Saturday, November 28, 2009

~ Friendship Tied with a Red Ribbon ~

Book Bundles
one of my favourite things to
give at
Old or New
Does it really matter?
I love the look of
vintage books
all bundled up
bright ribbon

I found this lovely illustration
of the bumpkin bears giving books
Catherine from Belgium
has the most enchanting blog
and her etsy store is filled with
her sweet illustrations
each making my heart so happy
that I just had to share
{she is also having a holiday sale}
I want to be a cute bumpkin bear!
Check out these wonderful books
celebrate friendship
Anne of Green Gables
Lucy M. Montgomery
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
Kate Douglas Wiggin
The Secret Garden
Frances Hodgan Burnett
The Water Babies
Charles Kingsley
The Wind in the Willows
Kenneth Grahame
The Nancy Drew Mystery Series
Carolyn Keene
You are sure to find all of these
and many more
at any
Used Bookstore
Bundle up a few
for giving


Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Brilliant idea! Truly the perfect present!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend! Ours is filled with last minute to-do's before my papa arrives tomorrow morning! I'm so excited!


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Books are always such a lovely thing to give for gifts. You have listed a lot of my favorites.
Catherine does the most sweet and gentle illustrations. Lovely post.

Enjoy the weekend

Anna said...

o my gosh! that is such a grand idea!! i am on it, half price books is my second home anywho...! : )
i hope everything is going swell!

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
Bumpkin Bears is such a great blog ... and what sweet art at her shop! I love the 'Friends for Tea' print with the 3 tier plate ... still smiling over it :)

Books are a great gift! It's so nice when people know what I like to read.

I hope you have a Wonderful Sunday!
Grace & Blessings ~ Maria

sarah-jane down the lane said...

Book bundles are the best! It's official now that you have posted about it! I love to mooch in second hand book stores, there is a brilliant one in Alfriston, West Sussex called Much ado books, they have homemade biscuits to nibble and welcome aimless browsers like me with open arms!
I would like to find hardback copies of all the Noel Streatfield day, sigh,

Love Sarah x

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh yeah I'm totally with this surprise there :o

Love your list, have them all but one! Wonderful stories.

Tina Peacock said...

Gorgeous! ABsolutely gorgeous! I love the idea of them being tied with a ribbon x

natalia Carlota vallejos said...

he pasado por su blog y me encanto su sitio es adorable, los libros son uno de mis grandes pasatiempos y ¡mejor si son viejos! releo muchas veces una novela y recuerdo que en mi adolescencia leí "El jardín de Alá" y quedé enamorada de esa novela que vi la pelicula un montón de veces en la cual trabajaba Marlene Dietrich, adoro sus peliculas. Me has hecho pasar un momento maravilloso!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

What a lovely, lovely idea! I too love and have vintage book bundles throughout my home....but what a wonderful gift idea! Thanks Koralee!!! Anita

Julie Marie said...

Hi Koralee... ooh I love old books! I have all of mine from when I was a little girl and some of my mama's from when she was a child too... I see you showed Trixie Belden and the Gatehouse Mystery! Trixie Beldon is my ALL time favorite and I have every one in the Trixie Belden series! I still read them today and love them! I too love Bumpkin Bears, and Catherine just created two for me! They travelled all the way from Belgium to be with me for Christmas! Thanks for sharing your favorite book list! Love to you... Bisous... Julie Marie

Decor To Adore said...

We are indeed kindred spirits. I adore Anne.

Susan said...


Honorablyfallen said...

aww! how pretty! I would love a book bundle! ~Sarahlynn

Winchester Manor said...

You're a lady after my own there anything better? I think not. Love the photo of your books tied up with a beautiful bow!

Have a wonderful day sweet friend!

Anonymous said...

I agree lovely present and the ribbon looks sweet.I adore most of those books.I remember trixie Belden as well.Nancy Drew is the best.They bring back great memeories this morning,thanks for sharing.

NicNacManiac said...

I am sure that everyone has a favorite book that they would be thrilled to receive as a gift to conjure up memories of childhood!! Creative and thoughtful idea!!
Hope your weekend has been restful!!
Enjoy what remains, xOxO

Mise said...

What a lovely present, and a great choice of books. I went through a phase of seeking out the difficult to find Anne books in all the secondhand shops. Beautifully presented too.

Anonymous said...

I think books make such a lovely gift. I like your idea of wrapping them in a beautiful red ribbon. I hope you are having a wonderful and fun filled weekend.

FrenchBlue said...

How Special!! Books offer SO much. They are adorable and loved old or new as you say... either way a perfect gift especially tied with a bright happy Koralee ribbon~~

Abatevintage said...

.•:*¨¨*:•.I’m*¨¨Having a*¨¨*Giveaway .•:*¨¨*:•.
.•:*¨¨*:•.Stop*¨¨over and*¨¨*see me .•:*¨¨*:•.

Brenda Pruitt said...

Books: one of my very favorite possessions. You always have a friend around in a book. What a wonderful idea to bundle some up for a gift. You have great ideas!

Mo said...

what an adorable idea !!!! i LOVE ribbons ! and books !

BonjourRomance said...

