Thursday, March 8, 2012

a single little salt shaker

...........with no mate in sight
{I just needed to give her a good home}

do you have a little treasure that you rescued lately?

if you missed my givaway still time to enter here


Tiedupmemories said...

Very sweet treasure! She looks like a Clara to me. Ha! I have many little treasures..too many to count actually.

polkadotpeticoat said...

I found a mate actually to my little lonely cup from a few weeks ago....theres hope for a mate yet....

i.ikeda said...

Most of my treasures come in ones - found little pretty things when I go on hunts. That one is so sweet, I bet you'll find a good place for it very soon.

Paula said...

Hello sweet Koralee! I love your pretty little salt shaker! I have rescued a lone one before too and it has a lovely rose on it as well. Like you, I wanted to give it a good home! Yours is so sweet and I love your quote!!! That is so true sweetie! Recently I rescued a sweet old little teddy bear. He is worn for wear but is still very dapper looking! Have a lovely day!

Unknown said...

you know ♥ that is sooo pretty .. you should use it as a cinnamon sugar shaker .... ♦

we have sunshine today!!!
hope you do too ♦

Unknown said...

you know ♥ that is sooo pretty .. you should use it as a cinnamon sugar shaker .... ♦

we have sunshine today!!!
hope you do too ♦

jewels in the garden +: ) said...

Sometimes you have to stand alone and hold your head up high : )

Blondie's Journal said...

Very pretty!

Have a wonderful's almost the weekend! :)


Willow's Quiet Corner said...

She's so sweet! I could just picture her filled with sugar and cinnamon to sprinkle on my toast in the morning. She'd be sitting close to my cuppa cocoa! :)

Marilyn Miller said...

What a pretty little treasure. Now I am wondering what I have rescued lately. Hummmm? Not sure, but you have me thinking.

It's me said...

Happy day darling...every day is a little

Alessandra said...

I do... from op shops... I ned these objects for photo shoots too, so they get a second life!

Have a lovely weekend!


Unknown said...

I love unique items like this! It adds character & heart to a table// home. I have a beautiful perfume holder that my husband brought back fro Egypt. It's purple and adorned with gold. It's filled with papyrus oil now, just a drop goes a long way... it's a special treasure on my bureau.

Jane said...

you did the right thing giving a good home! she is very pretty. haven't rescued any treasures lately, it's been too long. I must go treasure hunting! have a great weekend. Jane x

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Such a pretty little treasure! Have a great day!

Draffin Bears said...

hi Koralee,

Such a pretty little treasure, and yes, always lovely to bring something like this home.
Also your sweet treat in the last post, is so worth falling off the wagon for! ... looks very yummy.

Happy weekend, dear friend

Unknown said...

my little treasures were overtaking so i forced myself to scale back! i am thinking that when all of my children leave the nest there will be lots of room for more! this little one of yours is too sweet ... and is perfect for you and your collection of beautiful things!

Stan and Jody Gabara said...

What a cute little jewel. An awesome photo, picture perfect!
I'm having my first linky party Simple & Sweet Fridays, Hope you can have such great ideas.

Love, Jody

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
Oh I think blogger ate up my original comment! If this is a repeat, please use my first one!

I have some sweet lil' treasures that "needed me" to take them home too.
One of my favorite ones is a pretty sky blue vintage sugar bowl that sits atop a stack of my pink dessert plates. They are all tucked in behind the glass doors of my vintage secretary.
Your salt shaker is so, so beautiful. It's now in the home of a sweet lady ♥
Happy Thursday, Koralee & have a wonderful TGIF kind of day tomorrow!
Blessings and Joy to you always,

Anonymous said...

Hello! Nice to meet you!

That little salt shaker is SO cute!
Great pictures by the way!

By the way, I am your newest follower!

Ciao Bella!

Bella Bliss

Anonymous said...

This is too funny!
I posted today about the very same thing....orphan bone china tea cups.....they have no Mr. Saucer anymore....

and I've turned them into pretty tea cup pin cushions using some of my handmade crochet doilies! You simply have to come and see for yourself! ....

