Once upon a time
the only way we could communicate with
our girlfriends
was by

I would sit for hours in one spot
...no multi tasking could be done
because you couldn't go anywhere
....you were connected to the wall
...unless you were one of the lucky ones that had a phone
with a
mile long cord
{about the only thing you could do was paint your toes}

talking about
our school day
social events
big things and little things
and any another intimacies
that friends might share
"The best way to mend a broken heart
is time & girlfriends"
gwyneth paltrow

Girl Talk
I remember my ear being so sore
from holding the receiver to it
for hours upon hours
My dad repeatedly asking me to get off the phone...
wondering what was wrong with me ?
I had just spent a whole day at school with the same girl
who was on the other end of the receiver!
Parents never understood!
I would finally say goodbye
only to call her back again in an hour...
to start the girl talk all over again
Do you remember what it was like before
computers....texting.... twitter...etc?
When you just had to talk to your bestest buddy in the whole wide world!
I think that is why I love my blue phone so much
it reminds me of these girl talk times
plus the ring is so so amazingly cool!
the color and memories are really vivid in this post
Those are great memories. I remember call the operator and asking for Ricky Schroeder's number in Hollywood....and I thought she would find it and I could call him.
Koralee,I totally loooove this phone its the phone of my dreams in my favourite colour and as usual your posts always capture my heart! What a beautifuly written snap shot of your life as a young woman.Oh for the simplicty of typewriters and corded phones,rather than computers and mobiles! In fact my youngest son was so taken by the old style typewriter that he found at a summer fete that he bought it out of his pocket money, when he was 10 and it inspired him to start writing a little book!Thanks for playing my guessing game.Sharon xox http://mypassporttostyle.blogspot.com
Oh great post.LOL, I really remember those times.Funny how we all are so much a like in a way.I remember when my best gf and I were walking home from school she lived a bit away from me.But we had so much to say we walked back and forth for about an hour before we said goodbye,lol.
Oh, I love your blue phone, it just screams Koralee!!
Oh, I remember those days, but I would spend a lot of mine talking to my latest boy crush.
Those princess phones were our lifeline--We were laughing the other day about talking to boys, specifically boyfriends, and saying "you hang up first,; no,you hang up first, etc etc etc...:) Thanks for the smile
You just described me to a T! You just brought back all my high school memories twirling the phone card around my finger and laying on the floor with my feet on the wall... those were the days before multi tasking... i kinda miss sitting and talking on the phone without cleaning as i talk! LOL
I miss that too...sometimes I think all this tecno. just puts us on a level of aloneness!
I grew up on a farm and remember of picking up the phone and you could listen to a neighbor, that knew my name, say she'd be done in a minute! This blogging stuff..I like, meeting friends all over the world, like you is wonderful! :D
How true! You couldn't do anything else while you talked on the phone. And, it would be for hours at a time! My parents finally did the smart thing and got two phone lines - one for us girls (four of us!) and one for them. I love this post SOOOO much! You really are a genius, you know that? ;-)))
BTW: My picture fits PERFECTLY on this blog! ;-)
Hi, Koralee,
Love your blue "vintage" phone. Oh yes, I remember long, long talks with best friends. To tell you the truth, I still prefer to talk in person rather than with e-mail. Especially if it is something really important I have to say. I love my computer and the computer age, but I hope we never lose our verbal skills to communicate. Wow, I didn't mean to get on my soapbox. Hope you have a terrific Friday and weekend. Vicki
now that's a perfect phone (and those bed linens are divine)! I remember being a completely phone-obsessed teen. I was tying up the phone lines gabbing with my friends so much that my family chipped in for my own phone line when I turned 16. Otherwise, everyone calling would be for me ;)
Yes, girl talk - not just a right of passage. It is necessary for all ages of gals.
Thanks for takin gme back,
First of all I LOVE THAT PHONE!
Oh Koralee, you bring back such fond memories and yes I do remember those days before all of the modern technology. I miss those days!
You know what else I miss? I miss a good old fashioned letter! I have some of the best letters from my girlfriends in high school, I treasure them. Kind of makes me sad that the girls of today may not have any!
Lovely post as always!
boy, how I miss those old days! things are just too modernized now. TFS
Koralee-I do remember. My spot was at the top of the stairs, on my back with my feet propped up. I so love computers, and my phone...but, I miss real conversations. I think there is a bit of June Cleaver in me. I'd love to chat over tea, or over the back fence (if I had one). We have made things so easy, but we have taken the heart out of them. Great post.
