...i'm not clicking over there and listening to that...i'm such an easy target for getting things stuck in my head!
have a great Sunday Koralee!
Hi Koralee Sweetie...
Oh I love this song. I can't sing anymore but I will be hearing it in my mind. I loved this song when it came out, and it still makes me happy.
Couldn't be a better song to go with this beautiful Valentine wreath of Love. So gorgeous sweetie. I thank you for the beautiful share.
Have a glorious Sunday sweet friend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry
Haha, listening to it right now. Is it going to keep me up for the night, I wonder?
Lovely heart wreath! Do you have it hanging on your door? I hope so. xoxo
Hi Koralee!
♫ ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪ ♫
If you've met her, you'll never forget her...
A wish and a prayer for each life ♥
I was going to be 15 the year that song came out! {It was released this weekend, 1970 -WOW!} What a great tune!
Music is timeless, which makes me feel timeless too!
Happy Sunday dear Koralee *x*o*x*o
Hi Koralee,
Just left a comment on the WWC blog. So happy that they featured you! Have a great weekend.
So cute Koralee...and yes, I am humming as I write this. LOVE the door wreath. I don't decorate a lot at home for Valentines Day,and I don't know why,as it is such romantically beautiful day. Do you sprinkle the love through out your gorgeous home? Sending you a Sunday hug...Rosie
LOL, so cute!!! And I so love this beautiful wreath! : )
Ha! this happens to me too. I have the songs summer days on loop in my head today xox
~smiling~, I use to have songs stuck in my head too, at the moment that's La Dolce Vita by Ryan Paris. Off to click your song, I'm curious if it can beat the Dolce Vita ^_~
Much love for a sweet Sunday, Koralee xxxxx
Oh, I do know this lovely song. Makes me think of my sweet sweet father! xxxxx
Ha! Now I'm going to have that stuck in my head too
: )
oooh, gorgeous picture... and I will check our that song, see if it sticks to me too, haha
Enjoy your Sunday, love Maaike
Songs stick in my head too..it drives me crrrrazy!!
I do love that song though,but I won't thank you if I'm singing that all day now!
Happy Sunday. :0)
O wow !! you have a great heart !!! on picture.....and in real darling.......love love love Ria.....xxx...
That heart is gorgeous! Have a great weekend!
beautiful heart.
Thanks for new song - badly needed to get Katy Perry's 'Fiiiiiiii ur work' (sung in a really annoying voice) out of my head....
fee x
Ooh ranunculas my favourite, lovely song too!
Happy Sunday Koralee,
Sarah x
Oh those were the days! I was a fledgling teen when this came out! OH NO, NOW I AM SINGING IT!!! I bet you are gonna serve up a feast of PRETTY THINGS this month, aren't you beautiful???? Oh if I had spring break NOW! But February is short, President's day is coming, then MARCH!!! WOO HOO! Have a WONDERFUL SUNDAY and make it as sweet as possible dear friend!!! Anita
What a sweet song! You're right it's like glu and I got affected too*lol*Thanks for the sweet comment it's lovely beautiful blog:)
Much love,
The heart is absolutely FABULOUS! Have a Happy Sunday;-)
Ha ha! That song reminds me of Shallow Hal! Your blog is looking beautiful! I haven't been around to see my favorite blogs very much lately. I hope all is well with you and your family. Jennifer:)
that is such a lovely, cheerful song. i pray each of my
girls has such a fella'. your valentine's wreath is so
beautiful and fitting for 'rosemary.'
blessings on your sunday!
I love this song; The song in my head isn't so pretty, lately. "Nightmare" I am cleaning my
art space, lol. It does fit though ;-D
Thanks for visiting me~
Happy Sunday!
Love this pretty pink flower heart!! Of course I love all of your photos, though!
What a happy heart .
Makes me smile .
Wishing you a happy week sweet Koralee
Hee hee...I am giggling - my family hates it when I keep singing a catchy tune, because then they all keep humming or singing it - this song is kinda cute though....hugs x
Oh dearest, thank you for visiting...go see your email. I received something very special late yesterday!!!! BIG HUGS and may the new week be wonderful! Anita
..o my!...that is a trip down memory lane!
i LOVE that song!!! :D
I just went there- O.K., I can't help myself- I like the hair. :)
Its fun for the first few days, when a song sticks in my head, then I go mad and do anything to get rid of it! Have a sweet weekend Koralee.
What a beautiful blog you have!
OH my goodness you blog is gorgeous and adorable!
This could be dangerous!
LOVE this beautiful photo! I do weddings on the side and THIS would be perfect! :)
~ Have a lovely Monday!
love this photo...it is so happy and those words...I can see why they got stuck in your head
Hello Koralee,you take my favorite flowers!beautiful picture and words from the song!xx
OK now it's stuck in my head too. Love it and love your heart of flowers.
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