March Break has officially started here....oh a welcome break in the everyday regular routine of life! I just might stay in my PJ's all week!

ciao bella
Creative Carmelina

FrenchBlue said...

pretty as pretty gets! Hello beautiful friend!!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oooooo.......I have no new treasures for my home, but I think that every so often I can say that I have maybe rescued a child's wandering spirit and have help rein it in towards reading and writing! But I wouldn't mind going out to antique shops and see what I can find!! LOVELY little shaker dear heart! AND I JUST GOT HOME at 8:15pm after a long day of conferences!!!!!!! You are lucky yours are over! I believe we are done and tomorrow, I am staying HOME! It is always so good to see your visits sweet one! LOVE! Anita

wendy said...

Oh my, so just a single wonderful thing.

Teresa Kasner said...

It is pretty.. maybe you could find a mate on eBay or that other site where you can get dishes out of stock?
((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Amanda (Small Acorns) said...

I'm always rescuing little treasures. Just today I rescued six old frames from the roadside...what a lovely find.
I requoted one of your lovely quotes today o my blog too. Hope you don't mind.
Amanda xx

Apple Blossom Barn said...

What a cute little thing I hope it finds its friend soon oh and I reallly love the cup in your previous post and that sweet treat looked yum!

Take care


Gabriela Delworth - Adult Learning & Development said...


How beautiful! Is is hand painted?


Riitta Sinikka said...

So beautiful! I love!!! I wish a happy weekend to you!

Pinecone said...

I haven't found anything lately - I need to get on it ;)
Have a great weekend Koralee!!

Vintage Home said...

oh my such a sweet little shaker! my sister just gave me a set that was my grandmothers!..such prettiness!

Madelief said...

What a sweet looking treasure you rescued Koralee! I rescued a soup terrine with little pink and grey flowers last Monday. It looks really sweet. I think I will take it to my garden and fill it with pink violets :-)

Happy weekend!

Much love,

Madelief xox

Monica said...

I love that you thought of rescuing this pretty little shaker .... I would have done the same thing :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Gloria said...

Sweet Koralee,

That little treasure would cry out to me, ..."pleeeeeeease rescue me!" too!...:)

SO adorably sweet!!!

I have been trying to give away some of my wee little treasures to loved ones and needy ones. So I haven't rescued anything lately.

Happy weekend to you!!

p.s Thank you so much for your words of encouragement over on my blog. They are a pleasure to read! said...

So glad you could give that sweet salt shaker a forever home. I'm sure she will be happy. She's adorable!

scarlett clay said...

It is super sweet, beautiful photo, too! I'm always on the lookout for something to rescue, nothing to report right now but my eyes are peeled :) ...have a great weekend!

Palomasea said...

Lovely and sweet (and a little salty) ;)...
Beautiful as always, dear Koralee.
I would love to have a gigantic piece of land, and rescue treasures in the form of animals!
- Irina

francis said...

Oh I am a fan of finding unexpected beauties be surprised . I also love to find them whole new destinations ....
They always look much more happy hihi
have a wonderful weekend my friend

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Only the lonely .. I see why this cutie begged you to take her home, I could not have resist her either.
Have a fun-filled weekend, sweet sweet friend xoxoxoxo

hjn said...

LOVE this little treasure! Sometimes it's OK to be a Lone Ranger...especially if you are cute and perky!
Have a great day!

Vicki said...

Hi, Koralee,
I am sure that sweet salt shake is happy to have found your home. I, too, have a thing for salt and peppers especially if they are delicately painted with roses. Hope your weekend has been a good one~ Blessings, Vicki

Libbie said...

One thing I miss (having so many little boys) is antique shoping...oh how I miss finding those treasures....but if I walked into a shop with my kids in tow...I would give ANY shop owner a heart attack!
and even without them along...I know that what ever I pick up will end up being flushed down the toilet, smashed to bits, or defaced with a sharpie....actually bo is growing up & he is behind a lot of I might have a fifty fifty chance of a treasure surviving....but then there is Roo & I haven't figure out yet if he is the sneaky kind yet :)

Your treasure makes me wish... :)