it's the little things that make me smile.....
like my sweet new potholder
that cozies up to my
pinks and blues
{potholder found here at this beautiful etsy shop} if you smile when no one else is around
you really mean it
a. rooney
sending you all some snowy hugs.........boy is it ever coming down today
the perfect baking day indeed!
What are you baking?
Love the pic as usual - have a great sunday! :-)
thanks sweetie!! we made some potholders for the sale with that sweet life line we are revealing then.....that one is so cute that you got!
anne marie
I do find joy in the little things. Much eyecandy, as always.
Lots of love and sunshine, woo hoo, from Belgium. We saw Brugge by boat and on horseback today, woo hoooooo again xoxoxoxoxo
I am capturing your snowflakes dearest...we started YESTERDAY and there is still a gentle fall today. Staying in with the exception of a little trip to go find a small table..yes, the LITTLE things in life make me smile. And sometimes I find myself smiling all by myself; A. Rooney would be proud of me! One Christmas, Ruben gifted me a beautiful ring...IT IS STUNNING. Then, in another package was a little finger puppet. I cried. He laughed. He says, "The little things really move you, don't they?" Yes, indeed. Have fun, and I am thinking of you dear one ! ANITA
I'm hanging out in the kitchen today too ~ way tooooo cold to go outside. Making pasta sauce and just made a banana bread ~ yum ;-)
I could certainly use some pretty new pot holders. Mine take such a beating. Thanks so much for the link to pretty pot holders. Going to go take a look see now.
Cute potholder :) The sun is shining here (for right now anyway), I will still be baking!! =) Xoxoxo
Such pretty shades of pink and blue!
Susan x
The potholder is great and I love the pink and blue, oh and YES, I'm smiling while I reading you blog:-) xxx susan
I really love that " If you smile when no one else is around you really mean it" it's so true. There's really no better room to hang out than the kitchen Enjoy!
Hi Koralee! What a nice surprise to see your comment on my blog! :) Wow! you really have some gorgeous photos here(as always)...I need to stay awhile and get inspired! Stay warm! It's sunny but cold here today, should be ok for the red carpet though!
I am smiling over here in front of my computer, I had to call my daughter Jazz in the room "Oh my gosh, look my potholder!" We both are smitten with the photo you took of it and of course all the others that grace your beautiful blog. I am so happy that it makes you smile:)
Biggest thanks,
sincerely, katy
Happy baking Koralee! So sweet your kitchen accessories. Things like this indeed can make yu smile! Cheers for a lovely evening!
As I have told you before, I love your kitchen!!! It´s so happy and colorful!
Hope you had a wonderful day.
I think having our pretty little favorites around us just makes for a nicer day ~ don't you?
Have fun baking!
Keep warm Koralee!
xo Catherine
Very sweet pot holder! Your pictures always make me smile!
Happy Baking Day!
Hi Koralee . .. your blog makes me SMILE :-) :-)
I am very happy that my well wishes worked for you ♥ How lucky is your daughter ..?? VERY LUCKY .. how wonderful to be going to school in Sweden .. and she gets a trip to Paris too hugs to you
Hi Koralee,
That potholder and thos cups really are nice!!!
Wish you a happy new week!
Lieve groet, Madelief xox
Sounds like a good day to bake some cookies! Happy Sunday.
I would LOVE to hang out in YOUR sweet kitchen!
I know it's the SWEETEST kitchen of all!
Been thinking about your today!
We are planning our ten year anniversary trip to Tofino on Vancouver Island!
I send you back a bog smile from France!
And your potholder is just great.
Hey lovely friend,
I've been moaning all day (about nothing in particular) so popped on to my favourite blogs for some smiles! Yours never fails (no pressure!)
thanks for visiting me today...sunday hugs a plenty for you too...fee x
sounds like a perfect sunday, miss koralee. i hope your week starts off well.
Gorgeous potholder and such a sweet little blue cup! :)
Vivienne x
love your new pot holder!.....
Its so beautiful out!...waiting for sweet bread in the oven..watching hockey sipping a latte!...hmmm does it get better...then a walk in the creekpark to make up for the lazyness!
hey..May 28th! Clayburn Village Schoolhouse!...put on by
I will be there!....hope you can make it!
