Sunday, November 6, 2011

{tin it}

lately I have been 
"tinning it"
storing everything in sweet tins

my latest beauty is this 
blue charmer

it has found a home on my table top
any guesses on what it might store?
Just for today....
Be gracious & kind


Banebakken said...

Hello : )

..and THANK YOU so much for your nice comment!!
Your blog is just beautiful.. the colors.. the pictures...

Have a nice sunday : )


Kathy said...

Beautiful way to store things and I adore your blue cake plates! Gorgeous!

It's me said...

Beautiful !!! enjoy a happy sunday have fun !!!

Terra said...

The tin is lovely and I can't guess what it stores. Well, one try, tiny pine cones?

silly old suitcase said...

I loooove that tin, beautiful colour!
Isn't 'tinning' the best way to store all
those little treasures?


Anonymous said...

I have been starting to collect little vintage tins (mostly from Etsy) and my project for the tins is to use them to store home-made marshmallows and give as gifts for Christmas....I adore your blue tin, beautiful =) Xoxoxo ~Ashley

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


Whatever it holds, it surely holds a place in MY HEART for I can see all the hues of our blues inside...oh dearest, it is a magnificent Sunday and soooo good to be here on time, for once!

HAPPY DAY and yes, be kind, always! Anita

Blessed Serendipity said...

Knowing you it must be something sweet.


KaPaworld said...

Beautiful...It looks very romantic from another age....

Madelief said...

Oh Koralee,

I love blue and I love tins. This tin is beautiful!! What a great find. The next thing is to fill it with some delicious cookies :-)

Have a lovely new week!

Madelief x

Helen Philipps said...

Such a delightfully decorative blue tin....does it contain Christmas baubles???
Helen x

GardenOfDaisies said...

That is such a beautiful blue tin! I think it has sprinkles in it... for making Christmas cookies. :-)

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

OMG, for starters, your blog has the look of a professional magazine, how I love your new look!
Such beautiful glimpse of your home, Koralee. Oh, and I do tin too (^.-)

flowersandhome said...

What a beautiful tin!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

And just imagine I almost missed the latest arrival at the BlueBird's House. Perfect find and Perfect storage. Can I come shop with you or could you come here and shop with me? You are always finding the best "stuff"...

Irma said...

beautiful!!!! vintge is great :-))

Alessandra said...

Lovely blues and decorations on your box, a real beauty!


Unknown said...

Lovely tin! Perhaps it has chocolate chip cookies in it or little balls of twine?
HOpe you are having a beautiful relaxing Sunday! I love your blog's new design and menu! xo

à la parisienne said...

When my mother in law and I go to yard sales and flea markets, she is always on the hunt for pretty tins. She uses them as boxes for packaging gifts, and they are oh so charming!
My guess is that your pretty tin holds some special candies???


Rizzi said...


Elyse said...

loving the glimpses of your sweet style in the background!!! want to see more!!!


Hoola Tallulah said...

Oh that pink chair in the background, that colour is brilliant!

Teresa Kasner said...

I think there are cookies in the tin! At least I would like that.. or chocolates.. handmade in a chocolate shop in Belgium. :-)

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Lovely tin - and I would definitely use it to hold cupcakes OR chocolate chip cookies!

Gabriela Delworth - Instructional Designer said...


I also love tins, yours looks beautiful!


Nancy's Notes said...

I'm crazy about your tin, it's awesome. I just love the color!


Sherri B. said...

I have a very big, soft spot in my heart for pretty tins. There are none with that beautiful blue in my collection...I'm a wee bit jealous, but happy for you all at the same time, hehe! xo

Anonymous said...

Cookies? Lovely tin, lovely photos. :)

Holly Loves Art said...

I love tins! This is a real beauty!

Jacqueline said...

Dearest sweet koralee, that is a really gorgeous tin! I love the design and the beautiful patterns. Have a beautiful merry happy week ahead and love to you!


Dagmar said...

hi Koralee...just bought "inspired ideas"...just love your Pom Pom making Pom poms right now here in AZ..while Jim is watching the Canucks! how can I save an imagine of the wreath so I can follow the instructions easie?...I just love it..might do mine red and white...You continue to inspire so many of us..especially me...have a wonderful week in BC!

Rosie said...

Oh girlfriend...that is a keeper!!!
Hmmmmm....I would have to say that that pretty little tin is probably a sewing caddy...
thread....sewing needles...buttons...
.......and.......L O V E ...........

Libbie said...

I can imagine you would have lots of goodies to stash in some tins (You ARE a girl:) & hopefully some treats :) She's a beauty!

Vintage Home said...


Palomasea said...

Dear Koralee, this is beautiful!

I love tins, myself.

I would have to say "cookies, cookies", in the words of the cookie monster..or is that too obvious?? ;)

A lovely week to you!
- Irina

Rosie said...

OK...dear one, the air is chilly and I do believe tonight is the maiden voyage for the "fuzzy toe warmer"...She is too pretty to use...I LOVE it so much... you are so special...thanks sweet one! ~R~

Anna at the Doll House said...

The tin looks as good as a cake, crowning your gorgeous cake stands.

I'm guessing that it is not filled with cookies. So, I suggest cookie cutters. or perhaps, cotton reels ...... I give-up, what's inside?


Deborah said...

Beautiful tin, could it have little blue cakes inside I wonder? ;) love your kitchen so pretty and comfy.

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!

francis said...

You wrote ......
and about what's in the tin ...
no pens , no papers hihi ....
something yummie ?
something "Koralee" ?
Your tin is absolutely beautiful !
Hope your new week is too !

Coco Rose Diaries said...

Oh I have such a love for pretty tins too! And what a gorgeous tin that is!

Have the most wonderful day my lovely!

Vanessa xxxxxxxxxxx

Martina said...

Blue and charming indeed - such happy pix! Love the pink chair in the background Koralee! Also, your new blogface looks great i think - it's good to see these photos a little bigger. Have a sweet day!

Victoria said...

Love. Love. Love.
Pleeeease tell me there are toffees in that tin!

jeanette from everton terrace said...

I have no idea but I'm certain it's delicious or beautiful - or both!

magie said...

What a lovely tin! I like your blue cake stands as pretty :)
Does it contain something yummy..candies, cookies..??

Unknown said...

I am going to guesssssss ..... ummmmmmm .... something crafty, not food. Maybe your little felt acorns?!?!?! I love the tin sitting on those darling cake stands - and the ornaments? So sweet! As are you! Have a wonderful week! xoxox

Pink Piccadilly Pastries said...

Oh what a lovely tin! I love sweet packaging! Let me see....are there some lovely shortbread cookies in the tin? Happy Monday! xoxo Jina

Unknown said...

Lovely Blue Charmer.
Popped over from Powder Blue...

Anonymous said...

Wonderful way to store things and I adore your blue cake plates. Amazing!

2d to 3d

Ace said...

Just wanna tell you that I enjoyed you blog!

recover music from iPod