I love this idea! If you don't mind I think i have to steal this idea this Christmas - I'm off to find the perfect ribbon - I normally like to add ribbon bookmarks so this will be a great match.

Bumpkin Hill said...

thank you so much Koralee, the Bears are having such fun visiting your Blog and are always happy to help carry some special books for you :) I have a lot of those stories from my Granny, great list :) Hugs, Catherine x

Maria Confer said...

I adore how you tied that ribbon around the books.

Such a lovely post, Koralee!

Terra said...

It's been a while since I've thought of Trixie Belden. I loved her, and your bundle of old books with a jolly ribbon is delightful.
I like the list of books you share here too.

Unknown said...

Dear Koralee, i really adore the ribbon you tie it around those lovely books. This is such a great idea for a gift. Books...i can't tell you how much i love or old...and i could never get enough of them! Hope your having a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!


SLR said...

i would love it so much if i got a bundle like this for Christmas! those bears are very cute too...

Simple Home said...

I love reading my old books too, so this to me, is a wonderful gift. Great photos!
Marcia said...

This si a beautiful idea Koralee. I adore the big red bow. Thanks so much for your well wishes last week.

June said...

Hi Koralee,
I share your love of books...esp. old ones. One of my fondest memories was going to the used bookstore with my mother. I loved the smell of the old books. I still love it.

Sue said...

If asked to sum up my childhood in 2 words...I would say Nancy Drew. I loved the books, they were my favorite Christmas gift every year. I would get 4 or 5 of them all at once, loved it. I also read Trixie Belden and have the When We Were Young Book. You just tapped into my very young heartstrings!


caroline joy said...

clever and beautiful, as usual :)

paperbird said...

cute post- such a great idea too!

BrnEyedGal said...

Oh I love this post...You gave me a fantastic idea of a gift for a special friend...thank you!!!
I LOVE your monkey slippers cute! :)

Hope all is well with you and the Holidays have you busy and cheerful!
As always, you make me smile when I read your posts...and smiles I need!

Amanda (Small Acorns) said...

You've picked some of my favourite books Koralee! My Mum gave me her copy of Anne of Green Gables and now my 10 year old has it. And she has worked her way through all my old Famous Five, Trixie Belden & Nancy Drew books. I even reread some myself, and they were just as good now as then! xx

the old boathouse said...

Don't forget the secret seven and the famous five.... Ahh "lashings of ginger beer", cheers Katherine

Little Monarch said...

the wind in the willows is a most delightful book. Toad of Toad hall is a bit of a rascal but my favourite is Mr Badger!

Unknown said...

Anne of Green Gables is definitely a favorite in our house! I think vintage books tied with a bright ribbon would make me completely happy if I received them as a gift!! Hope you're having a good Monday Koralee!!!

:) T

Bralliz said...

Hi Koralee!
What a beautiful idea! I love your pictures, they are amazing!
Have a great day!
xo alice ♥

cabin + cub said...

Great idea! I love getting and giving books for Xmas!

Faded Plains said...

Your books look so good tied with a bright red ribbon. I might have to steal that idea...and I wanted to say how much I like your quote at the top of your true.

Monica said...

I agree - used books are the best presents!! You mentioned Anne of Green Gables -- one of our absolute favorites of all time.

Pinecone Camp said...

So pretty, Koralee! Books really are the best gifts, though some of my nieces and nephews would vehemently disagree!

Null said...

Book bundles are fabulous because each bundle is unique, will never be repeated! How perfect a gift.

I love the possibility of giving books that differ from one another so that the gift recipient will make new comparisons when s/he reads them in succession. Don't you think that's a great feature of the bundle?

Great post, Koralee!

Pretty Zesty said...

I agree... old books rock!

French Kissed said...

Love your pretty books tied up with ribbon! They are their own perfect little gift box and look even more intriguing without wrapping paper. Great recommended reading list ~ there are a few I have yet to my dreams there would be several hours each day for escaping with a good book. ~jermaine~

Fifi Flowers said...

Books are always a FAB gift!

Vicki said...

Hi, Koralee,
You are a girl after my own heart!! I love books and love to encourage reading. Vintage books are even better!! I see you have a Trixie Belden book. These were my favorite books when I was a pre-teen. I just loved them. I hope you have a lovely week and happy reading!! Vicki

Elyse said...

hi koralee,

books make wonderful gifts, for sure.

hope you are feeling better!


Eunhwa said...

very pretty and old books, well, that says it all...

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Soooo clever! I love it.

Warm blessings,

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

If I were to get some vintage Nancy Drew books it would just about make my year. Years ago my Mom gave me who her childhood collection along with your Little House books and they got ruined in a flood. It broke my heart!

prashant said...

You have listed a lot of my favorites.

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prashant said...

Books are always such a lovely thing to give for gifts. You have listed a lot of my favorites.

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Anne Marie said...

great ideas! a bundle of books tied up with that cute string (and where did you get that?)

Rosie said...

So very sweet...what a great idea! I grew up with Nancy and all her "sleuthing ways"... my sister had the set. I will definitely borrow this idea...I don't think I can wait till Christmas though...there are a few "B Days" in the near future...Thanks...Rosie