Sunday, March 20, 2011

happy spring



Unknown said...

What a beautiful welcome for this elusive 'lady' ... she needs to hurry her arrival, I am ready to dig in the dirt.

Happy Spring ~

tinajo said...

The same to you dear! :-)

- said...

Welcome spring at last!

Marianne said...

Lovely tulip and lovely words! Hello there spring!

Dogwood said...

Spring is just around the corner for us California peeps.
Rain today but that is good for the soil to grow the green.
Have a fabulous day.

Carol said...

Welcome Spring....we all love you!!

Happy Spring to you my friend! xo Carol

Sem Nome said...

Happy new week, sweet Koralee!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh gorgeous friend, you are free, aren't you...two lovely weeks, sunshine, springtime, more could a girl ask for!! I have one more week to go and I will soon join you on your last week. Ruben is back home from an eight day trip and it is so much fun to have him back home. We are playing and dreaming of sunshine, as the rain gently falls. LOVE TO YOU DEAReST, Anita

Ruth Yoder said...

i love spring!! every year i feel renewed, and so energized. even after just having my baby last year. this year, i want to clean top to bottom and start a garden. my tulips are already coming up! Have a great day Koralee! Ruth

By the Bluegrass said...

Love tulips! They are in abundance around here at the Kentucky Derby time. It always reminds of this. Isn't spring exciting?

trish said...

Happy Spring to you too. :o)

Martina said...

So lovely! It felt like spring here today - and i saw tulips in my garden!

It's me said...


June said...

Happy Spring Koralee!
I loved your gratitude post. No truer words!!!
sending hugs

dutch sisters said...

Happy spring to you too! Enjoy your spring.

Kristina Clemens said...

Yay for spring! I'm more, more, more than ready...I had such a nice time looking through all your beautiful images!
Kristina J.

fee @ chipper nelly said...

hooray for spring!
must make sure i don't start yearning for summer insetad!!
Happy week my friend...fee x

Anonymous said...

Happy Spring!!! Xoxoxo

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Enjoy your tulips, Koralee, enjoy your Sunday too! We just got home again, we stayed in a lovely little cottage in the woods for 3 days. The weather has been amazing, brown tanned faces, how I love it!
Now I must be off to bed, so so tired. Much love always xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Happy spring to you!I'm so glad it is spring!! Traci

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Hooray for spring!! What a lovely post!!!

Mimi and Tilly said...

I've got daffocils in a jar, and cherry blossoms blooming outside my house. Gorgeous! Lovely words, thank you. Em x

Suz said...

Oh so sweet, Koralee. Such a lovely poem! Did I tell you that I love having your picture here?
Big hugs,

Anonymous said...

Happy Spring to you too!! :)
Vivienne x

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a happy joy filled spring xo

Monica said...

Happy Spring to you as well :)

Marilyn Miller said...

I just love the green things growing. Welcome Spring!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Happy Spring to you, sweet friend! Enjoy this week! I'm sending some sunshine your way! ♥

Anonymous said...

Green is my favourite colour!

Ciao Bella!

Creative Carmelina

Heidi said...

Happy Spring!!! said...

Happy Spring to you honey!

Susan said...

Just popping by to say "Hello, my friend!" My brother is here from Arizona mixing business and pleasure and I am hoping that I will be able to relax enough to enjoy some of the time with him! HAPPY SPRING, sweet bluebird! xxoo

Vintage Home said...

Happy Spring and enjoy the holiday!

Rubyred said...

Happy Spring to you Koralee!
It's a beautiful sunny day her!
Rachel x

Aprendeconvale said...

wish you a lovely spring to you, too!! kisses

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh sweet Koralee, you are ON BREAK! ENJOY EVERY QUIET MOMENT OF IT DEAREST, but it was so kind of you to pop in, and I am so honored that you would do that! YES, ONE MORE WEEK and I think I can make is a presentation of writing projects then Friday is a science fair and Thursday is an assembly..whew...I do think I can MAKE IT!!!! BISOUS et GROS CALINS MA BELLE!! Anita

Life love, clutter and other beautiful things. said...

Lucky you!!! We are having 'autumn confetti' at the moment xox

Hanlie Joubert said...

i love spring too! have a wonderful week :)

Sue said...

There is nothing prettier than a tulip in the spring. Ours aren't blooming yet, but the green is showing!

Catherine said...

Happy Spring to you sweet Koralee!

Now... if you would be a dear and send some my way I truly would appreciate it friend... ;)

xo Catherine

LLOR said...

Hello, thank you for your response on my blog
it made ​​me really happy!
I do not speak English, I use an automatic translator!
I really like the "blue-blue-blue" for your very nice blog!
Your blog is Spring!

Luiza said...

Came to wish you a happy spring week!!!!!

FrenchBlue said...

Happy Spring right back at you my most darling one!!! Have a fun fun week!!

Pinecone said...

Happy Spring to you Koralee!!

Randi Troxell said...

i agree... happy happy spring!!!

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

YAY, Happy Spring to you my friend!

michelle said...

Happy Spring to you sweet friend!!! I hope that you are having a lovely day!

Unknown said...

How did you know that was my favorite color tulip. Great shot, as always. Sweet Springtime wishes.

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
Just about to close down my computer at work ...but thought to stop by for a little hello!
Oh today is the first day of spring...and IT SNOWED! did!
Even the kids {who cheered with glee at the first snowfall last November...} were just moaning to see it snow!
But I'm keeping warm inside with thoughts of springtime coming ... and it will!
The snow melting is the best sign right now!
No more melting this week though, since it became cold again!
Enjoy your first week of break! Oh how wonderful!
*blessings to you and all your family*

Suzy's Vintage Attic said...

Hi Koralee

Happy Spring to you. Such a wonderful season, my favourite! Isabelle x

Michaja said...

Happy spring to you too my friend!

Rizzi said...


Hearts Turned said...

Oh, Spring...I love it so! Such a sweet little poem to celebrate it's arrival, Koralee! When I stepped outside this morning, I was overwhelmed with the scent of growing wonderful!

Hope your day has been a lovely one, my friend!


Two Shades of Pink said...

You know, Spring was never been my favorite. I always have had a brown thumb and resented it a bit since I have a deep, abiding love for flowers. But recently, I have discovered you must PERSEVERE! Because even the greenest of thumbs...kill stuff. :) Now I love the process of growing things, the anticipation and the patience that goes along with it. Spring now delights me. Pure joy.

Faded Plains said...

I can't wait to see some green...we're expecting more white stuff this week...yuck.

Rosie said...

Oh Sweet Friend,
Tulips are a perfect sign of SPRING...Do ya think...maybe...the warm weather is here to stay? Oh I so Hope.
And TEA, yes,yes,yes...I would Love to go. I am still so slow (physically...ok mentally sometimes too...but that can't be helped :)) soon as I am a bit more stable I will call you dear one. Thank You :)
Enjoy this "break" my sweet...xoxoxo...Rosie