the girls and myself are heading out the door each morning with mismatched socks...
for once my husband is not involved in this craziness {or maybe he is??}...
..his socks are all nicely matched and lined up like little tin solders in his drawer...
but then again he doesn't have to worry about patterns and colors to match....
...his sock are an exciting shade of black or white.....
so this leads me to believe either...
he is behind this and is stashing our girlie sock somewhere to drive me totally insane .....
the rest of us are girl slobs and leave our socks all over the place and they are lost forever
{ at least until i clean under beds..or find them stuck in the sides of the clean fitted sheets..etc.}
there really is a sock burglar .....
i pick the last one
{ because who wants to be called a slob?
and my husband really has no extra time on his hands to think up such a scheme}

...this is my missing sock started with one or two sad socks that had lost their mates....
now it is overflowing and growing like a bad weed in chicken fertilizer....
SO tomorrow....
i am off to buy new socks for us girls {it's easier than cleaning!!!}....
and i am changing the locks on my doors....
BEWARE.... mr. sock burglar could be on his way to your home!
Oh Koralee, I laughed out loud at this post... My lost sock box is 10 times bigger than yours and it is a mystery that I just don't understand... I do agree with you that it is easier to buy new than to find the mates to some socks. My kids go out with mismatched socks and then if anyone notices I just say they dressed themselves... but the real truth is we have no clue where the mate is!! My only consolation is that sandal season is almost upon us, and we seem to do a better job of keeping shoes mated than our socks! Thanks for a laugh!
My 14 year old daughter, Taryn always wears mismatched socks. She likes them that way!
Go figure?
Stay Cozy, Carrie
ahahahha lol. adorable!
Ha! That box is hilarious! It's my toddlers socks that always go missing here -they are just so small I think the washing maching might be taking them.
Maybe some of those "missing" socks are really on an adventure and are travelling around town into some of our sock drawers!! I'll let you know if I recognize any of them!
That's too funny! I'm crackin' up!
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