Tuesday, March 6, 2012

oops a daisy

I told myself
no sugar
for the month of March

kinda fell off the wagon on that one

Have a sweet day my friends


You have tell Friday to enter my giveaway....here


Shelley in SC said...

I wouldn't have to fall off the wagon for that little goodie . . . I'd JUMP off!!! Yummmmmmmm!

A Ruffled Nest said...

I have tried the no sugar thing. It never works for me I love my sweets to much.
Such a pretty post like always.


Marilyn Miller said...

Oh does that look good. I could totally fall off the wagon for that. I am telling myself no inbetween snacks. I slipped a bit and ate some fruit before dinner. Does that mean I can't have some with dinner? It is so hard to be good.

i.ikeda said...

Haha, I don't even kid myself that I can stay off of sweets or sugar for more than a couple of days, and those look amazing. It's so hard having a sweet tooth when you have gestational diabetes, boo hoo. I'm good, but once every couple of days, I switch a healthy desert carb exchange (like fruit) for a small sweet that has the same amount of carbs. *sigh* I'm celebrating this baby's birth with cheesecake right on the hospital bed. Xoxo

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Methinks that wagon is definitely empty because we're all jumping off with you!

Dagmar said...

I am sure just a little bit won't be that bad! I have the same china mug! my afternoon tea mug for sure..have a sweet week!


Candylei said...

Such pretty pinks!

wendy said...

Well,with something THAT delectable tempting me...I'd fall off the band wagon too.

fiddly dee...tomorrow's another day (to quote Scarlet)

polkadotpeticoat said...

I had bread pudding today....oops also!!

Your treat looks divine....

Anonymous said...

Can I fall off that wagon with you? I LOVE the photo collage, those are the cutest little polka dot cups! Beautiful tea-cup too. It all looks so delish!

Happy day Koralee! xo

Maria said...

Oh for those pretty treats... that would be too difficult!
Hi Koralee!
I hope you had a lovely Tuesday! I'm sending you lots of wishes for more sweetness all week long...
...and much, much JOY
~ Maria

Teresa Kasner said...

I was trying to stay off sugar too.. and we did pretty good.. but our son made dinner on sunday and made warm brownies with vanilla ice cream on top. And there was no way I was turning that down! LOL!
((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Palomasea said...

Sweets for the sweet, dear Koralee! YUMMY! Gorgeous.
Oh, and I stopped at the book store today to see your beautiful article, Congratulations!!! So fun and exciting!
Big hugs,
- Irina

KaPaworld said...

No sugara for me too...ooops another daisy...I love your red and blue weekend!!! What a colour!!!

dutch sisters said...

Who could possible resist sweet pink? I know can't!

Anonymous said...

Really so beautiful chair. I like the design and colour chair so much. I really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy day to share your this with everyone.

Buy to Let Mortgage

Unknown said...

ooohh that looks tasty and yummy who could resist it ;-)) dee xx

Deborah said...

It can't be helped ;) hope you are having a wonderful week sweetie :)

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Oh well Koralee....there's always April !!!!
Tuck in and enjoy. XXXX

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


HOW could someone as sweet as you NOT have some sugar....impossible. Dearest heart, you and others like Martina have made COLORS more bright for me since blogging. Don't as me why, but yellow and other pastels never did much for me. But the way you capture these GORGEOUS colors and textures and MOMENTS has done me in. I AM CRAZY over yellow and pink and blue.......


for celebrating my 30th with me!

OHHHH tomorrow all day and NIGHT I have parent conferences! NOOOOOO!

But no school on Friday. YIPEEEEE!


Lynne said...

Looking YUMMY!

Tiedupmemories said...

Oh my gosh so sweet and so pretty!

flowersandhome said...

Ha! I also told myself no sugar and other unhealthy food from march first on anymore and now you seduce me with your delicious picture ... but I won't give up. I have started something I must and will persevere. I do make and bake and prepare all the food in this house day in, day out. I just don't eat from it all anymore. I had thought it would be much harder but I just enjoy seeing the rest of the family enjoying their food. Guess I enjoy 'the making of' more than the eating itself. I just hope the kilos will start to disappear now too... Luckily summer i still faaaaaar away... dreadful weather out here.

