"Old friends are always the best...
unless you can catch a new one that's fit to make an old one out of" {s.jewett}
I want to invite you all...

for a cup of tea and a sprinkle bun...

on my comfy sofa...

{this is the best lemonade ever...i am so addicted}

on my deck...
You Pick!....just because I so appreciate you all!
{He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed..
prov. 11:25}
I mispelled so much in my first comment gee,LOL.Anyway.I pick the deck and I think that lemondaide looks delicious.I dont know if your in the states or not, Im wondering if theys sell it here.So i will bring some baklava cut in teeny squares for us.Its much better to have a little delicious taste than to much,LOL
can I have both? that way we could spend all day chatting!
so good to stop by~
oh' i feel as though i've had a lovely visit in your beautiful home...so welcoming. i love your images and your home. just gorgeous!
I'm soooo there! Save me a glass of lemoande too.
Basking in the glory of the sun on your deck with lemonade and chatting about the beauty of GOD's creation would definately be my choice.
how great ... give me some time and I will be there !!!
I think Lemonade and the deck, then we'll all have some picnic lunch from the hamper I am bringing... then into the lounge for a lovely cup of tea and a sprinkly cake or Baklava... it is yummy.. sweet but very yummy!
I think that would be a wonderful day full of friendly chatter and I am afraid I would probably bring my crochet, if its not too rude of me! ;D
x Alex
That first image is so wonderful. Maybe you should be photographing for a magazine or something?
Tea please!! Lovely post :)
I am honored- I will be right there. I need a nice relaxing day!
I'll be over shortly!
These pics are lovely.
My collection is outgrowing my house that's the only problem :P
Beautiful blog : )
Oh I could use that sprinkle bun.... all of your fabulous food pics are making me hungry!!!! :)
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