toast & jam
i couldn't help but be inspired by
the jam jar's clear rich colour....pure joy
~i just had to snap a photo of it to share with you~

bright & bold
stripes with florals
cherry reds & pinks
polka dots with checks
today I found my inspiration in an empty jam jar
where have you found yours?
{image of clothesline CL british edition}
~enter my Where Women Cook giveaway here.......i will pick a name tomorrow~
I love the colour of that jar! I wish my washing line looked like that, they're lovely fabrics :)
Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
Yes, I'll take color too, please. This morning I am inspired by vibrant purple pansies scattered amongst sunshine-yellow daffodils. ::sigh::
This morning I'm inspired by the hummingbird that was just buzzing around outside my window - lovely.
Beautiful! Inspiration is everywhere and anywhere isn't it :) This morning I found my inspiration in my Tim Horton's coffee, well that was for obvious reasons, no pretty colors ;) Beautiful post as usual Koralee. Have a lovely week my friend!
Natasha xo
Like the colors !!....happy day
Thanks for the reminder that inspiration and beauty are everywhere.
In my little Tippy, the mouse I have showed in my blog some time ago.Today she was very active...was doing aerobic exercises in the dining room and she was talking a lot..bla bla...smuff smuff.I can translate in English!.
I will post her photos in my blog!.
PRECIOUS!!! You know, the funniest thing happened this morning. I was on another blog and saw on your post on BAKED JUST FOR YOU on their sidebar. I ran over here so fast because it looked like BROWNIES on the page...but I found NOTHING! But now I come and see this lovely cherry preserve. You and Martina, Saskia and a few others have REALLY taught me to love color. Your capture the best of each hue and I am hooked now! My inspiration today comes from nature. I so love the color of the earth and since we still have so much snow, I am loving my white walls with hints of aqua...suggesting that BEACH WEATHER is in our future, sometime!!!!
Your blog! :0) a beautiful post as always.
Lou xxx
I must confess that sometimes I buy an item just because I am in love with the packaging. Hope your day is as sweet as that cherry jam!
I find it everywhere! I have to say, Koralee, that is the prettiest jam jar - what a wonderful, vivid shade of red!
I love it when an everyday thing looks so pretty :) today some little spring flowers peeping out made my day ( relief that I hadn't planted them upside down after all I think )
have a happy day x x x x x x
What a cheerful jar of jam. Next time I cross the border and visit your wonderful country, I will have to stop at a store and buy a supply of my own cute jars of jam :)
wow, i have never seen a red jam jar before ... adorable! and sadly, i haven't had much inspiration lately - too overwhelmed at work these days, but i do love to see all of yours! ;)
Hi Koralee... Ahhh my students have left for the day and I am able to sign in :o)
I am finding inspiration and refreshment in my yellow cup with red buds surrounding the top ~ filled with Stash's white tea and mint!
I also LOVE hanging clothes on the line and would be very sad to live somewhere that didn't allow it. I have heard of such neighborhoods :o( Not good for the environment to forbid a clothesline!
Looking forward to a dry backyard so that my linens will smell like heaven!
*Happy Monday dear ♥
That jar of jam brought back good memories. I used to eat a lot of that jam when I used to visit my Grandmother and Aunt in Belgium when I was a child!
Red & pink is favourite colour combination of mine.
Isabelle x
I'm finding myself inspired by other peoples boards on pintrest quite alot lately (or at least that's how I justify my time there...)
I recently inherited a big bag of crochet doilys and today I was inspired by this pin to make a table runner
Not inspired to actually make it you understand!!!
Love fee x
Hi Koralee,
And I am sure your toast and jam was yummy because it looks good.
Also love the washing line with all the bright fabrics and colours.
I went to look in the fabric store yesterday as I might do some sewing, and loved the selection of wonderful, bright and beautiful fabrics.
Have a happy day
In simple beauty we can find great pleasure...Toast & Jam and delightful images as these!
Thank you Koralee for inspiring me threw your photography!
I am inspired by our amazing daughters who know they can do anything and choose to be women of God!