Gabriela Delworth - Adult Learning & Development said...


Yes...kind of difficult, right?


Paula said...

Hi Sweetie, Your photos are gorgeous! I love your beautiful rosy mug and your dessert looks delicious! I can't eat sugar and haven't in four years! It does make me happy just looking at this because it is so pretty! I am thankful I can use honey for my sweetener! :) Have a sweet day too dear friend! xo~ Paula

Lisa Graham said...

I do that with wine. : )

I love your sweet photos. They all look like they are made of sugar.

Crafted by Carly said...

Don't feel bad - anyone would have done the same presented with SUCH a delicious-looking treat as that!!! ;-)

Valerie@chateaualamode.typepad.com said...

I'm sure every indulgent bite was worth it. It certainly looks pretty enough to eat.

debbie @ happy little cottage said...

There is no resisting sugar when it is this lovely!!! xoxo Debbie

Unknown said...

hahahahahaha!!!! oh my goodness! i tell myself that (almost) on a daily basis. but my "self" knows that i don't really mean it on most days! your sweet, above, was definitely too delicious looking to resist! :)

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

I don't blame you; this looks amazing! I don't bake sweets ever but can't have any around or I'll eat them up! My only sweet is my Trader Joe's cereal, maple flavor. Have a great day Koralee!

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Wows a daisy ... pretty pretty pops as always.

Happy hugs for a funtastic midweek sweet friend xoxoxoxo

Helen Philipps said...

So sweet and irresistible....no one could refuse something that looks so sweet and pretty, Koralee!
Have a sweet and happy day!
Helen x

Madelief said...

Hi Koralee,

I can remember Hugh Grant saying this in a film, perhaps Nothing Hill? I am not sure. Your cupcake looks divine...and that floral mug. It's SO PRETTY!

Enjoy your day!

Have fun,

Madelief xox

Sandra van Doorn said...

oh you are so funny! The pictures are so beautiful, that will have to be enough for us readers!!

GardenOfDaisies said...

Well.... when a delicious cream puff served on pink polkadots is placed in front of a person, no resolution in the world is going to keep said person from eating pinkalicious puff. Are there anymore? I want one too.

GardenOfDaisies said...

Well.... when a delicious cream puff served on pink polkadots is placed in front of a person, no resolution in the world is going to keep said person from eating pinkalicious puff. Are there any more? I want one too.

Gloria said...

Such pretty sweetness!!

I went on a diet that didn't allow sugar for the first 17 days. I almost made it! I had to sneak in just a little..:) It's so hard when you are celebrating special birthdays not to have any cake.

Blessings for a beautiful week!


Unknown said...

mmmm that looks so pretty and yummy!!!!!

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Oh well... sometimes we all need an ooooops moment! :)

Vicki said...

Hi, Koralee,
All of your sweet images bring a smile to my face! I have a sweet tooth so I fall off the wagon quite often. Nothing better than something sweet and gooey with a hot cup of coffee or tea~ Enjoy the rest of your week~ Vicki

The Cottage Market {Andrea} ♥ said...

ok -- i am dying here -- i can literally taste this through the screen...i must have one! NOW!!!! :) just when i though pink could not get any prettier...you make it so!!!! hugs my friend!

Libbie said...

I am totally trying to cut out sweets this month too! I am surprised how it has cut out a lot of baking but amped up my cooking like crazy! Good Luck Koralee but with those sweet treats around you have your work cut out for you :) Adorable!

Holly Loves Art said...

It's late and dinner was a long time ago... no more tasty treats for me tonight. Your gorgeous pictures are making me so hungry.

Riitta Sinikka said...

mmmm...so lovely photos!!

found and sewn said...

when a cake looks that good, how can you resist!

Catia Rosa said...

Happy International Women's day!

http://catiarosaantenada.blogspot.com/ Bjokinhas

Anonymous said...

Ohh, I dont blame you on that one!

Ciao Bella!

Bella Bliss

Unknown said...

Ohh! Sweet Koralee that is so adorable! How could anyone resist?

Monica said...

Ha ha, I'm glad you fell off the wagon just a bit. I'm sure you climbed right back on, and don't you feel better enjoying just a little bit of sugar.