this photo
some folks would say
too much pink....
I say
why can't this be my home?
{my friend Tammy shared this image here ...take a peek to see more pink Christmas pretties}
{my other dear friend ... Susan... painted her font door pink this summer....sooooo clever and sweet
see her door here}

with so much pink inspiration....
I just had to make these lovelies

a classic treat with a pink twist....
perfect for Friday Pretties
{please visit Joyce's blog here for more pretties}
Happy Friday
hugs to all my new followers...
and my sweet old ones
Happy pink ! When I visit your blog I always think Oh my .... How do you do all this .... You have a family , a job and also the most inspiring blog .
I feel like a dumbo because I still have not learned how to work with pictures and other colours and sizes and so on .
But now I will go and find out !
Thank you for inspiring me and make me happy with your pinks
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
So many pretty things this morning! Have a happy day, sweet friend! ♥
Those must be a classic favs with some yummie pink marsh-mellows tossed in. What a de-light-ful, de-lish, de-vine treat. Now, if I could just find some rainbow colored ones, I would be joining you in your heavenly dreamland of pink today. Wonderful pictures and such sweet images today.
I know you are going to have a de-lect-able, dream-like weekend, my sweet friend,
Kate - The Garden Bell
There can never be too much pink. Except when you need to down that not-so-tiny cap of Pepto. Yech!
YAY, this post is bringing a smile to my face!
Have a bright and pinky day! :)
(have you seen I follow you on twitter as well?)
I say - do what you love, be who you are...Jennifer
A pinkiful sparkle is aways welcome. Much love for the weekend, you will probably be off and running right now. Make sure you get some R&R too. I hope your back is kind again to you by now.
I'll be spending my Saturday with lots of m e - t i m e. Get a massage in the morning and catching up with a former colleague in beautiful Delft.
What a pretty front porch and those pink rice crispy treats look so delicious :-) Have a wonderful weekend!
You should totally have a pink door. I mean, if not you, then who?
Oh my, I want my door to be pink too (if my husband doesn't not object to that, LOL!) I once have a friend who painted her door lilac, I thought it was so pretty cool!
a pink door!!
i bet it was BEAUTIFUL!!!
have a wonderful weekend!!
I LOVE pink too!..that door is adorable (both of them) and all the christmas decorations, My favorite! LOVE a pink Christmas.
And yes, the roses are not real, good guess :)
~ Have a happy weekend!
pink love to you, my dear,
from my pink pitter patter heart to yours.
Hey Koralee, such a yummy, soft pink heaven these pix here, aw, am so in need of softness and sweetness after a strenuous week! Thanks for coming and your nice comment on my painting - i know how we both love beautiful colors! xox :)
I could see doing a pink Christmas even though pink isn't my usual color. I'm not sure I could do my front door...but the rest of it, easily.
Lovely pink today.The pink is gorgeous for Christmas.I love it! For me and my house Im not sure... I think I would enjoy trying it one time though.The pink door?? Interesting and cute but I couldnt get away with it with a red brick home.
The treat looks scrumptious as always.I love marshmellow any way shape or form ha.
Happy weekend to you!
Absolutely perfect for Friday Pretties ... perfect for any day actually ... perfectly soft, perfectly pink ... I just adore pink as well Koralee!!! Love these images today! (And a great way to end October, "Breast Cancer Awareness Month"!)
Hello Koralee I love your pink post too,I wish you a sweet pink weekend,enjoy it....
Happy friday pretties darling............pretty pink friday post !! love it.....Ria....
no such thing as too much pink!!
yummy, yummy, yummy.
such a pretty soft pink, love it koralee! i don't know where to find exclusively pink mini-marshmallows here in the states.
hope your weekend is extra special...
These pictures I really adore :) Happy weekend! xoxoxo
Looks like heaven!!!
This is some pink goodness!!
Thanks for linking to my pink door, Koralee!
Oooh...the pink inspiration here!!! I just LOVE the idea of snowflakes and and a tree for the porch!!! I bought a shimmery wreath at at Christmas gift shop in Rockport this summer.
I also bought pink marshmallows just because they were pink! I will be on the lookout for more now that hot cocoa days are coming!
Your pics always bring sweet smiles...mmm... the yumminess!!!
Wishing you a sweet krispy treat week-end, my friend, no tricks!
PS Ours was a pro D day today too! Only,
I COMPLETELY forgot until I walked into the building and wondered where everyone was...
Sometimes I worry about me... :) We didn't have to be there until 8:00 am today! Me...early???? Not usually! :)
Anyway, it was a very productive day after all was said and done! :)
Oh Koralee.
I just KNOW that your home is just as heavenly....all of your beautiful photographs show us that.
Your pinks are so pretty and you've given me a marshmallow cloud to float on for the weekend !! XXXX
I'm not usually a pink girl, but those pink marshmallows are adorable. Lovely images as always Koralee. Have a great weekend.
I am always in the mood for pink! I love the shot of that door - A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E! I am lucky to have a hubby that puts up with my love of pink in our bedroom. Such a great color.
you MADE the marshmallows? mm-mmmm!
such pretty pinks.
wishing you a safe & yummy halloween!
I can't believe this..but the pink door reached out and grabbed my heart...love it! :D
I am learning to like pink. It hasn't been my color, but seeing your pink does help. I even saw some pink Christmas balls at the antique store tonight and was tempted, but my eye caught the silver ones and I was in love.
I love how heavenly and delicious your posts are :)
I am in love with anything pink so these pictures are making me sing!
I am a huge pink fan too! What a delicious reminiscence in pink.
Have a lovely weekend xox
Just a fool for pink here! Such lovely sites to visit, too, Koralee. I really enjoy going to new sites and a pink door...so pretty! You just cheer me up when I am having a hard time sleeping!
THIS IS PERFECT. My husband wonders why he only gets 2 or 3 comments per every post and I pointed him your way. This is why; you provide heaven in a sweet way with lovely photos...he is a great writer, but who has time to muddle through heavy words? This is what we in the tough working world want...an escape into beauty. Lovely post dearest, Anita
BEAR looked up from her nap when i gave an audible AAAAHHHHH...this is what your posts do for me...love you so much...
So sweet pink, Koralee!!! The image is soooo cute! I wish I could cross that pink door and check the inside...
The prettiest Friday Pretties you have!!!
Have a bright weekend!! Love! Bela.
Oh wow i absolutely love your friend's pink door! So cute, it looks like a little house from a fairy wonderland or something :)
Such beautiful pink images, a wonderful delight!
Thank you for such beautiful words you left on my blog,
Have a weekend filled with beauty and joy. xxxx
yummy pink. i (heart) pink. those marshmallows are so sweet!
have a fun weekend.
...wow after looking a@ these images I feel like I am floating on a cloud...a pink cloud!
A pink door? I've never seen such a thing. But I love it.
xo M
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