Your jam jar is much prettier than any jam jars I see in our stores! Yummy! It is very gray here today, but I am inspired by the colors of thread in my new "gifted" piece of furniture. You can see it on my blog if you have time for a visit.
Dear Koralee, I find my inspiration on a nice song , while driving to the office, or a nice flower like daffodils.... kisses and of course by stopping at your blog!
Never seen a jar with a colour! It's great.
I got inspired by working with oilcloth today. Eventhough it's a touch material working with my head explodes with ideas what I can all make with it!
Ciao Koralee
I could not open your post on baking yesterday, it kept telling me that the page didn't exist... happy to visit you today, I know that jam brand! Actually, cherry jam is my favourite :-) and the colourful photo... yep, colours are good, if you know how to match them!
Dear Koralee,
That last picture looks beautiful! I wish my laundry looked like that :-)! What inspired me today......ohh....I have been busy organising things for my work all day and had hardly any time left to dream....I will have to think about it!
Enjoy your evening!
Lieve groet, Madelief
i found mine today, in a paper store!
love your bright cheery colors-and finding beauty in something as simple as a jam jar :)
Lovely post, your blog always give me inspiration in your peaceful words and beautiful calming colours it always makes me relaxed and chilled out. Dee x
I am so often inspired by color!!
The more and the brighter the better!! :)
I love the photo you chose and that you were inspired by a jam jar...simple pleasures.:)
Have a wonderful week. :) :) :)
Beautiful pictures today!
Now I am inspired, too! Thanks!
lovely's funny where inspiration can come from.
lovely post!
my inspiration for today's post: the whipped cream i ate yesterday with my ginger and walnut cake!
happy week,
How marvelous to be inspired by a jam jar! I am inspired by YOU! I really love your photos, and all the lovely colors you manage to capture with your camera.
What a bright post, dear Koralee!!!!!!!!!!!
VocĂª Ă© muito criativa!!
You are very creative!!
I love jam!
I love vintage!
I love reds and pinks!!!
I love YOU!
I love that you, my dear friend, can find inspiration in anything. :) It is so wonderful to see the beauty in things, a true gift to treasure. :)
Hugs to you!
Such a colourful, cheerful post, I love it! I find my inspiration in morning walks :)
The sweetest posts come from you!
YOu are just a charmer!
xo Yvonne
Oh that jar is like heaven to look lovely! I recently have been so inspired by the blue of the sky against the vibrant green of the trees. I find myself thanking God for His beautiful artistry.
i LOVE that jam... have not tried that one... will have to pick it up.. just the raspberry... and i soooo am addicted to jam jars... i have so many in my pantry and refrigerator... it is insane... i love looking at them...
i hope you are having a great day sweet friend... xoxo
i love toast!! especially with jam. when i was pregnant, I ate toast All the time. I craved it.
i'm inspired by all the beautiful fabrics i saw today at the store!
oh I found mine playing with my toddler
Love that you found inspiration in something as simple as a jam jar!
I found mine today from some scrapbooking paper.I so love polka dots! I might be a little obsessive about them. Traci
i ALWAYS find mine here! i can't believe how your
photos resemble one another.
Ahh dear one, this is a cheery place to be in the early hours. You find the "lovely" no matter where He hides it. Where did I find my inspiration today? ....
......In a "Buckleys" bottle...
...........YUCK! =:p ........... least I have great reading material ~ :) ........thanks, you saved me...xoxo R
Your creativity always inspires me. You are one of the people I was thinking about on the post I just published :-)
Wow wow wow..... this is STUNNING!!!!
~sending warm hugs from Vegas! hope you get some nice weather over there soon!
I love your photos, maybe because I love color just like you! The jar is wonderful, you have to keep it when it's empty!!!
Chris :o)
oooh im smitten with deep reds and plums of late too...especially cranberry red and pomogrenate red. :))
How I would love to put your vibrantly colored jar on my table, pure joy.
I found some inspiration early this morning when receiving a little black and white gingham bag storing a wee happily wrapped present for my oldest daughter. I loved the bag already! Cannot wait for Vinciane to open it, I am soooo curious, always have been, always will I am afraid.
