Tuesday, March 8, 2011

adorning a special day ~part two~

~candy necklaces~

~cupcake flower garland~

~pure joy~
you can find more
in the spring issue of
Where Women Cook
remember to enter my giveaway
for a chance to win a copy
hugs and love


tinajo said...

I could need a necklace like that right now! :-)

jeanette from everton terrace said...

I would eat that necklace :)

London Still said...

so so beautiful

Angel.Pearls said...

Lovely lovely! Hugs Eva

Marilyn Miller said...

So pretty and I wondered what you were going to do with those candies. Love it!

Alisa Noble said...

I read your article the other day... it was great!
I LOVE the cupcake garlands... too cute!

dutch sisters said...

Hmm yummie and pretty, who wants more!

Heidi said...

so pretty you are one big breath of fresh air!!

Deborah said...

The cupcake garland is adorable :)

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!

MaroDe said...

Your blog and posts are so refreshing! A treat to the eye and heart!

Tricia said...

Love your pretty, colorful pictures Koralee. Hope you're having a wonderful week :)

i.ikeda said...

I love the garland! It's truly gorgeous.

Happy woman's day! :)

ps.: I made those cookies the other day, and oh my. They were gone faster than I could say "yummy" Thanks again for the recipe.

Elizabeth said...

Sooo Cute!!! And so pretty! I love the cupcake
I will derfinetly be checking the magazine out!
Have a wonderful day!

Vanessa Diniz said...

More cool and beatiful kisses for you


Anonymous said...

I miss candy necklaces! They defined my childhood. I was always decked out in them!

Hearts Turned said...

Love, love, LOVE! What's not to love with these little pretties?! Everything you touch is magic, my friend...everything!

Hope your day is filled with all things lovely, Koralee...


Rubyred said...

Oh such prettiness! Love the cupcake garland too!
Rachel x

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

You've got the midas touch, everything you touch turns to gold.. (love that song btw).
Koralee, what can I say, a copy of the WWCook is a must-have, it has just officially become a must-have.
Lots and lots of hugs, kisses and love for a sweet Tuesday xxxxx

Vintage Home said...

Hmmm I think that necklace would be great @ recess!...Or with a latte!
Love your garland!

Unknown said...

oh my goodness those are soooo adorable koralee! all of it - especially that second picture! sheer pastel delight!!!! xoxo

Teresa said...

Sweeeeeeeet Koralee!
I LOVE candy necklaces....but I've never ever seen one THAT cute!
Your world is so SWEET and HAPPY!
I just want to pop into it and SURPRISE you!
Maybe one day I will!
Those are the cutest~most happiest necklaces I've EVER seen!

Creations and Inspirations said...

Wow what a cute blog!!!!! Candy necklace is adorable! New follower glad I found you :)

It's me said...

Since yesterday i do nothing than fingers crossed.....my fingertips are almost bluebird blue....hahahhahhahah!!!.....love love Ria....xxx...

francis said...

You are enjoying your hours I can see !
My daughter is leaving tomorrow . She shopped and shopped and got me some nice surprises too.
She loves pens ( I do too ) She bought envelops in many colours and I got them too .
Tomorrow she leaves for France and I am so glad to see how happy she is there .
Wish you happy days

Unknown said...

That first picture is going to make me cry. I just love everything about it. The sweet-ness, innocence, view into a little girls heart, the pearls of the sea....my list goes on. This will be in the next edition for that I know. Now, don't even get me started on the other two, or a be one big messy boo-hoo.

you know who

Aprendeconvale said...

lovely garland! and the necklaces.... Your style is more than perfect!!! kisses

Stina said...

heel lief allemaal enne heb je dat kleine koekje zelf gebakken.


Libbie said...

You know I saw the last post & I didn't even see this coming! How creative!!! Now that is some yummy looking edible art!!!

Alessandra said...

Too sweet, you are so stylish!!!!


Anne Marie said...

I know cute is said so much here, but that is so cute!! my girls will love it! (and me too :)

Unknown said...

Your posts always make me smile. Such beautiful photographs. I think the children in my class could make some lovely Mother's day cards with the flower cupcake idea. Thanks for sharing! Becky x

Tammy @ tinselshop.com said...

Your photos are yummy enough to eat! I am definitely filing these away in the "Party I am going to throw myself oneday..." file! Have a happy week.

Best wishes,

Michaja said...

Not only a good looking necklace but also a delicious necklace :)

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
Look at that adorable garland! I'm planning a baby shower at work ... this will be so cute in yellow and blue ~ our colors... maybe a little garland around the cake table?
Looking forward to seeing your new article!

