Saturday, May 22, 2010

{fluttering away}

.....another dance competition here we come
this time we get to go away for a few days
meet you back here on Tuesday
{maybe with some dance photos}
{i cheated today...these images are from google}

Have a Great Weekend


GardenOfDaisies said...

Good luck to your girls at the competition! I used to have a bag that looks quite a bit like that! LOL!

Hearts Turned said...

Have fun! Hope they do well!


~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Good Luck to your darling dancing daughter en have a good time to you, hope you will take a lot of pictures! xoxoxo

Julie Harward said...

Have a blast with your daughter...I love to do that with the kids...good luck to her, may it be, all fun! :D

krys kirkpatrick said...

Good luck, may the dancing feet fairy be with you.

Maria said...

♥ What a Wonderful Mom ♥

And une grande "Bonne Chance" to Sydney as well!
~Enjoy all the time together~
~Happy Victoria Day too~
Blessings to you and your family ~always~

Kissed by an Angel said...

Good luck with the competition!!!

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

Oooh sounds like fun! Definitely post some pics!

Unknown said...

oh this sounds like so much fun!!! enjoy these wonderful outings and make great memories!!!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

OH BOY! HAVE FUN KORALEE!!! And I know that you are going to have some awesome home-grown photos to share with us!! Thank you for coming on down dearest....I so love seeing you come and comment! Bisous, Anita

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Have fun with your girl and good luck for the competition! I used to ferry my 2 girls around for this, one plays the piano, one is a gymnast!

Anonymous said...

oh have a wonderful time! and remember to have fun!

the photos are nice...but yours are always better...!!!

creative carmelina

Anonymous said...

Oh Koralee I want to come too!!! Good Luck to the girls...I could never enter BEAR in competition...she truly does have 2 left feet :D
See you tuesday.

grace said...

oo, i hope there are pictures!

Geisslein said...

wish you a great weekend too!

Bring Pretty Back said...

Good luck at the competion!

Poppies and Sunshine said...

There must not be a suitcase in this world that's cuter than that! Adorable! Have a great, safe weekend. *hugs*

Beatnheart said...

all the best and have a great time ..

myletterstoemily said...

you will surely have the most darling

Anonymous said...

Oh lucky you, I want to come,lol.Im remembering going to those,I loved them.Til this day I would go anywhere there is a dance anything.Have Fun,cant wait for the photos.

Brenda Pruitt said...

Life for mothers is very busy. Been there. You be safe and have yourself some fun while there.

It's me said...

Good Luck to your sweet dancing daughter.............enjoy your time !!

Hgs from me.......xxxxxxx...I miss you already...............bye !

Pamela said...

Good luck to your daughter at her dancing!
I just love girls in dance...always wanted to be in ballet!
I used to have a suitcase just like this one in the photo!!
See you on Tuesday Koralee!
Pamela xo

Teresa said...

Happy Happy Happy Dancing!
How FUN for you and your sweet girl to go on these dance outings together!
Such sweet memories...
memories that will DANCE in your heads forever and ever!

Karena said...

How fun!! Great little bag, it is delightful.

Art by Karena

Anne Lorys said...

I discovered your lovely blog via the blog roll of one of our mutual blog buddies, what a happy find you are!

I've spent the last little bit just ooohing aaahing over your gorgeous photos. :-)

So nice to meet you!


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Have a wonderful and safe trip away, dear friend and look forward to your return.
It will be great to see some photos.
Best of luck to your sweet dancing daughter.


Marilyn Miller said...

Have a wonderful time dancing through the weekend.

June said...

Koralee this sounds so fun. Wishing you a great time ahead. Oh pictures would be great of the competition!

Libbie said...

Sounds fun! You girls have a good time together! Make some memories!

Angela Harris said...

Love your color combination in your photos! Pink and turquoise are the best colors together!!

Thank you so much for coming by my blog and Etsy shop! So nice to meet you!
i'll be back to check often :)
Angela Harris

Anonymous said...

Yes, but still very pretty have such great taste xx

Unknown said...

have fun sweet friend!! see you tuesday! hugs, susan

Decor To Adore said...

I adore that suitcase. I had a similar one as a girl.

FrenchGardenHouse said...

This brings back so many happy memories for me. Little girls. tutus...stage lights! Hope you are having a lovely time, I am so glad I discovered your happy corner of the world today. xo Lidy

Bralliz said...

Good Luck to ur girls!! xoxoxo alice

anni said...

your blog is really cute :)

Luiza said...

Have the time of your life!
I wish you all the happiness you can ever have!!!
Can´t wait to see some images =).

Hugs & Love/

silvermoon said...

I just visited your blog and I like it.
Greetings from Switzerland :-)
Claudine said...

Oh Koralee, good luck and hope to see some photo's on Tuesday.

beth said...

dance photos would be great !

Susan said...

Many years ago my little girls were tiny dancers...Oh, how the years go by! Best wishes to your ballerina extraordinaire!

debra@dustjacket said...

Hope everything is going great, such sweet pic's too.

Was catching up and got the missing object, still have my wits!!

hugs DJ

Kellie Collis said...

Hope it goes really well!! xxx

Martha said...

Good luck to your daughter...can't wait to hear all about it! Gorgeous pics too!

Julie said...

Sounds like fun! And I love your bag very cute!

Randi Troxell said...

good luck and have lots of fun..

and btw- that bag is soooo rocking... i wanna me one sooo bad!!!!!

Debbie said...

Hi Koralee...Happy Victoria Day!!
I hope your daughter is/has done well and that you both had a fantastic time. Mother & Daughter times are so special...wonderful memories I am sure will have been made.

Cristie said...

Enjoy the time with your daughter, best of luck to her!

Melanie's Randomness said...

I used to dance a long time ago & I miss it!! I hope you enjoy the competition!! Good luck to her!!

Cornflakes and Honey said...

Have a wonderful time dancing away Koralee!!

And no, you didn't cheat using google, lol! xx

Rosie said...

Hoping all has gone well,and that fun was had by all!...looking forward hearing all about Rosie

Unknown said...

Ooooh have fun, and good luck!!!

theUngourmet said...

Have a wonderful time and best of luck! ;)

Barbara said...

Good luck with the competition and most of all, have fun. Can't wait to read your next post!

Lulu and Co. said...

Have a wonderful time and best of luck!

Nicola said...

Those photos are gorgeous!