Oh dearie, BLUE really is your colour! How sweet is that phone!! I remember getting my own phone in my room and how I'd spend hours chatting with my girlfriends and of course, all the boys/crushes too:)
Thanks for bringing back all the sweet memories!
Wonderful memories are coming back...
...also remembering the over stretched cords... trying to find 'a little privacy :D
When the phone rang, it was easy to find ... it was always in the same place...
Your robin's egg blue phone is fabulous Koralee!
A wonderful weekend to you ~ Maria
girl time is the best!!
oh i love that. i sometimes wish my friends & i would just focus on a telephone conversation instead of being sidetracked so very often!! i have a pink phone just like that & it is my very favorite to talk on!
such a wonderful post, love!
Koralee, this is such a sweet reminder of us girls doing just girls thinggie. :) I do remember my long hours on the phone with my best girls talking about everything and anything. It's funny as i grow older... i do less of this phone thinggie but rather we meet up in person to do all these girl talks. :) I adore your blue phone...so cute! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!
Yes i certainly remember talking for hours on the phone in highschool. My parents use to also say 'didnt you see them at school today'? I love your blue phone!! I have a green one, not quite so pretty.
Hi Koralee!
Thanks so much for leaving me a sweet comment on my blog, I appreciate it : ) You have an awesome blog here, your blue phone is so pretty!!
i agree....you are definitely owner of the cutest phone ever!!! I think Steve and I logged our longest chat at just over four hours...those were the days :)
Great phone and wonderful memories, I reconditioned my parents old phone and love the ring tone, for the same reason! Have a sweet day! x
Where I grew up, there were no phone lines. It's a mystery to me how I ever got sophisticated, but I'm definitely sophisticated enough to like those lovely blue phone images.
Hello darling, please forgive me for not visiting your lovely blog this week… life was very hectic at Rose Tea Cottage!!! Hopefully things will calm down this coming week.
Have a sweet and lovely weekend.
Love & Hugs
Duchess ♥ ♥ ♥
Hi sweetie, I must join the chorus and say I adore your phone ... I think I need one just like it now!!
Can certainly relate to this post, memories huh!
I remember those days well. Your ear would be burning hot and red after pressing it so hard to your ear for soooo long. Can you imagine not having a phone line at all! Dying to tell your best friend something and having to hand write a note then mail it then wait for a reply. Torture!!
How the Caroline Ingalls ever survived when Charles was being a pain I'll never know. Hmm, that's the second time Little House on the Prairie has come up in two days.
Hi Koralee,
This is so such a lovely post and brings back so many memories of my childhood and teenage years. I would spend hours on the phone with my girlfriends talking about all the boys we were in love with and clothes, oh those were such innocent fun times.
I still have my grandfathers old fashioned phone in our family room and my old "princess phone" next to my bed.
Have a nice day
Love your blue phone. I don't know what I would do without my girls! We just need them don't we? Have a great weekend.
love your blue vintage phone.
i'm not much of a phone person, even before cellphones became popular. i remember all my peers carrying a cellphone when we met for reunion and i didn't have one to 'show for'. even now, i'm better face-to-face with my closest gal friends, not that there're many to begin with.
thanks for recounting to us those days of your life.
I just adore this phone and thank you for bringing back all these memories, oh I remember talking for hours with my best friend, the sore ear, leaning against my wall .. Have a lovely weekend, Hugs, Catherine x
The Turquoise Princess Phone. Oh yes, I remember. Simpler was better in so many ways.
Smiles to you,
I love this post! My birthday gift when I was 12 was my own phone line! Now, I hate the phone. What happened?!
Super cute phone....LOVE the color! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and for your sweet compliment! Stop back by soon!
Oh Sweetie, I remember no phones and outhouses. Hey, think of how cool it would have been to have a phone in the outhouse. When we finally did get a phone we were on a partyline with 14 other families. We've come a long way baby!
Love the phone, ya have a beautiful blog here. Have the greatest weekend!
What a great phone!! Love that shade of blue. I had a red one for a long time. Used it through college too, was already vintage. Somewhere along the way I got rid of it. Sacrilege, I know.
gosh, thank you for bringing me back to that memory of long hours on the phone, even "watching TV" over the phone with a friend. now i barely talk on the phone except for when my sisters call. then i get comfy and we talk for an hour. a luxury!
LOVE the blue phone. so barbie!
I am so there with you on this... Blue and pink remind me of simple days filled with fun and innocence!
Great Post!!!
Have a fun weekend!
Great post! It realy takes me back! Our kids are missing out with all their cell phones and computers!
i have so many friends long distance... the phone is my lifeline to them and i wouldn't trade it for all the e-mails in the world.
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