Thank you for inspiring us every day dear ♥
Enjoy your day today, Koralee and a Happy Wednesday too!
♥ Maria

Carrie said...

Your blog is always a joy to visit :) Your colors are gorgeous and you have the BEST ideas!! Love the necklace and the vertically hanging cupcake pom-poms :) SO fun!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

MOST darling friend, You don't know how happy I was when I saw your latest comment today while on my lunch break...just the thought of you coming by to wish me well..and it made a difference on how I went to an after school meeting. I was nervous, as usual when I attend meetings! But my life outside of the stresses of work is what I love the most, and friends like you spread so much love. THAT CANDY NECKLACE!!! It reminds me of the ones I had when I was a child!!!! OOOOOOH, the pretty things you come up with! I signed up for you giveaway and I WANNA WIN!! Good luck to all!

Have a splendid evening my friend, Anita

Rizzi said...


Marianne said...

Fun, fun, fun! Your blog is such a happy, pretty place. You inspire me every day!

Anonymous said...

hello sweet friend
i love pastels
yours are lovely indeed!

By the Bluegrass said...

What a cute way to make candy necklaces! I have never thought of doing this. Love it.

red ticking said...

oooohhh i missed you friend... hop you are well... xoxoxoxoxo

ELK said...

candy necklaces as pretty and sweet as your very special place here .. so happy to read about you in the latest issue...no surprise and big best wishes!!

Gloria said...

How sweet...and very pretty!!!

I hope God continues to bless your sweet heart with many more good things to come...:)

xoxo Gloria

Elyse said...

sweet as candy, just like you!


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Your blog is a delight to visit, dear friend.
I adore the pretty colours, pure joy!
Thank you for the love and joy you share.

Happy Wednesday

myletterstoemily said...

oh dear. i don't even know how to keep up with all
this, but you're so wonderful i will just say "you're
so wonderful!"

Heather S said...

So pretty and cheerful. I can almost reach through the screen and feel spring!

Martina said...

Awwwww, Koralee, LOVE that necklace! Am sure your pix look great in the magazine!

somepinkflowers said...

you do not need to give me a thing, missy!

i have this mag delivered
how FuN
to see you in it!

your Own Special Style
just JUMPS off the page!


so nice now to see you regularly
In Print
On My Door Step

LuLu said...

these necklaces just make me smile!!!! PURE adorable sweetness!!!
Thank You for always having such a sweet voice that leave me comments that melt my heart~

Ruth Yoder said...

Love, love love the necklaces and the cupcake garland!! My girl's 1st b day is coming up, and I'm doing that garland for decoration!

Unknown said...

I needed some cheery yummy color and I knew RighT where to find it!! Many thanks for enlivening my day!!!

Madelief said...

Hi Koralee,

Your photo's always make me smile! I don't know what it is exactly, the fun things you make or the bright colours, but they make me happy :-)!

The blue paper liners for the cupcakes are from the brand Greengate. I can send you some if you want too!

Have a great day!

Lieve groet, Madelief

Caleen said...

That pretty necklace wouldn't last long around my neck! Lol! Have a Happy Day! :) (Knowing you,
you probably already are!)

Little Blue Mouse said...

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog; it's nice to know who's been visiting.
You have such wonderful colours on your blog it really brightens the day.

bikim said...

love the cupcake flowers and the colours!
gorgeous photos!
take care,

Janet Metzger, Artist said...

Ooooo..Koralee, I've missed you! Not sure how you fell off my blog radar, but I have you back now ;-)

Love the cheery colors today! Have a great week.

janet xox

Anonymous said...

Love that cupcake garland! And the necklaces....I'm starting to get inspired for the slew of birthdays I have coming up....thanks!

SophieAnna said...

So delicious blog. really beautiful and sweet...We love it..

Sophie and Anna

Monica said...

Your cupcake garland turned out so cute. Hopefully you share how to make it in the magazine. And I absolute love candy necklaces -- and yours is delightful.

Susan said...

What could be better than a candy necklace? Why, one with cookies added of course! :) Will the cookie recipe be included in your magazine article? I MUST find an occasion to try these! I just found Pearl Nonpareils in blush pink, powder blue, and spring green. They are so pretty...
just like your paper flowers! I have looked at three different stores and have only found white cupcake papers. Everyone must be making garlands! I hope to adorn our Easter celebration with some of these pretties! Loving the colors and inspiration!((hugs))and