dancing has taught her
work ethic
skills which carry over to
her everyday
this got me thinking
that so many
of the qualities she possesses
as a successful dancer
would be valuable
for us
in our
everyday lives

qualities/rules of a successful dancer
~ honest, reliable, faithful
~don't be afraid to take risks
~establish goals and work systematically toward achieving them
~free rides don't exist
~have confidence in yourself
~invite constructive criticism
~keep from making excuses
~listen, learn and always work hard
~never, ever give up on your dreams
~quality not quantity
~respect others
~reach for the stars
{I think I need to apply some of these to my life}
my daughter is dancing all weekend long in a
thank you for all your lovely comments....
I will try to visit you all soon
Yes. Great lessons, and you're right, not just for our children. I need to remind myself of a few of them more often. I think "invite constructive criticism" is something we might not think of as a lesson for our children, but it is vital. Good call.
Loved this post koralee!I love dance I always did.My odest took dance all her life almost.The youngest took Gymnastics.I think it did her so good to be a dancer and to learn such discipline.I took dance when I was young and returned about 2 years ago for adult dance along with my oldest.the best thing I ever did.I also love collecting ballet photos and other dance photos as well.
Happy Saturday to you!
That was "oldest" now I need to take typing and spelling hah.
I wish your daughter the very best luck and wishes during her dance competition this weekend! Absolutely love reading how very proud you are of her talents and endurance through life ~ you are so right, qualities we all could use and should practice daily!
AND I LOVE this drawing/chalk or watercolor? It is gorgeous! Did you do it?
These are valuable character traits and I agree with you about the discipline that is nurtured through dance. I have three daughters that have all had different disciplines from which to grow and mature. It is such a joy to see them succeed!
i was never introduced to dance as a child, but now i am..my 4 year old neice, Ella is taking ballet...and i go to every lesson..
what a delight...
blessings to your daughter..and you
What a lovely post and a lovely image! Hope your daughter does well this weekend in her dancing and enjoys every moment!
I love dancing!! The discipline of dance will stay with your daughter all her life!!! I hope she enjoys her weekend of dance!!!
I hope she enjoys her weekend of dance!!! and you too........blessings and hugs from me.........xxxx
Good luck to your daughter, Koralee!
Your list is exactly right...it does us good to reread the list often!
This is such a fantastic list! Hope you and your daughter enjoy a wonderful weekend! ;)
I always think that they are great lessons to learn whenever interview dancers - but of course they have the determination to keep them as life guidelines !
You are so right about those qualities. I'm sure you had a lot to do with your daughter developing them. I've said this before but I just love the colors in all your photos.
How I love your list, read it twice already and will read it one more time right away. My favorite is listen, learn and always work hard...
My fingers are crossed for your darling daughter. You, sweet Koralee, you enjoy looking at your talented daughter and being proud, so so proud all weekend long. Have a lovely time! xoxoxox
Beautiful pictures. I completely agree about dancing teaches great qualities. I was in ballet when I was 12. I thought it was a great outlet that helped me gain self confidence and some of the qualities you mentioned.
I have a feeling you possess all of these qualities and your daughter learned them from YOU! Sure hope her competition went well. Looking forward to hearing all about it! Thank you for another beautiful, reflective post, dear friend!
What you have said is so true, what a wonderful list of qualities.
My best wishes to your daughter for this weekend.
A beautiful illustration too,
Dear Koralee~
I could not agree more! Life is a dance... needing true balance to move graceful in positive motion.
Beautiful post!
being that I am a dancer's mother I can sympathize! and also know how much work is involved with a dancer! especially when they compete - the ups and downs of it all can be so much....
all the best! make sure you tell us how she did okay?
Hi Koralee,
How very proud you must be of your gorgeous daughter and I loved reading your post.
The qualities you have shared are all beautiful and yes, they do carry through in our everyday life.
I hope that your daughter has fun and enjoys her weekend dancing. Something so graceful and beautiful watching a ballerina.
Happy weekend, dear friend
Dearest Koralee...hoping you and your sweetpea have a great weekend...with many giggles ...love Rosie
Hi Koralee!
I'm a dancer too, and i love it!
Have a great Sunday!♥
xoxo alice
I hope your daugher goes well with the competition Koralee!
Those paintings are lovely :)
beautiful images and lovely thoughts. all wonderful qualities that I am sure your sweet daughter possesses along with a multitude of others :-D
xoxo Bardot in Blue
PS thanks for you sweet comment on my last post...I hope her will bother her less over time and never interfere with her dancing!
Dear Koralee,
Hope your daughter performs beautifully in her competition and enjoys every minute. You must be so proud of her.
Have a lovely new week, Koralee. XXXX
Such fabulous images dearest; dancing is in my family, my blood, my legs! What a wonderful experience that was and still continues to be for these qualities and requirements never leave you, even in your older years...God bless you and your dear daughter! Anita
I want to be Posy Fossil!
lOVELY image Koralee, so glad your daughter's migraines have eased. Sending you pirouettes and tulle,
Love Sarah x
You are so right. Both of my daughters have careers that involve the management of people. I believe these are the skills they learned playing sports. Thank-you Koralee for your lovely words on my blog.
So true!!
I have a dancer daughter too and skills she learned have carried her far and taught her so much!!
Hope your daughter is doing well this weekend
Good luck to your daughter, hope she is feeling better now. Wonderful qualities indeed..I have work to do, ere the sun goes down! Come say hi :D
It's amazing that such a beautiful art can also provide all the qualities you mention. It should serve her well in life!
Hi Koralee!
I love your photos and thoughts on a dancer's discipline, perseverance and work ethic...
This list belongs on my mirror and on my classroom wall!
... will also send this off to my brother & sister-in-law, their daughter is a lil' ballerina!
I hope the competition this weekend was a wonderful success in every way!
Bless the daughter ~ Bless the mother
Good luck in the competition!!! Hope all goes wonderfully! And dance and sports can teach wonderful qualities and life lessons if we listen!
I miss those days! My daughter was a ballroom dancer and I just loved watching them. Then she stopped a couple of years ago and is now finishing her masters. Time go's by so fast!
And now, Koralee, we shall do the dance of JOY!
have fun this weekend...
ciao bella
creative carmelina
These are so lovely Koralee.
Lulu Letty
Beautiful beautiful pictures...and I am for sure you most certainly have those qualities:)
Wonderful qualities for dancers. I have two sons who both danced for the Nutcraker (they still love me . . .) and learned so much from the experience. However, one of my sons went on to become a lineman on a the highschool football team and he would want it said that you learn all those same qualities playing football :)
Have a great week!
I have a dancing daughter too!! So beautiful to watch them is it not?
Brings me great joy!
i hope the weekend went well and she felt good about her dancing..i really enjoyed reading the qualities and agree how they can apply to us all! beautiful art work ..so elegant
Koralee, How beautiful is your picture of a ballerina! May i ask who the artist is? I love ballerina pictures! My daughters took dance when young and it was wonderful! Suzie
Koralee every post of yours is such a delight and I have missed coming by. I hope that your daughter had a wonderful time at her competition over the weekend!
Love the pictures! I think I will write those down and put them were I can read them often.
Great qualities to live ........
Hope your daughter did well.
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