Friday, March 19, 2010

{four days of four}

{day four}
today's gift..... love
{baby's sweet feet}
{happy friday dear friends}


Love the Decor! said...

Happy Friday to you as well!!

Rubyred said...

Oh so precious!
Thank you for the sweet gifts Koralee!
Have a Happy Weekend!
Rachel x

It's me said...

Hello Koralee

You to enjoy this friday ....with lots of love i hope..............

From me hugs and love you are so kind woman !!

It's me said...

lovely sweet feet..............

Anonymous said...

Awww so's tiny toes are so precious!

Angie Vázquez said...

Thank you...

Sweet gift!

Blondie's Journal said...

Hello Koralee!

Darling photo. I love these gifts of yours!


Faded Plains said...

There's nothing sweeter.

Randi Troxell said...

this is just way too precious..

have a lovely wkend

FrenchBlue said...

Dear Koralee~

Happy Friday and weekend right back atcha!! Love those babe toes!! As sweet as a cupcake!


~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Love your gift today, sweet Koralee. Baby's feet are so so adorable. I always love Summer because Summertime means Sandal-time! {Just for the petits, I adore my flats...}. Hope you've had a few fantastic days at your parents! Have a great weekend, filled with much L O V E . xoxoxox

FrenchGardenHouse said...

What a precious gift. You can never get enough of baby's feet! :) Lidy

Dawn said... wraps everything up - doesn't it?
thank you for these wonderful gifts over the last few days...they've kept me going with a little more sweetness in my day.
Have a wonderful weekend

Anonymous said...

Oh the best pic of all!How cute,I want one,lol..Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Anonymous said...

rest of the weekend whats was I thinking, enjoy the weekend,LOL.I bought some Pansys today and was planting them in a little crock, its gorgeous out.

Kissed by an Angel said...

Beautiful, beautiful baby feet!!! Have a LOVEly weekend!!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Just darling, Koralee! Thank you for visiting my glitter post....we all need sparkle in some form or another and the glitter of a smile and chuckle are the best!

Bisous mon amie, Anita

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

That is a beautiful image, Koralee.
I wish you a weekend fullof love. XXXX

Rosie said...

...OH MY...i just want to kiss those little "wigglers"...funny how... when they are this age, this is a totally logical response... however as they grow, this response wanes a wee bit...once a teenager...not so much...i wait with great anticipation for your next post...
smile on...Rosie

Barbara said...

I remember those little toes! I kissed 3 pairs of them!

Elyse said...

like little peas in a pod. so sweet!

elyse said...

I want to squeeze those little toes!

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

Babies sweet little toes! Who can resist?!?
Thanks for commenting on my blog about Lambie. Did you ever figure out where your ran off to? :)

Tiedupmemories said...

Awww....Don't we just love baby's toes! Too cute!Thank you for your sweet compliments on my cuffs! Happy Spring!

Unknown said...

oh how i love little feet! have a nice weekend! hugs, susan

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Love in its most purest form!

myletterstoemily said...

oh, those precious little toes.

i used to spend endless hours
just looking at them.

great photo!

LuLu said...

There is nothing more precious than babies sweet feet!!
Happy Weekend :)

June said...

Koralee you are giving such sweet gifts to all of us you know! Beautiful picture.

Anna White said...

Awwwww just want to kiss those little twinkle toes! :)

BonjourRomance said...

Thank you for these sweet baby's feet, the most fabulus gift of all!
Happy weekend,

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
A few years ago, I heard someone {who recently had a baby} say that when he held his child for the first time, he realized how much his own parents love him.
I hope you had a wonderful time of togetherness with your parents...
Enjoy the remaining days of your vacation, Koralee~
Blessings always, ~Maria

Anonymous said...

oh how adorably precious....just when you think you're done with kids and having anymore, you go and see an image like this and all of a sudden melt and want another one!
well......almost! lol

2 cute...

I wanted to thank you again Koralee...your buttons are on their way!
ciao bella

Pretty Zesty said...

That is just too precious!!! Have a great weekend! I've been bad about the blogging. Happy to be back over here!

Catherine said...

Sweet baby toes!!! Don't wee baby feet look like they are just made for giving kisses to? Yes...I think they do...!! :)

Unknown said...

Tiny baby feet are the best! They are delicious! Happy Weekend!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Such a precious gift ~ love.... and the little baby feet are so darling and sweet.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful post.

Happy weekend

Unknown said...

ahhhhh soooo cute!!! we made 3-D replicas of my siblings' feet when they were 6-months old. SO ADORABLE.

ps. visit my blog at:

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I don't do well with crying, fussy babies anymore and am so glad my children are growing up but I have to say, I adore baby feet. They are chubby and beautiful and oh so lovable! Wishing you a day of love filled with family and friends. :) Tammy

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

Oh those toes are so darn cute! I miss my kids have smelly feet!

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh so innocent! Happy friday and weekend my friend.

Tanna said...

That is truly a gift of love! Sweet, sweet love. I love your "surround yourself with loveliness" in your sidebar!! Just love it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Koralee,
Thanks for stopping by the Round-up! So as for the buttons... Tonya of Lucky Girl Designs helped me. She's my "blog Coach" and I wouldn't know what to do without her! Tell her I sent you!

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

There is nothing sweeter than baby feet!
A fabulous Friday Favorite.
Thank you~

Laura said...

I could just kiss those toes. A baby is true love.

BardotBlue said...

omg precious little baby feet

xoxo barot in blue

Sue said...

You did it! You cheered me up!

Rose Farnsworth Davis said...

Ohhhh, you got me! Too precious for words...

Angela Burman said...

So very beautiful. Makes you feel good to be alive