Yes, I agree. Those little things can keep a smile on my lips for days!
lovely pictures, Snow O my we don't want that back again...spring is on its way im hoping its going to stay a while ;-)) Happy baking, dee x
Oh Koralee I cannot imagen how it must be to have so much snow when MARCH is around the corner ! The weatherman announced less cold and pleasant temperatures .
Will send some sunshine as soon as possible !
Have a cheerful week sweet friend .
Dear Koralee,
I love your sweet pink and blue cups and the potholder.
How lovely to bake on a cold day, the warmth and the smell in the kitchen is divine.
Wish I could send over a little sunshine, stay warm and have a lovely new week.
Such a sweet potholder, and you can never have enough of those, can you?
It snowed here on and off all day yesterday. Today is crisp and cold, but a beautiful sunny day :-)
I just love to visit here!
Happy new week darling.....laugh and have fun !! love Ria.....xxx....
Love everything you have hanging there. I was sitting here smiling at the photo without even realizing it until I read the quote. Must be the real deal.
Lisa x
Such gorgeous pictures! Fabulous potholder. Love the quotes! Have a wonderful week!
Happy Day to you Koralee!
Lovin' your pinks and blues ~ and of course handmade things ♥
The weather is wacky, isn't it! Chris and I noticed the weather systems on the west coast this weekend... wild stuff!
Keep warm and cozy dear ♥
~ and now ~ back to the Oscars ;o)
*and back to school for me tomorrow*
Have a sweet Monday ~
happy day to you...hope your baking is wonderful indeed...love that bright and cheery pot holder
So very pretty Koralee, and I love all the treasures hanging together on the old baking rack. These images certainly make me smile to myself!
I am smiling now xx
Love your wire baking/hanging rack, Koralee! No wonder you are smiling!
That's just so well-said, and I adore your beautiful pictures!
What a beautiful kitchen! I love baking! :)
Koralee, snow, now rain very cold. Your image cheered me up though!!
Come and enter my Artful Offering and read a great Interview!
Art by Karena
Hi Koralee! Congratulations, I am so happy to pass on to you a Stylish Blogger Award! I have no doubt you already have loads, but I hope you will accept! Love your blog. Please pop over to my blog to read all about it!
Love the pale cups, they are so pretty - and your great words hit the spot as usual!
Gill x
love the potholder.i knew i recognized it from kt40 :) she;s got great things :)
smiling ;)
Your blog makes my day and makes me smile! :D Have a lovely week!!!
We goy a combo of snow and rain and wind....now the snow is gone and it's just raw and cold. But Spring is in the air! Yippeee!
What a cute quote! Yes I smile when no one is watching!! hehe. =) Have a fun day in your kitchen!! =)
Hey lady I'm also running a Shabby Apple Dress giveaway today! If you get a chance be sure to enter!!
Shabby Apple Dress Giveaway!
About that smile thing. I try to have a smile on my face when I am walking down the street....nothing big, just a little upturn rather than a downturn. People smile back, often. That little bit of contact with a stranger, make the world seem a little more connected. Your blog is an upturn too!
a smile doesn´t cost anything but it can do soooooo much ! Everyday when I come to the office I see so unmotivated faces... and I smile and they look at me so strange:-))) poor them!
I would love hanging out in your kitchen today. Oh I can just imagine the wonderful fragrance and beautiful things I would see.
Love all your happy posts. Love the colors in your kitchen. Little things do count and make me happy :) Have a lovely day :)
Hello, thank you for your lovely comment! You have a beautiful blog.
Lou xxx
yes, koralee!! i love secret smiles and secret giggles!! :) :) :)
have a happy week. :) BLESSINGS
Such lovely and soothing pictures! I'd love to see more of your beautiful house.
Have a great day, mon ami! We've had tornados here in Kentucky....spent the wee hours in the basement. All is well though.
Aw this etsy shop is lovely!
The potholder is such a very cute idea!
the potholder sure made me smile!
have a wonderful day
I know that I am guaranteed to smile when I visit here with you each time! My trusty coffee and a dash of Koralee...and all is well on this side of Canada!
ciao bella
Creative Carmelina
oh i just adore that expression! and i do smile extra big lots of times when i'm alone ... "i must really mean it." ;)
I love that saying! I must admit...this is the first time I've heard it. Quite convicting, I must say! (Love your pinks and blues!)
Fabulous!!! Love every creation by KT40!! Katy is amazingly talented!!!
Perfectly Captured!
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