Anyways, much much love always, Koralee. Your Tuesday is off, make it a great one. I am off to grab another latte, will raise my cup to YOU
what a happy color and one of pure joy
GOOD MORNING BEAUTIFUL FRIEND! Oh, you got to go to ROSIE'S PLACE? WOWWWW, I so dream of popping in to her shop, UNEXPECTED, asking for her, then luckily if she were there, I would just look at her and smile and let her guess who I am! I bet she has great people working for her, and HER SHOP HAS GOT TO BE THE BEST IN TOWN!!! What fun you must have had; one of my favorite things is to visit great shops, browse, BUY, and chat with the ladies. OH YOU ARE GETTING YOUR SPRING BREAK NEXT WEEK!!!! MINE FOLLOWS the week after, and we are gonna have our fun, aren't we dearest! DO YOU HAVE PLANS??? Our weather here is finally getting a little warmer (50s) and we are getting a thaw, so that can influence some plans....YES, we are ALL dragging our heels here too but EVERYONE, including the kids, are so tired. BE A SPARKLING LIGHT TODAY BEAUTIFUL KORALEE!!! Love, Anita
Ooooooooh!! Yesssssssss reds and pinks. Bliss xox
You know how to make every day a celebrated day sweet friend. The rain must stop now I send a STOP-THE-RAIN-AT-KORALEE'S-WISH ....
Overhere ... you should see my gardentable ...
daffodills grape-hyacinth's primroses , all waiting to be put in pots and baskets .
Sunshine and tea in the garden ....
Hope you will have all of this soon !
Ooo black cherry jam!! YUMMY!! I found inspiration in a fortune cookie! =)
Melanie's Randomness
That is really cute! A great reminder that inspiration is everywhere...
That's so vibrant. I can see why it inspired you! I am currently being inspired by the whopper easter egg candies that are out... the only problem is I keep eating my inspiration. Can't resist! xo Malia
Always here Koralee. Truly it always feels so pretty and inspiring here.
Have a beautiful day.
I am such a color girl too! I love the colors that you have shown today. They just make me Happy!
Me too. I dream of pretty colors! Your photos make me happy!
hi koralee!
(i love CL-british edition)
i find inspiration in things like jars of preserves all the time! you are speaking my language.
berry sweet post!
Yikes! I trust that woman washed everything separately?? :O
I love color too...and mixing and matching.
I love the photo of the jam jar! :D
I didn't know they make marmelade though. In Germany there are only Hero juices available.
I do love color, and bright sparkly things. Thanks for the b-day wishes. xxx susan
I do love the colors you share. Is that a red jelly jar? I have never seen one this color.l
Hello, dear Koralee,
Thank you for this topic. I realized I found my inspiration in cocktail napkins! We are in California staying with friends (Jud is being evaluated) and, when we arrived, they had wine and nice cheese platter. I realized the cocktail napkins matched the "creatures" I am using for a postcard swap. I snatched everyones!!! Made sure they didn't use them too much ;-) I am either going to decoupage or Diamond Glaze them onto the back!
Love the sun shining through the jar! Very pretty! Looks like a great flavor too! I might need a taste :)
My inspiration for the day came in a tea-bag.
Liptons Alpine fruits - its the most beautiful deep pink and tastes divine hot or cold. Served in a pretty pink cup and saucer - my bit of prettiness on a wet miserable day.
And, of course your blog - love the colours.
PS: I never did get my egg.
Yes, I place beautiful jams on the windowsill in the's the best!
SO HAPPY you stopped at the shop...
SO SAD I missed your visit...
So HAPPY you found a wee treasure...
So Sad...nope, I'm done with sad...
So Happy your
Oh the jam jar would make the most sweet vase for green or white flowers... <3
I love love love color! One of the nicest compliments I received recently was from one of my daughters friends who said "your home is so colorful" . While I am naturally drawn to color, I also like soft neutrals....beige, white, cream, etc. I think I just like pretty!
Beautiful jam jar...yes, it's the simple things that catch your eye that give you that little spark of inspiration. Thanks for sharing yours.
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